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Rogue Planet Enters Draco Eridanus

This is Conclave News Network with an emergency alert, our Draco Eridanus branch of Conclave News Network, has reported that a Rogue Planet has been detected entering Draco Eridanus. As most know, a Rogue Planet is a planet that was expelled from their birth system and has been sent on a lone voyage into interstellar space. This reporter is uncertain whether this is another attack by the Kuvexians, or perhaps worse, the future dinner-I mean the Mishhuvurthyar, apologies. But what I do know, however, is that the Mining Guild, and the Dusk Orbital Guard are prepared for any contingency.

Oh! I have just been informed that there is in fact video of the incident, we shall play it now!
Viewers are shown the scene on their various screens. Thousands of ships from the Mining Guild, the Dusk Orbital Guard, and additional other ships potentially unaligned with either flying out, and activating something which created a massive shield over Station Omacron, Dracrei shipyards,as well as the site of the planet they were building which has grown bigger since the Founder’s day announcement.

The rogue planet is seen entering the planet, a small number of asteroids were attracted by the new gravity swell, but were knocked back by the shield somewhat, but some pieces of the rogue planet and from the planet being formed broke away and began forming something new. Which broke through the shield and the gravity buffer that they’ve set up. At this point the rogue planet suddenly glowed brightly, and then disappeared before it reappeared close by the sun.

The reporter reappears looking shocked as she turned to another. “Mister Omacron, could you explain exactly what happened? And how did the rogue planet disappear and reappear?’ She asked a Synthetic male.“Indeed, our brave defenders used a combination of shield and antigravity, and Senti Tugboats, to try to push the rogue planet back, as additional members of our forces entered the planet and deployed a massive teleporter. In basic terms, we just FTLed a planet to a new position, preventing further disturbance. Unfortunately, we had miscalculated its position, but its orbit is stable, and it's now helping us keep asteroids away from the star.

And I’d like to take this opportunity to announce a contest we are putting together. Winners will be able to name the new planet, but please nothing vulgar or rude!
The reporter turns to the camera. “Well, you heard it here, with a new planet in the system and now a chance to name the planet. Speaking of Planets, earlier this week there was another emergency where members of the Mining Guild’s freezy land facilities had to escape as a result of the ice drifts now consolidating into what some have been calling a Ice dwarf world. Operation will of course continue once stability has been detected.