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Approved Character Robert Davis


Well-Known Member
Name: Robert Davis

General Information
Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Male
Age: 50


Father: Alexander Davis (Dead)
Mother: Mary Davis (Dead)
Sister: Tina Parsons (alive, married)
Wife: Vivian Davis (Killed in Battle of Nepleslia YE 26)
Son: John Davis (Alive, aged 13, living with Tina Parsons)

Faction: Star Army of Nepleslia
Occupation: Commanding Officer, Liaison for the Star Empire of Nepleslia
Rank: Master Admiral
Current Assignment:

Physical Characteristics
Height: 6', 1.82 meters
Weight: 170 lbs (78 kg)

Build and Skin Color: Fit but hardly muscular. Average Build. Pale flesh-colored skin.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair color and Style: Short gray, neatly kept hair, which has receded behind his forehead. Robert has a gray beard and mustache, both of which are kept impeccably clean and well-combed.

Distinguishing Features: Robert's face show signs of age, having wrinkles below his eyes. He walks with a slight limp, usually carrying a cane to help support him, although he is hardly a cripple.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Robert Davis is an honorable gentleman who loves his country and fellow Nepleslians above all else. He holds himself to a high standard of conduct and is very polite, never swearing and treating others with respect. Robert Davis exudes an aura of quiet resolve and authority gained from the wisdom of his years and his experiences, and it's this unflappable nature that makes him so loved by his subordinates.

Likes: Devotion to the Nepleslian cause, Music, reading, social gatherings, polite discourse, loyalty, an occasional glass of wine.
Dislikes: Unnecessary violence, corruption within his ranks, insubordination, vice
Goals: To continue the proud Nepleslian tradition of independence, to make the Nepleslian army the greatest in the universe... and, secretly, to clean its rampant corruption.


Robert Davis was born on Nepleslia, where he lived with his moderately wealthy family--wealthy enough to avoid the violence of the streets. It was in this somewhat sheltered life where Davis learned the seemingly lost art of genteelness. Home schooled within his conservative familial environment, Davis learned to love his homeworld. As soon as he turned 18, he joined the Nepleslian army, focusing on maintaining the peace. Davis would remain with his home world's army after the creation of the Star Empire in YE 01, gaining prestige throughout the years with his loyal service. He left the Nepleslian army in YE 15, focusing on his marriage to his wife, Vivian (betrothed in YE 7). In this time, the couple had their child, John, and lived a relatively comfortable life. Unfortunately, as conflicts grew more heated, Robert Davis was driven to return to service in YE 21, joining the Star Army of Yamatai. In YE 26, Davis' life entered a tragic turn as his wife perished during the chaos leading to the Battle of Nepleslia. Lucky to have survived the apocalyptic battle, yet shattered by the loss of his loved one, Davis resigned from the Star Army and retired to his home, exhausted. Davis was content to live out the rest of his years... until that fateful day when the YSS Destiny rebelled and Nepleslia declared its independence. The fragile, new Nepleslia needed to fill in its gaps in leadership, and the distinguished Robert Davis was called by Emperor Jim Blackman to lead them...


Diplomacy (Etiquette): Robert Davis is a gentleman. He is an eloquent speaker, and keeps his appearance sharp at all times. He knows how to host functions of all types, and is well-versed in etiquette. He can negotiate political actions and treaties and serve as a dignitary and liaison. He knows how to behave across multi-cultural barriers and in the political houses of foreign powers. He has no problem speaking before large audiences. Davis knows the ins and outs of various honor systems, and is familiar with their workings (consequences of breaking them, etc). He knows how to use a sword for ceremonial purposes.

Leadership: Robert Davis possesses leadership learned through years of personal experience. He can effectively command troops in a life and death situation, instilling loyalty and trust in them. He possesses tremendous persuasive ability and never cracks under pressure. He is an effective strategist, and is able to recognize ambush points, create effective combat strategies and tactics, and analyze intelligence information. He can command both ground and space forces.

Communication: Robert Davis is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, starships, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. He is fluent in English and Japanese. He can speak and write both correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc.

Fighting and Physical: Robert Davis received hand-to-hand combat training. He is skilled and experienced in combat both in Yamatai-like conditions and in zero-gravity, with and without weapons. Weapons he is trained in include energy pistols, knives, and power armor, grenades and energy rifles. Robert Davis also knows how to use a sword, although he has never had to stab anyone with it before.

Information Technology: Robert Davis is capable of operating any computer system that uses the Kessaku OS, found on all Star Army starships. He is proficient in entering and/or searching for information.

Mathematics: Robert Davis received basic mathematics training, to including up to algebra and trigonometry.

Knowledge: Robert Davis is familiar with the laws of Yamatai and Nepleslia, and knows the history of both planets.


(Before you shoot my face off, talked to Wes, want to do something with Nepleslia, get some multi-national diplomacy going here.)
Character approved.
The Nepleslian shall raaaaaaiise agaaaain!

You should have his callsign be 'Dixie One' just to mess with people.

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