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RP (non-canon) Rise of the United Factions of Mars

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Mars. Earth's first terra formed world. Independent settlements left alone by the rest of the system. To save themselves from invaders and crises, the small independent Martian factions unite into a single government, known as the United Factions, or simply UF. They are at war with a mysterious alien race, which call themselves the Sentinels. The Sentinels are inorganic, yet have organic neural structures, more complex than humans'. The Sentinels are in a civil war between a religious faction called the Followers of Light, and the larger and secular Sentinel Central Matrix.
Fox awakens in his small bed, woken by his wife Vixen. God, his family can't escape fox pins. Everyone calls him Fox, when his name if Todd. Yes, Todd Fox. He slips into his utility suit and checks his artificial left arm's calibration. "All good." He spoke. Vixen had rolled on top of him, waking him without affecting her whatsoever. He opened the door to his room and walked down the hallway of the long bunker, which he was stationed at for the moment. Fox walked to the armory and grabbed his standard armor suit and combat rifle. The UF had gone into the bunker in case of an attack, and had almost every bunker on Mars controlled. Fox happened to be stationed at bunker 014, one of the oldest. The thick walls made his footsteps echo as he walked to the mess hall to grab some rations. He opened the hydraulic door and heard it's familiar hiss and watched it's slow ascent. Someone else was in the hall, someone he don't recognize. But... Fox knew everyone stationed there, nobody ever left or got stationed here anymore. He wasn't even sure if the person has UF attire on.
((OOC: Just so you know, this will never be anything more than non-canon at this point. Earth is a lost planet, and even mentions of it are a no-no. We may be in the same universe, but we have absolutely no idea where earth is, or even how long it's been since we knew where it was.))
Just using a generic setting until I can think of a better one, working on ideas. Definitely going to change it, as this is more or less a draft. I wasn't going to mention Earth anyway, as it want relevant. Don't worry, I'll fix it.
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