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RP: Lorath [Royal Palace] Royal Rest & Relaxation


Inactive Member
Nyli III - Royal Palace - Lounge Chamber

It was mid-day, a lazy time of day if there was any. The sun hung high, the air was a little heavy, and the children chose this time as their time of enjoyment. This left their parents alone to take time to themselves.

"So, that is how the conversation with Yuriko went." Velor stated, as he finished up his explanation of how talks with the Commodore went while the Akaramu's crew was visiting Nyli III.

Harr'Ikke nodded a little as she lounged out along a couch that was set outside in the small garden. Mentally she was watching her children through the palace surveillance system, but she was just being a good parent. It was still tough to calm herself down and that much was apparent to her brother, who would feel the suppressed empathic buzzings from his dear sister.

Velor smiled softly as he moved from his chair to the couch, sitting near his sister's feet. "You know, they do have to learn to walk around a bit without your eye on them. It will prepare them for their studies."

"I know I know....Mother was the same and I suppose I will be the same with them, I just can not help it brother." Harr'Ikke placed her arms over her face, smiling a little.

"I guess I will be like father, a bit lax but guiding none the less... I guess it is the family way." Velor could not help but to release a chuckle as he looked upon his sister. "How has your recovery been since carrying them?" Velor asked as his gaze shifted to his sister's belly.

His sister's stomach in question was uncovered, her having worn a rather tight belly shirt. The stomach was a picture of excellence, her recovery having gone smoothly between the herbs and the other such exercises she had used. "Smooth as little Ri'Del's bottom!"

Of course, Velor being a man of science, had to prove the statement with a touch. His finger tips brushing over his sister's exposed belly. "Ah, quite nice. Maybe even better than before."

"Ohhhh better then before Hm? Are you to say that I did not take care of myself before...?" Harr'Ikke asked, tilting her head as she opened her eyes to watch her brother.

"Not at all, I'm just noticing the way your motherly hips compliment your waist." With that, Velor's touch moved to the hips which he mentioned. "Truly marvelous."

"Why thank you brother. Mother always said I would be the one to have
more then one clutch..." Harr'Ikke laughed a little at the irony of how true this would end up being.

"I'd be glad to help with making mother's prediction true." Velor said with a wide grin upon his lips. Inwardly, he was glad to notice that his sister was somewhat distracted from her separation anxiety.

"Mmmm maybe brother. I am not sure I wish to become a bloated blimp again just yet." She did indeed seem rather distant and distracted.

"A shame, you did look quite nice, even though you were bloated." Velor stated with a smile which soon faded slightly. "You seem a bit troubled, is something on your mind?" He asked as he moved his sister's feet onto his lap, and he began to rub them softly.

"Just the children of course...I can not help it brother." Harr'Ikke said with a small sigh, her toes wiggling a little at her brother's ministrations.

"You know what I think could get your mind off of your worries?" Velor asked as his grin returned.

"Hmmm?" Harr'Ikke asked, her mind still wandering to her children.

As she asked, Velor passed his finger over the sole of Harr'ikke's foot, and as he did so, he sent many little pulses of stimulation into the nerves with the intent of tickling the living daylights out of her.

"GAH!" Harr'Ikke's foot shot out from her brother's grasp, her knee straightening and nearly kicking him in the face as she twitched, laughter bursting from her suddenly.

Velor quickly evaded the foot, but his finger continued to move over the sole with nimble speed. Every motion of his finger stimulating different nerve endings. He even went about tapping each toe.

Harr'Ikke began to laugh manically, squirming and trying to get away from the playfully pokes and prods from her brother.

Velor decided that the foot was far too dangerous, thus he moved his fingers up her leg, still stimulating the nerves in the exact same way. "Oh ho! Seems like my sister is having quite a fit!"

"Stop stop! It hurts uncle uncle!" Harr'Ikke shouted, squirming around all the more.

Velor did of course stop when told to, but he did leave his hand upon her leg, and he shifted his touch to deliver much more pleasing sensations of warmth and general relaxation to the muscles and nerves in the area of his touch. "Alright alright, I'll ease up on you."

Harr'Ikke sat there, catching her breath for the moment, before she pounced. It was her turn to tickle her brother, laughing manically now as she did the same that had just been done to her.

"Gyahhh!" Velor let out a surprised yelp of a yell and began to squirm and writhe trying to get away from his sister's pokes and prods. "Ah! Eeeh! Arg!" Of course, between his sounds of exaggerated hurt, he laughed heavily.

Harr'Ikke continued to poke and prod at her brother, grinning as she began to slip in more arousing sensations now, though they were very suppressed, enough so that Velor would not notice.

Of course, Velor did fail to notice the slight nudges to his physical and emotional state through the overwhelming feeling of the tickling. His pale cheeks were red from the laughter, and he continued to writhe about from his sister's prodding and poking. "Ahhh! Sister! Eeek!"

A sudden shock of pleasure would rush through her brother. Harr'Ikke was straddling Velor now, grinning widely as she watched him with wide eyes, her breathing a little quickly. "Now...." Came a throaty growl from Harr'Ikke now.

The sudden shock quickly shook Velor out of the hysterical string of laughter, and made him fix his gaze upon his sister's eyes. His breathing was heavy... it was a combination of the tickling and the arousal which had been building up in his subconscious. After holding his gaze upon his sister's eyes, he quickly darted his head forward and placed his lips upon her covered neck, gripping the strip of cloth between his teeth while nipping her at the same time. He shifted the grip of his teeth to release the skin, but hold onto the cloth before he ripped it away with a jerk of his head to reveal her elegant neck.

"Take me!" Harr'Ikke forced into her brother's mind, growling a little as she pressed herself into her brother.
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