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Life Events Roleplaying Retirement


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Weeks went on into months, and still I haven't been able to contribute. I've realized it's not a matter of how well I am feeling, because in the last few days, I have realized that other than this one thing, I more or less feel completely fine. The part of me that does it is simply gone. I'm not leaving anyone, I will still be around to chat and joke and meme and reminisce about old times, but it has become clear to me that it is time to put up the "sorry, we're closed, thanks for a wonderful couple of decades" sign. I just can't write anymore. Or draw, or make music, or anything else that requires even a modicum of creativity. I realized this for my job and employment a long time ago, but it has been difficult coming to terms with it for my primary, and currently only, hobby. I'm not going to say I'll miss everyone because I will still be around, but I will apologize for getting everyone psyched up for the Frontier Skies plot, and leaving Sood Zadra on a cliffhanger. I'd rectify these things if I could, but I simply cannot. I'm not going to rest and feel better so I can, because that's just not what the problem is. Just keep saying "hi" to me, because I'm not going anywhere. Please continue to enjoy the things I have created. That's why I did it, after all.
I'm sorry to hear that the spark has gone out, but I wanted to be sure to say that when we did stuff together, I had an absolute blast. You brought a lot to the site, and I'm happy that you shared your time with us, even if it wasn't as long as we all would have liked. I'm glad you'll still be hanging around in the community!
Reactions: Wes
Thanks so much. Alex.

Unfortunately, it's more like the part of me that makes the spark in the first place got removed. Lost sparks can be rekindled. Taking the plugs and battery and alternator out of an engine is another thing altogether.
I'm sorry to hear that, but i'm happy your atleast around, to be hugged and so on.
Yes, and I can continue any administrative-oversight type things and answer any questions anyone needs answered as well. I just... can't write. If I have ideas I will be relying on you!
I'm sorry to hear that, but i'm happy your atleast around, to be hugged and so on.
That sucks, but at the end of the day, you gotta do what's best for you! Thank you for letting us know - am glad you'll still be around though! <3
Reactions: Wes
That sucks so bad, I wish there was something we can do to help. But like you said if it was just your spark going out it could be fired back up, But it is just gone. but I swear if I find out who stole your spark they will pay for it, be it Autobots or Decepticons, or a third party!

I'll miss the ending to Sood Zadra, and the continuation of Frontier Skies plot.
I am bummed to hear this but grateful for all you've done. Also I think expanding some non RP ways to be part of the community is a good idea I can work on in the future so what would you like to see?
Also I think expanding some non RP ways to be part of the community is a good idea I can work on in the future so what would you like to see?
Really as long as it doesn't require creative writing or making original art without a design to follow, I feel like I can still handle it just fine.
I'll miss the ending to Sood Zadra, and the continuation of Frontier Skies plot.
Help make the ending! It was always more of an open RP than something just being GMd anyway! Living Sood Zadra!
Help make the ending! It was always more of an open RP than something just being GMd anyway! Living Sood Zadra!

I deffo want to do some writing involving Soon Zadra at some point, so will probably hit up the Yuuki Knowledge Centre at some point!
Oh yea, it's not going to be the END of Sood Zadra as I plan to keep it in the center place of my Sobek plot. It will live on, just it will be a little harder on me as I'll not really have the vision that you had in place. I think I got the jist of it.
It's everyone's Sood Zadra. My goal was just to have a living RP setting that people just did whatever in. A plot about nothing, with no beginning and no end.
I think it's a coward's move to not end the sood by having Morgan wake up in an alley somewhere and discover it was all just one long narcotics-driven dream like the SARP version of Fear and Loathing!

(Joke, I swear!)

Ye will still be around tho which is nice, always sad when people lose their drive or other stuff and they just drop off never to be heard from again. I much rather prefer having them around to still chat and check in!
Gonna miss playing with you Yuuki, regardless of how short of a time it was. Glad to hear though you'll still be around.
The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

I was so enthralled with reading whatever you put out, it was so creative and so intriguing. You had a propensity to make even the smallest facet of a character something that latched into my mind and spoke volumes of them to me. I feel like you added so much every time you sat down to write. That saying about the flame came to mind when I thought of what to say and what you've said... It makes me sad but it's better to know when to stop trying, I suppose.

If you're going to be around, DMs!! I'm glad you're feeling better fr
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