Star Army

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Approved Character Roger Kard


Inactive Member
Name: Roger William Kard

General Information
Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Male
Age: 20, straight out of army engineering training.

Mother: Jennifer-Marie Clara Dawson
Father: Robert Alexander Kard
Brothers/Sisters: One sister, older, unknown location, probably in a gang.

Employer: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Technical Sentry
Rank: Santô Hei
Current Assignment:

Physical Characteristics
Height: 5'8" (1.73m)
Weight: 140lbs. (63.50kg)
Measurements: Not sure. Let's just go with a men's M if ordering shirts.

Build and Skin Color: Moderately thin, and caucasian
Facial Features and Eye Color: Cross shaped burn mark across left side of face, otherwise non-descript(stubble if he hasn't shaven in a while, which he tends to forget in the field). Brown eyes.
Hair color and Style: Brown hair, straight, short

Distinguishing Features: His heart and lungs have been replaced with cybernetic versions of the like; his lungs were damaged in a particularly bad night at the store, and his heart was replaced at the same time to make maximum use of the new lungs. He has a small set of microscars in his chest from the surgeries needed.

Psychological Characteristics
Personality: Even-tempered(until machinery starts failing on him, then aggressive), practical, and if he has to be, resourceful. However, he has no qualms at all about telling people if he thinks they're being stupid; function is a lot more important than formality in his book. If he gets demoted a billion times, but the engines keep running, it's better in his mind than if he flies up to Taisho and has a ship explode out from under him. He smokes to relax; with the stringent SAY ban on smoking on starships, it'll be interesting to see how he copes.

Likes: Machinery, drawings, explosives, guns, and cigarettes
Dislikes: Machinery that breaks easily, poorly written instructions, annoying people, and not being able to light up.

Goals: Development of new spaceship engine technolgies, development of new spaceship weapon platforms, development of new small arms


Roger comes from one of the marginally stable sectors on Neplesia, where his parents own a convienience store. With as normal an upbringing as can be described in a world where sons are tought how to shoot a gun before how to wear a tie, and where your older sister dissappears one night, only to show up in the police logs the next day, Rog quickly found out he had a knack for all things mechanical (a fact his parents quickly put to use to repair the various malfunctioning machines in the shop). Wishing to pursue further studies in engineering, but lacking the funds to do so, he enlisted in the SAY, and got routed out of basic straight into the Combat Engineering Program. He really doesn't want to return home if he can help it, but if worse comes to worse, at least now he's got a few new skills he can bring to bear.


Communication: If you can't tell your buddies that coolant is leaking out of the pipe they're looking at, and that they better stop it up RIGHT NOW unless they want the engine to go supercritical, then you're going to have a hell of a time as a starship engineer. Luckily, Rog is fairly good at this (especially when he threatens to chuck a hydrospanner at the offender); he's also been instructed in standard basic radio operation and protocol. Rog is fluent in English and CAD/CAM/CNC langauges (not an actual language, but trust me, it seems like it sometimes). His written reports tend to be detail heavy, but meaningful.

Demolitions: Sometimes, as much as Rog hates to admit it, there are barriers he can't get around through any clever use of machinery or judicious use of high-temperature oxyacetylene; for these situations, he resorts to that marvel of modern chemical engineering, explosives. His native knowledge of door mechanisms gives him an edge in knowing just what exactly needs to be blown to effective. Also, he just likes playing with the stuff; it's a nice stress relief from dealing with constantly moody starship engines. To say he has occasionaly thought about dealing with the latter via the former is not an understatement.

Engineering: Rog just can't get enough of machines. Aside from the fact that he relies on two of them to keep him alive, he enjoys the physical capabilities of manufactured components. To him, the ability to quickly and precisely perform a myriad of complex motions is as close to nirvana as he'll ever approach.

Fighting: Rog learned the hard way on Nepelesia that true power comes from the barrel of a gun (or the point of a knife, or the knuckles of a fist, etc.). So he understands the importance in keeping familiar with the SAY combat arts. He is proficient in hand to hand combat, pistol marksmanship, rifle marksmanship, grenade use, and is particularly skilled in shotgun marksmanship. This is probably due to having to use one back home to drive off would-be burglars from stealing his family's possessions.

Maintenance and Repair: A machine isn't worth the scrap it's made out of if it isn't working; to ensure that it does takes constant vigilance and a keen eye for observation of deviations from the norm. Luckily; these are both things Kett is fairly good at; over the years at the home store, he's learned how to manage with parts that aren't always exactly the right ones, and his ability to weld is legendary (at least, he'd like to think so). He derives a small amount of joy from getting devices back up and running after someone else thinks they've destroyed it beyond all repair, so even if he's neck deep in oil-soaked gears and tubing and swearing nonstop, chances are he wouldn't give it up for anything.

Mathematics: Algebra and Trig came pretty naturally to Roger, and calculus and differential equations almost as much so. Advanced engineering mathematics gave him a few long nights, and he's not 100% sure about all the things he learned in quantum physics, but materials science and solid/fluid mechanics was manna to him.

Technology Operation: Roger swears that computers are out to get him sometimes, as 9 times out of 10 he's going to have to try an operation twice just to get it to work. Other than that, he's fine with tooling around with the Kessaku OS, though he wishes that some of the interfaces between it and his CAD/CAM/CNC engineering station worked better.

[Edit: Fixed the YSA/SAY errors, got rid of some of the ridiculous decimal places in the metric conversions]

[Edit #2: I completely forgot to give him the REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE skill. Not going to be much of a engy if he can't keep the damn machines running. Took out PHYSICAL to make up for this]
Character approved.