Star Army

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Approved Character Rose Dream


🎖️ Game Master
Name: Rose I. Dream
Nicknames: Angel, Thorn

General Information
Species: Geshrin
Gender: Female
Age: 19

Mother: Victoria Dream
Father: Lucas
Older sisters: May, Briana
And a small extended family that she knows of.

Faction: Star Army of Nepleslia
Occupation: Marine Medic
Rank: P2C / Private Second Class
Current Assignment: Waiting for Transfer
Physical Characteristics
Height: 5'8" (172 cm)
Weight: 138 pounds (63kg)
Bra Size: C

Build and Skin Color: An average build, soft white/palish skin.
Face and Eye Color: Attractive features, a few freckles. Her eyes are a lustrous amber.

Hair color and Style: Short, very short. Green hair, forest or emerald depending on light. The cut could easily be mistaken for a men's cut, if it did not grow longer at points around her ears, etc.

Distinguishing Features: Tattoo of wings etched onto her back. Seven piercings, two in each lobe, one helix on the left, another darkened steel loop around the (top), and one in her tongue.

Quirks Several slight mental problems mostly revolving around her body type, including trigger based OCD responses(example, someone snapping their fingers twice when someone sneezes), an obsessive, self-soothing behaviour of needing to be clinging to or holding something constantly. Her oral fixation can make up for this at times. Her obsessions may or may not be singularly the result of trauma, one can never tell when she thinks she's the best doctor in the system (wherever that system might be) despite not actually being one.
Psychological Characteristics


This girl's got a real chip on her shoulders for one of those Geshrin types, real bad. She didn't used to be as easily upset, or quick to coarse words but she's still got compassion in their somewhere, which is why she'll take hell to someone else but still make sure her boys are left walking at the end. Like an 'angel with a gun', something of a misnomer that earned one of her nicknames, mostly because she's in armour all the time. An odd compassion to the Marine that doesn't dull her when the firefight starts.

Consequently, she's a bit rough around the edges in other situations, and often feels she'll end up scaring away someone who would be a friend with one of her defects. She still holds a faint grudge for being duped into the service, but shares it with few only manifesting as grunts when a similar topic is broached. To say she has wanderlust after being in school then training is obvious.

Likes: Good drinks, piercings, body art, science, a good row, relaxing with some sort of text, the net, space, travel, animals, and all sorts of 'fun'.
Dislikes: Being tied down emotionally, grunts with no heart, being under supplied, the medical board,
Goals: Finding a way to get her M.D., advanced research someday maybe, or traveling. Getting back at her recruitment officer. Saving as many as she can, and don't get hit.

Born the youngest of three sisters to two fairly affluent (mostly socially, then) parents, she was naturally bright, and used her upbringing to full advantage, though as smart and adaptive as little Rose was, a trauma she won't talk about to this day one early evening separated from the family. These things happen on Nepleslia, and it's a little rough or worse just about anywhere after all. It was after that night her 'quirks' began to manifest, her parents tried to fix it as best they could, but nothing available seemed to effect her.

She struggled against her difficulties but managed to be accepted to a top program med. school after her primary education and pre-medical finished.. The problem was on her internship there was an..accident and due to her problems she was denied an opportunity to take her boards and earn her final MD. This destroyed her view on life until after passing through random jobs for a few months (piercing/tattoo artist, medical tech most notably) she came across a recruiter for the corps.

He convinced her she'd be able to not only get the sway to get her M.D., but that she'd get a pay bonus for the experience before being shipped off for a fieldwork course with the Medical Corps. Right, and she has her own star cruiser now too. So, she ended up finishing out just in time for the Kennewes Offensive. The trial by fire changed her, and no one seemed to want to harass her problems after how much she had given to help on the line. At least not to her face, but her tour of duty is far from over.

Rose and her mother don't see eye to eye about, well, any of her choices after she didn't get to take the boards. The fact she's in the marines, and will not express any discomfort at it makes her worried and upset all the same.


Survival: Rose finished her survival training along with the rest, and has gone plenty of nights and days on rations on the field or scrounging for less. She remembers her training, and it does her well so far. Camoflague is an actual fun thing to make, but she won't tell her unit that while she helps it.

Strategy: She can follow orders normally without swearing, and that's a bonus. But this Marine understands military tactics, and has applied them in battle both as a follower and to better aid the wounded or casualties. And hey, it helps to know how to hit them harder, and where to hit them.

Medical and Science: Years of complicated coursework ensured that while not finishing at the end, Rose has a very keen working knowledge of medicine and it's effects on most major species. Poisons came as a later supplement when she received more training at the Medical Corps. She has several advanced interests, and as a student and medical technician has spent time in a laboratory and is aware on battlefield medicine for most major species. Practical experiences with almost exclusively the Corps.

Communication: Academia helped out the young Geshrin here, though there wasn't a lot of non-standard learning she picked up the fluent use of more than the basic language set. She took Seraph in an elective course, and can get by with it in broken speech. She's fluent in Nepleslian and Yamataian. Thorn has learned to communicate on military standard devices, in military star ships and equipment, whatever they put in her hands to learn at basic. Reports, mountains of medical reports come from her debriefing sometimes by necessity. It goes without saying she could give an order if she had to.

Fighting and Physical: What female Marine could survive a day without being able to fight? She's completed training with most small arms, power armour, and improvised weapons. She passed her check marks, and what happened in the offensive keened them when she wasn't wrist deep in gore trying to save someone.

Art and Vocational: After being pushed out of med school in her final moments, Rose found the districts of the massive city were easier to get lost in. To get by, she apprenticed under a tattoo artist and piercing shop. One woman in particular for both. She can ink and use the modern and older methods (she looked those up for certain customers) depending on what her vision is.

Technology Operation: Rose understands how most civilian, and an assortment of military computer systems work thanks to both the time she spent using them on her way to becoming a doctor, and when she was living half-lost of herself in the mega-cities. She's at least an advanced user, and has taught herself on any system that seems worthwhile (or even asks for help if it seemed worth the effort). Net diving, data input, networking and other skills helped her earn an extra keep around where those odd jobs got her, and continued to help from time to time after joining up.
Good job, Lilly. ^_^ Welcome to Nepleslia! :D Truthfully, I believe this is a great character. However, I am slightly biased... I kind of helped with its creation. xD Anywho, Doshii and Kim, have at it! :mrgreen:
My points of concern:

History/ Personality

Geshrins are just genetically enhanced humans, they don't quite have the digital mind capacity of the current Yamataian model. She when I see the mention of having more advantages because of it, I get a little perplexed since there are so many methods in Nepleslia that make people better than a basic Geshrin which just has a little bit more durability and a higher disease resistance. So what I'm getting on about is what about her makes her BETTER than everyone else?

Does she have an actual reason to have that chip or is it just in her head? I actually wouldn't mind seeing a character with delusions of grandeur.

I don't mind flawed characters but I would like to know what caused the trauma. Most mental illnesses could be very cheaply treated with the level of technology in the setting if it was a matter of chemical imbalance.

Born somewhere at the back of her two other sisters to her two fairly affluent parents, she used her Geshrin body to full advantage, though as smart and adaptive as this childhood made her, many problems began to surface.

That's a bit awkward wording. Why not just say she's the youngest of 3? How did she use her body to her advantage? What sort of problems happened? As far as I know, Nepleslians hold no grudges towards Geshrins- as they were originally Nepleslian colonists.

We fought the Offensive entirely in Power Armor. But there are med kits now built for the PA. While the job and task are the same, the considerations and imagery are quite different than I think you want since you already mentioned the "angel with a gun" thing. But I'd think it is fairly normal for women on Nepleslia to arm themselves and be tough, since there is a much smaller female population. (Much like how it is in a town around a Marine Base which is 10 to 1, male to female.)

I do like the usage of your own wording for the required skill sets.

My main gripes are the digital download thing (Geshrins don't technically have digital minds like the Yamataians).

And Nepleslian and Trade are the same language.
This bio has a extremely good start and is in progress. The player has veteran status which allows her a chance to create more complex characters because I have no doubt she'll be able to play it. I would not advise new players to use this bio as a starting template because it is extremely hard to play a character with mental disabilities well. This biography is pending approval once Lilly addresses my concerns/questions.
Geshrins are just genetically enhanced humans, they don't quite have the digital mind capacity of the current Yamataian model. She when I see the mention of having more advantages because of it, I get a little perplexed since there are so many methods in Nepleslia that make people better than a basic Geshrin which just has a little bit more durability and a higher disease resistance. So what I'm getting on about is what about her makes her BETTER than everyone else?

It was alluding to the fact when you tweak with genetics like that there's a higher chance for a bright child down the road. I didn't mean to make it seem she's by rites of anything else superior just that she was smart enough to get where she-umn..failed.

Does she have an actual reason to have that chip or is it just in her head? I actually wouldn't mind seeing a character with delusions of grandeur.

I don't mind flawed characters but I would like to know what caused the trauma. Most mental illnesses could be very cheaply treated with the level of technology in the setting if it was a matter of chemical imbalance.

I didn't actually WANT to spell out the cause in the bio, I wanted it to come out in the roleplay first. There was some research that went into the causes, and I didn't want there to be an out that was easily attainable without severe modification. I added a little bit more (a little on a complex flaw) just to be more clear, I hope that's sufficient. Rechecking, it's certainly easy to fit in a few delusions that she's not who she says she is, she's much better etc etc-making it even more interesting. So added, and I'll see if I can keep track of everything~

That's a bit awkward wording. Why not just say she's the youngest of 3? How did she use her body to her advantage? What sort of problems happened? As far as I know, Nepleslians hold no grudges towards Geshrins- as they were originally Nepleslian colonists.

Fixed, the 'problems' weren't discrimination, just my being intentionally vague on what the ramifications of her defects were.

We fought the Offensive entirely in Power Armor. But there are med kits now built for the PA. While the job and task are the same, the considerations and imagery are quite different than I think you want since you already mentioned the "angel with a gun" thing. But I'd think it is fairly normal for women on Nepleslia to arm themselves and be tough, since there is a much smaller female population. (Much like how it is in a town around a Marine Base which is 10 to 1, male to female.)

I was trying to describe her personality in an easily identifiable way, it wasn't an actual representation nor was the later mention, I thought it was better wording just a style thing. I was aware of those specifics as far as RP goes. Reworded however on both counts. And right, I allude to it being very normal for her to know how to fight in the skill set, for basically that reason.

My main gripes are the digital download thing (Geshrins don't technically have digital minds like the Yamataians).

And Nepleslian and Trade are the same language.

I remember having several skills that were worded similarly to that on an older Geshrin, I didn't mean a carbon copy of the Yamataians though thank you for catching that! Also fixed.

Annnnd fixed.

That's everything, I think? This should be a lot of fun!
I totally understand wanting to roleplay out the discovery of the trauma. Thank you for clarification! We look forward to seeing you join us. I take it you are going to be joining the Melissa-Kenni crew for leave then instead of Cirrus Station?

This character is approved for IC-Usage. Please add them to the wiki if you have not already done so.
Unfortunately, due to Kokuten dropping his GMing position, the combat plotship will instead be run by GameroftheGame. We'll have the name settled on soon and a forum up soon after.
Go ahead and jump in on the "Long Night in Los Apagos" thread Moonie started in the Nepleslia forum. =)