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OOC Rogue Prodigy-Planning Thread


Well-Known Member
This is the planning thread for a story I will be hosting in the near future, its name is Rogue Prodigy.

The specifics of the story are still being planned and worked out but the basic concept is in place. A small project funded by the Yamataian Star Empire causes huge trouble and is militarily forced to shut down with all research, staff, and assets seized. They refuse and are on the run. My initial cause for the trouble they're in was quickly mitigated when the Rixxicor were appoved(?).

The basic concept behind the program was to create soldiers who could perform sensitive missions discreetly, autonomously, and efficiently.

The characters are intended to work like black ops ninja commandos. That makes sense, right? Okay, I'll break it down.
Black Ops- they will run missions that YSE will not be held accountable for.
Ninja- they will rely on stealth and speed for survival. Parkour might play a great deal of influence in their combat style.
Commandos- they will often need to work in teams and occasionally be subjected to intense combat.

The project, and training, wasn't completed so the character are intended to be very skilled but not perfect. Think of it like Young Guns meets TMNT.

So far not much has been set in stone so any thoughts and opinions are welcomed.
More like a trial group to test illegal tech and break treaties. My intentions aren't to create a new branch of SAoY but to make a story about people on the run.
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Maybe the stories will cross over at some point. I'm wanting this story to be made based on the choices made by the characters. If that means they go NMX, so be it. Is prefer if they didn't but that's an option.
More like a trial group to test illegal tech and break treaties.
Yamatai's military has no interest in breaking YSE laws or treaties, especially right now as we've only just signed a defense agreement with Nepleslia and Lor and the Empress wants to show them we're sincere about it. Maybe these soldiers could be for a corporation? The military cracks down on any mercs, PMCs, and unauthorized armed forces in YSE space (the Military Centralization Act of YE 28 says that the Star Army is supposed to be the only military in Yamatai, with the exception of planetary defense forces and corporate security escorts) so this could be why they're on the run, since the Star Army would go after a corp for making a private military.
They could easily operate outside of Yamatai space, perhaps out of an independent world like Nassau, or on a corporate station like Dawn Station.
What if they were a privately owned group working for YSE to create highly trained operatives for insertion deep into enemy territory. They need to be field tested eventually so the leading doctor assigns units to perform an unsanctioned operation, like an assassination or perhaps a massacre of Rizzikor (Which would cause issues between the attacked colony and everyone else). Although YSE wouldn't have to take accountability for it the empress would eventually figure it out.

The idea is that even the premier empire has issues and this program turns into one of them.
I just don't see Yamatai privatizing training or secret operations. Yamatai has the type of big government that internally handles its government functions. If we want to make secret agents, we'd clone them and train them the same way we make Nekovalkyrja soldiers.
I'm just trying to make sure Yamatai is true to itself. If you want to be hunted by Yamatai, there are surefire ways. For example, defecting from their military or any sort of rebellion. It would also make sense if your project was some sort of PNUgen-like corporation working on new body types as alternatives to Nekovalkyrja, and overstepped its bounds trying to prove their worth by sending them into combat somewhere.

If you want them to fight Rixxikor, we need to figure out where on the map I can put those Rixxikor. I'm still searching for a good spot.
Thing is that they aren't looking to make a new body type. They're making soldiers that can use any body they're given. The idea is that everyone of them is anybody at any time.

It's kinda annoying that two of my failed ideas are sitting next to each other on the RP planning page.
Okay, how about: It would also make sense if your project was some sort of PNUgen-like corporation working on new mental programming, and overstepped its bounds trying to prove their worth by sending them into combat somewhere.
Alright, I've worked out a lot of the kinks and have a Wiki page started for it.

Anybody with any ideas or who'd like to join just let me know.
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