Star Army

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RP: Lorath [Royalty] Bloody Awakening


Inactive Member
Nyli III, Gardens just outside of the Royal palace

The royal family was taking a relaxing day to themselves, deciding to get out of the confining palace to more open skies. With a small stretch and the cracking of her back, the Xiaah smiled to Breeze who was on her left shoulder, perched in the same place she used to sit on her mother.

Ri'del however took on a more...dignified approach to this and simply held his mother's hand. Granted hers was much bigger then his.

Velor stood alongside Harr'ikke, quietly observing the day. It was a wonderful time of the day, the weather was nice, and he was pleased to have time to be with his family. All was right under the Goddess' eyes. "Our new home is wonderful, isn't it?"

Breeze hummed and enjoyed herself as she sat upon her mother's shoulder. She stared mostly at the sky, but often took chances to look around at the gardens, her father and her brother. All in all she was content and warm.

"It is a rather enjoyable day today. The sun shines and the wind gives a soft breeze to cool us." Harr'Ikke peered around the garden with a smile as she squeezed Ri'del's hand softly.

Ri'del flapped his small wings a little bit to further cool himself. He however remained quiet as he just looked around, remembering a familiar incident in the gardens.

Sen'ythy was quietly standing off to the side of the royals and their children. This time was theirs and her adding to the conversations would ruin a splendid moment.

"Sen'ythy, have you been making sure to teach my son how to watch and guard quietly?" Velor asked as he looked over to their valued guard. She was sort of like a shadow to him and his sister, like a shadow she seemed to be unnoticed, yet at the same time if she were gone something would seem 'wrong'.

Breeze kept up her humming and giggled to herself as she played with her mother's hair, gently stroking the long braid and admiring the color. Breeze concentrated on this for about a minute before a unique patch of plants distracted her.

"Yes I have." She responded quickly. "Your son is taking to Guardsman skills quite easily, high priest, he would make a very good Honor Guard if you would allow it."

The breeze served well to cool the royals, and gently stir the grass. The sunlight of the Nyli star washed over the garden and the countryside around the palace. The day was calm, relaxed, even the warmth of the air was not even intense. Yet a gentle wave could be seen upon the grass in the distance like heat rising. It made it feel like a summer day.

When he heard his name mentioned, as well as that of Sen'ythy's in the same sentence Ri'del shuffled around slightly and set his face firmly into a neutral expression.

"It seems he has learned a touch of respect for you as well." Noted Harr'Ikke as she spotted her son's expression, grinning a little playfully

Velor laughed lightly before he patted his son upon his head. "Mmm, high praise from you Sen'ythy. Ri'del, I'm glad you're taking well to your studies."

Ri'del's wings twitched slightly at his mother's words."Thank you father."

The breeze, it served to push away scent. The heat, it served to disguise the body. The grass, it's height was just right so not to be apparent when disturbed. The Goddess truly did grant a wonderful day, especially for tasks of the blood...

A soft 'wirrrrr' could be heard for just the slightest fraction of a second before a spray of blood splattered upon the High Priest and Xiaah's robes. Small shards of one of the ornaments which the Xiaah wore in her hair were now scattered upon the spreading red tint which was upon her clothing... All within a blow of the breeze.

Breeze jumped at the splatter of fluids and stared wide-eyed at her mother's dress. The princess was too scared to have a huge reaction, and the best she could muster was a squeal and a tug on her mother's hair.

Harr'Ikke's head snapped back from the force of the bullet, staggering back a few steps. Swallowing hard her vision was swimming as the edges of blackness began to form around her vision. She knew she was blacking out, and a small tiny part of her rational mind knew she had to stay awake, not to fall, but to get to cover. But the overriding sense in her mind was more along the lines of FUCK that HURT!. With another backwards stumble, Harr'Ikke collapsed to the ground, Ri'del's hand locked in her own and Breeze still on her shoulder.

Velor's gaze snapped to the grassy fields outside of the garden before he turned around and spread his wings wide between the grasses and his family as he ducked down and covered his head. "Sen'ythy!" He cried out as he covered his family. "From the grass!"

Ri'del had heard the sickly 'thump' of the impact, of flesh parting, of blood spewing, a few flecks splattering a cheek. He'd tried to tug away, to shield his mother but her firm grasp on his hand prevented this act... Instead he fell to the ground with her, making a small sound.

Sen'ythy snapped to action, taking a few quick steps before leaping off the balcony into the garden below. Her hands instinctively gripping her sword as she raced along the paths to the fences and easily clearing them with a single leap.

Breeze screamed at the top of her lungs when her mother was falling, but got the wind knocked out of her when she hit the ground. Breeze was stuck on her back for half of a second before she made her way to her feet. Breeze wanted to scream and throw a proper fit, but Breeze still didn't have a full breath of air in her lungs, so silent sobs, gasps for oxygen and occasional shouts came out instead of a suspended scream.

There were small sounds of feet upon grass as the wavy-lines which looked like those given off heat became slightly more hurried. The breeze which once washed over the area seemed to go as soon as the shot was fired, all that was left was the still silence of a summer's day and the faint sounds given off by the unseen and the cries of children.

Another soft 'whirrrrrrrrrrrr' cut through the still day, yet unlike before it did not find flesh. Fate would feel a soft thump against her armor which did not connect to the flesh beneath, but the impact was enough to indicate to her where the shot came from.

Snapping her gaze in the direction of the trajectory, she draw her blade with a swift flick and dashed forward. "Scum! You will taste my blade!"

Ri'del meanwhile was panicking slightly, his chest hammering, breathing heavily as he got to his feet. His small hand was still clasped in his mother's and he knelt to her side, calling to her again and again, and was looking for where she'd been hit.

Knowing he was found, the shooter crouched down before a series of loud reports were heard like the sound of a hundred claps of thunder in a second. The shooter had switched his weapon from semi-automatic to automatic as he tried to take down the behemoth of a Fyunnen which was headed at him.

Sen'ythy's forward advance was slowed considerably due to the rapid impacts of weapons fire pushing her back. But, thanks to this switch, her destination was assured. After several seconds of sustained fire, her chest armor was heavily dented and warped, but unbreached, the Fynneun kept going forward, gaining distance with every step. "You'll run out of bullets before I run out of breath!"

Harr'Ikke's head was gashed open from both the bullet and the ornament that the bullet had caught. The bullet had also left a nasty sized lump on her skull which was already starting to swell up. Her eyes were closed but her chest was still moving in a regular fashion, if a little sped up.

A yell rang out through he day as a firm impact would be felt upon Sen'ythy's forehead, the butt of a rifle had been utilized as a mere club to try to stop the guardian. "May the God strike you down you filthy beast!" Came the voice which had a distinctive Lorath accent to it, it was the voice of a male judging by the tone.

By this time Breeze had found her way, sobbing hysterically, to her father's leg, so the young princess stood with her face buried in her father's leg, crying for at least ten different reasons.

Ri'del looked at his mother's head, his eyes darting back and forth. He'd learned from his father to access the Matriarchy's Network, and did so, notifying the Guard of the situation, as well as calling for immediate medical attention for his mother.

Velor had put a message through the place security force, and the emergency medical department. He still remained crouched with his wings spread over his family to obscure them from sight. "Ri'del, Breeze, be calm... we'll be okay." Velor spoke softly, yet his breath came heavy as he looked upon his sister. The only thing which kept him from dashing out at the shooter was his devotion to protecting his children above the motivation of revenge.

The rifle impact caused the massive Fyunnen to stop. More from surprise then injury. "I know now you're not one of mine." She growled as she fired off a punch in the exact direction the rifle swing came from. "If you were one of my men, you would know to never do something as stupid as close in when you have an advantage."

Ri'del kept shaking his mother gently, calling to her in a bid to just see her get up, alright and un-injured. He was still a child after all, and such flights of fancy were a part of that particular age. He didn't cry, but he wore a very worried look, his eyes wide with horror and fear at this.

The punch resulted in Sen'ythy's flesh meeting with a solid material before it gave way. The helmet which the shooter wore fell away to reveal the seemingly floating head of a male Lorath, from the ears it was apparent that the individual was of the Occhestian bloodline. With the removal of the helmet, the rest of the armor the Occhestian wore flickered into visibility, he wore a sort of low-grade power armor clad in a thermoptic mesh. After being punched, the Occhestian fell onto his back as he fumbled for the pistol at his side.

Velor gently placed his hand upon his son. "Don't move her, you may make the damage worse..." He said softly.

Within moments, the doors of the palace swung open and a group of white-clad Lorath made their way to the royal family. They carried Lorath first aid kits in tow, and had a wheeled stretcher with them. "Where is our Xiaah?" They asked as they approached, and when they saw her they immediately crouched down and went about surveying the damage.

Within seconds, Sen'ythy would find herself in friendly company as a pair of Hunter power suits descended from the portion of the palace which was once a Byakko carrier. The two power suits held their rifles at ready and pointed at the fallen Occhestian.

Like a predator on it's prey, Sen'ythy didn't give him time. With the speed her was known for, her fist flew out again to meet his face, as she stomped a foot onto his wrist to capture his hand before he could draw his pistol. "You, you heathen betrayer." She hissed, "you dare sully this land with your filth and attempt on the life of my queen?"

Sen'ythy would soon find a splatter of bloody saliva upon her cheek as the Occhestian spat upon her. "Your 'queen' is nothing but a puppet! A puppet for yet another Empire!" The Occhestian said as he looked to the powered suits which had descended upon his position. He looked panicked for a moment before he spoke. "God guide me." He said before an audible 'pop' came from his jaw... his head then exploded outward, sending chunks of skull, muscle, and brain in every direction.

Seeing the medical response team, Ri'del visibly relaxed, plopping to the ground beside his mother. He now however kept his hand in hers, his other cover a tiny portion of the front of her hand as he looked up to his father, eyes saying more then words could, and no doubt being able to be picked up on via telepathy. After a moment he looked back down to his mother.

Velor looked over his shoulder in time to see the Occhestian's head splatter into a fine red mist. His wings fell and he pulled his children to his side. "Come here, you're not in danger at the moment... Your mother will be fine..." He said as he looked to the medical team, which offered a nod to Velor as they carefully lifted Harr'ikke onto the stretcher as if they were lifting some sort of delicate relic.

The arrival of more people only served to further panic Breeze and, though her sobbing was lessened, Breeze began to visibly shake and hugged her father tighter. As of now Breeze had been completely horrified and was yet to really be comforted.

As the injury was inspected, a cracked skull, a gash in the skin of her forehead, a concussion and bone bruise were all seen in the skull, along with whiplash in her neck. The Xiaah could have been worse off, much worse off, but she still wasn't in the best of shapes.

Taking a moment to stare at the dead body, Sen'ythy turned her gaze away and spat on the ground. "Waste." She grumbled as she sheathed her sword and headed back to the royals.

Velor gently stroked Breeze as he whispered softly to her. "Mama will be okay, shh shh..." He said softly as he lifted Breeze and Ri'del into his arms as he rose to look over to Sen'ythy before he sent a message to her neural implant. "Any identification?" He asked, wanting to know where to direct his wrath once his beloved was confirmed well.

Ri'del struggled in his father's grasp a moment, first trying to tug to get to his mother, then at the now dead Occhestian, a look of contempt on his face at the now beheaded body before he submitted and just stood there, now looking at the ground, frustrated.

"It was an Occhestian dog." She replied. "He killed himself before I could do anything. Looked like a shaped cap hidden as a tooth." She continued as she scaled the fence between the field and garden, "the troops have confiscated his body and the therm-optic camouflage suit he used. He can't talk, but his armor will."

As Sen'ythy went about walking away, the pair of Hunter armors went about lifting up the would-be assassin's corpse. They carried the body away for analysis to hope to determine more about the assassin.

Velor gave a nod in Sen'ythy's direction. "Thank you, you served us well." Velor sent before he turned to the medical team, which was already rushing the Xiaah to the care facility within the palace. "Come now my children..." He spoke to Breeze and Ri'del which were still in his arms. "Let us watch over your mother while she recovers."

Ri'del watched darkly as the hunter armors carried the corpse away.
"I shall meet you at the infirmary, High Priest, but first I will need to assist the Hunters with a debriefing." She sent, "The assassin's face is fresh in my mind and I need to inform them before I forget."
Nyli III - Royal Palace Medical Complex - Conference Room

The 'Golden Hour' had already passed, and the result was favorable. The Lorath Xiaah was confirmed to be recovering, yet there was still the looming fact of what and whom had struck her down to begin with. In light of the situation, the Fyunnen princess had been summoned by the High Priest to one of the conference rooms which were within the medical complex.

"Come now children..." Velor said quietly as he sat down in one of the leather clad chairs which lined the edge of a large table. He sat at the head of the table as he watched the entrance to the room as he waited for the Fyunnen which he had summoned.

He wouldn't have to wait for too long, as the tell-tale sound of braids clacking against each other sounded just outside of the room. Obelisk soon entered the room and was slightly out of breath from her rather quick run to the conference room.

"You summoned High Priest? How is the Xiaah will she recover?" Worry lined her face and eyes as she scanned the High Priest's face for signs of her condition.

Ri'del crawled up onto one of his father's knee's and sat there. He looked at the door as well, sitting quietly, a look of worry on his little face.

Breeze stood and pouted next to her father's chair. She'd been understandably depressed since the attack, and Obelisk's presence only served to scare her.

Velor let out a soft sigh as he petted both his children while he looked upon the Fyunnen princess with a rather neutral expression. "She will recover, and she is stable. I however can not guarantee her condition so long as the people behind this remain at large."

"Have they IDed the person?" Lrenc'Cdyn asked, standing still in front of the table.

"Vaguely, merely an Occhestian of low standing. Most identifying marks on his body have been removed, and when he detonated the explosive which took off his head, it also released a toxin into his blood which destroyed his genetic material. We've been unable to make an exact identification. However, we have managed to have more luck with the technology he was utilizing for the operation." Velor explained as he thought to the information which he was recently given.

"So when do we strike?" Lrenc'Cdyn asked, her tone serious now as she planted her hands on the table before her, staring dead at the high priest.

"Dear Princess, you've always been over eager... Its why you were not first for your position." Velor slowly shook his head before resuming. "We can't strike until we know where their primary forces are located, thus, we are in a situation where we must scout."

Breeze made a whimpering noise and shifted her weight from foot to foot before she covered herself with her wings. In general Breeze looked ready to start crying.

Lrenc'Cdyn let out a sigh and nodded, sitting down in a seat now. "Forgive me High Priest, I am just eager to strike back at those beasts who betrayed us." She shook her head a few times to clear it of stray thoughts before opening her eyes to look to Velor. "Have you selected the team to scout? Or teams?"

"We have a lead at the moment, which came to us at just the right time, with just the right information." Velor stated as he smiled softly at
Lrenc'Cdyn. "The ship 'Maras' has recently returned to us, and we have analyzed their sensor logs. Their sensors detected some unusual readings, the readings may or may not be Occhestian in origin. I've chosen to follow this lead by sending a single LSDF ship, and the Maras, to investigate."

"The Maras will accompany the scout ship? As back up or as a guide?" Lrenc'Cdyn asked as she tilted her head a little. Inwardly she was a bit upset that again she would not get to visit the crew or ship, but of course she held that in.

As Velor spoke, he placed his hand upon Breeze's head softly and caressed her hair as he looked to her for a moment before lifting her onto his lap.

Ri'del looked to his sister then, and took her hand into his, and then placed an arm around her. The little boy blushed faintly as he did so, but maintained an air of dignity.

"The Maras will work with the scout ship as a guide and a source of back-up. I also wish to make the Maras work for what they've recently requested from us." Velor explained as he thought to the list which had recently come to his attention. "Lrenc'Cdyn, this brings me to the next matter, the scout ship which will be used. I understand that you've had a design commissioned for your first command, the design seems suitable for the task at hand. I've concluded that you will be commanding the ship which will accompany the Maras to seek out the Occhestian stronghold."

Lren'Cdyn's eyes widened a little, her ears twitching at the news as she blushed. "Bu-But High Priest! I am just now getting command...Surely there are others better suited for such a job." She lowered her eyes now almost submissively as she reached up to toy with one of her braids.

"Mmm, and those same commanders would feel that it is their task to single-handedly wage a war when they should be merely scouting. You're new to the task, thus you will show modesty, which is required for such a mission. Also, you're in need of earning a name for yourself before you progress to fully take over your caste from Sen'ythy's care."

The blush soon creped up to the very tips of Lren'Cdyn's ears at the compliments she heard from the High Priest, not to mention his comment about her taking over. "I see High Priest, very well...If you think it wise for me to take command, then I will do as commanded."

"It is not merely a matter of wisdom, it is a matter of what is needed. It will inspire the Fyunnen to have their princess leading the search, and it will bring our people to ease to know that a person of strong blood has been entrusted with the task at hand." Velor stated as he looked upon Lren'Cdyn's expression and could not help but to let a warm smile come from his lips. "I will be expecting a requisition for equipment and crew sometime within the week."

"Understood High Priest, I will do my best. I already have one crew member I wish to bring along, if you could get the gears moving on her." Lren'Cdyn said aloud, looking up now to the High Priest.

"Place her on the crew roster, and it will be handled. You're dismissed Lrenc'Cdyn. Get your ship together, and I shall see you again before you plan to head out." Velor stated as he looked at the Princess. "Also, I do ask that you say hi to my children, they have had little opportunity to speak to you."

Lrenc'Cdyn blinked, suddenly noticing the two young ones in the room. Her face soon matched her hair color as her gaze dropped yet again to the table. How could she have not seen the two heirs to the throne, the two that she would one day protect, as Sen'Ythy protected their parents. "Greetings Prince and Princess, please forgive me for not saying hello before..."

At present Ri'del was consoling Breeze, but looked up at Lrenc'Cdyn, offering a somewhat small smile as his main focus was on his sister. "Hello Princess..." He said giving his sister's shoulder a comforting squeeze.

Breeze, who's cheeks were by then streamed with tears, made a noise and hid her face in her brother's shoulder.

Velor gently tapped Breeze upon her head. "Shh shh, show your face to the Princess. She is a friend and will be protecting you when you're older, just like Aunt Fate protects your mother and father."

Lrenc'Cdyn gasped a little at Breeze's reaction to her, visibly shaken by the gesture as she watched the smaller girl.

Not wanting to disappoint her father or anger a friend, Breeze quickly wiped away the water-works and gave the Princess the nicest smile she could muster.

"Ah, just like a grown queen." Velor stated as he patted Breeze upon her head softly before messing up her hair beneath his palm. "See Lrenc'Cdyn? No reason to feel bad, she is just a little shy at first."

Lren'Cdyn's ears wilted back a little as she smiled as well, glad to see the Princess at least trying to be nice to her. Maybe in time, after the mission the two could spend time together.

Ri'del however was looking from Breeze, to Lrenc'Cdyn and back. His little wings ruffled up slightly.

"Also... I would suggest you speak with the Xiaah before you leave the medical complex." Velor stated as he hugged his children close to calm their nerves. "I still need to tend to the children, so I won't be accompanying you, but I do think she would want to speak with you before you begin your command."

Having adequately performed, Breeze frowned and hugged her brother. She was clearly not as happy as she had portrayed, but she seemed to be doing better than she had been.

"I will go see her now if she is able..." Lrenc'Cdyn asked, starting to rise.

Just as she did, A alert would sound in Velor's head, from the medical team looking after the Xiaah.

Ri'del blushed fiercely at the hug, but returned it none the less.

"Ri'del, could you watch over Breeze for a bit? I'm going to take the Princess to see your mother. Since your mother needs to rest, you two need to stay here, okay?" Velor spoke calmly as he shot a look to Lrenc'Cdyn which would almost explain the moment.

Ri'del looked up at his father a moment and nodded before going back to focusing on his sister.

Velor set his two children down before standing up and moving to Lren'Cydn. "Come with me." He stated before he made his way to the exit of the conference room to lead the way to his sister.

Lrenc'Cdyn nodded and stood, quickly following after Velor.

Velor quickly and quietly lead the way to the Xiaah's medical room, where he quickly questioned the medical staff as to what the situation was.

The situation was quickly explained by a Llamnel doctor who at the moment was nursing a broken arm. Smaller then most, he had bonded to a weak animal unfortunately, and as a result was suffering then from the Xiaah's thrashing. "High Priest, the Xiaah has gone into a seizure from the trauma. We can't calm her down, even the Fyunnen guards tossed aside..." A heavy thud accompanied the statement, along with a grunt of pain.

Velor let out a soft exhale to calm himself before he raised his hand to dismiss the Lmanel. "I'll handle this." He stated as he strode further into the room to lay witness to his wounded sister.

Harr'Ikke lay on the bed before him, thrashing and growling on the bed with her eyes staring up at the ceiling above her. Unknown to her brother just then, her brain had been swelling, and had caused her to go into a seizure. The Fyunnen on her left side was tossed aside as well, to the opposite side of the room from where Velor had entered. That left the larger Llamnel holding down her legs as she did her best to contain the Xiaah.

Velor calmly and quietly moved to his sister's side before he sized her by her forearm, grasping it firmly in his hand as he touched upon her. Feeling her mind and body's situation through his hand. Along with his touch, he compared notes with the sensors of the hospital room. "Her brain tissues are swelling. Administer nanomachines to repair the neural tissue, and go about administering the proper medicines to reduce the swelling. Do not administer tranquilizers, she is helping her healing while she is conscious, and that can not be interfered with." Velor spoke as he quickly assessed his sister's situation.

The doctors moved quickly, doing as told as one administered the nanomachines, and the other administered various medicines that began to stop the swelling. Almost immediately the swelling began to recede, enough for her to stop spasming. After a few minutes, her seizures stopped all together, leaving her laying there on the bed, panting and unconscious.

Velor turned his gaze to Lren'Cydn before he spoke. "Look here, and see the reason for your mission." The High Priest spoke as he caressed his sister's arm, and at the same time he touched upon her, and seemingly caressed her soul as he did.

The Xiaah was drenched in sweat, the hair on her forehead plastered to her face. The bit of blood still in her hair seemed to run out with the sweat as Lrenc'Cdyn strode closer, watching the Xiaah in was seemed like fear mixed with Horror.
Nyli III - Royal Palace Medical Complex - Lobby

“You remember what I told you two, right?” Came the voice of the High Priest as he strode through the sliding doors which were at the entrance of the medical complex. On each shoulder was one of the royal children, he was speaking to them as he strode to the lifts. “Don’t ask for too much, don’t press her too much to be responsive... Your mother is very tired, understand?”

"Yes father..." Ri'del murmured as he looked over at his father a moment, before looking dead ahead. The little boy was still trying to get over the fact someone wanted to hurt his mother, and quite frankly it made him mad.

“And you?” Velor asked as he looked to Breeze.

Breeze sat upon her father's shoulder and pouted. She'd been noticeably depressed since the assassination attempt, and the forceful reminder wasn't exactly helping. "..Mmhmm".

With the acknowledgment from both of his children, Velor continued into the lift. Within moments the lift arrived on the proper floor to deposit the trio in the secured recovery ward. It took a few moments to get by security, even as the High Priest. A little while longer, the trio found themselves in the doorway of Harr’ikke’s room, where Velor set his children down to allow them to greet their mother first.

Ri'del took Breeze by the hand, attempting in a childish sort of way to comfort her as he soon lead his sister over to their mother's bed.

Harr'Ikke was in her bed, simply reading a small book that allowed her to concentrate without pushing herself. It was a small luxury the hospital allowed her. At the sight of her children though, the book was forgotten by the wayside. "My little ones!" She seemed excited as she held out her hands.

Breeze walked with her brother to the bedside and was comforted in a vague sort of way, but she was also visibly upset when she smiled to her mother.

Velor simply watched to see how the children would behave for the moment. He would let them go about their greetings, and then he’d approach.

Ri'del smiled as he saw his mother, and immediately let go of Breeze's hand. The little boy looked at the large bed, and began trying to scramble up into it.

Breeze stood still by the side of the bed. The little girl was scared, sad, surprised and had a handful of other emotions that she didn't know what to do with.

Velor gave Breeze a soft nudge and a pat on the head. “Go ahead, its okay.”

Obedient as always Breeze crawled up to the bed to get close to her mother. She was still obviously scared, but all in all Breeze was very excited to see her mother again.

Harr'Ikke leaned over, grabbing Ri'del's hands to help pull him up into the bed as she gathered him up into a hug. On her forehead she was sporting a rather nasty bruise that surrounded a large scar. As she spotted Breeze, she gathered up her daughter as well. "I have missed my little ones so much!"

Quietly watching, Velor smiled widely as he observed his children and his beloved sister. Things seemed somewhat right for the moment, and it made him feel much better than he had for the last few days. He strode closer to the bedside before speaking. “Hello sister, they were missing you quite badly.”

Ri'del returned the hug as best he could despite his size, and began snuggling into her comforted to be with his mother once more.

"I bet! So long away from their mother, I remembered how you used to cry at night brother." Harr'Ikke laughed a little, though the laugh seemed a little forced.

Breeze sort of hid herself beneath her mother's armpit as she hid her face against her mother's ribcage and laid on the bed parallel to her. Breeze was very quiet, but content.

“You did weep. Often were scolded by Fate for such as well.” Velor skipped the laugh all together, but he did smile. He knew full well just by his sister’s face the entire matter was weighing upon her, and she was not the only one.

"I cried? You used to soak our pillow every night with your tears!" Harr'Ikke laughed a little harder now before wincing in pain.

Ri'del meanwhile was looking on at the exchange curiously.

Breeze, who had always possessed a vague sort of guilt for crying so often, found the banter quite interesting, though she was frightened by her mother's pained expression.

“Just a bit... I was quite fond of mother you know.” Velor could not help but to blush lightly, but as soon as he spotted his sister’s wince he returned to his focus. “Don’t laugh too much dear... The muscle strain will end up giving you a nasty headache.”

"You sound as bad as the doctors..." Harr'Ikke flicked her hand to the side casually and sighed. "I hate sitting here all day..."

“Sister, I am what I am.” Velor could not help but to laugh now as he realized that he did sound terribly like one of those over-worried medical practitioners which lingered through the halls of the medical complex. “I understand though sister, it is troubling to be stuck in one place. But it is better to be safe, right?”

"I am not so sure about safe here. They do not even give special treatment..." Harr'Ikke idly brushed her daughters hair a little and sighed. "The nurses are rather rough..." Harr'Ikke laughed a little, finding it comforting that she received no special treatment.

“It’ll keep you in fighting shape then. We don’t want you getting soft and mushy from laying around all day.” Velor said with a rather cheerful tone in his voice.

Breeze made a quiet huff and used her fingertips to get her hair off the top of her ears. Her typically short hair had been getting shaggy recently, and she wasn't used to having it tickle the tops of her ears.

"Yea yea yea..." Harr'Ikke simply rolled her eyes before hefting Breeze into her lap. She was quickly followed by Ri'del "So tell me little ones, how you two have been?"

"I've been worried, and mad." Ri'del murmured.

"Never allow your enemies to anger you. If you do, they have won." Harr'Ikke told her child.

Breeze simply shrugged and looked away. She was a bit fragile and was worried she'd start crying if she spoke.

"And you my daughter?" Harr'Ikke asked, tilting her head a little to look to her young daughter.

Breeze was on the verge of tears, so she again shrugged, then stared at her feet. After a moment she sniffed and wiped her eyes.

Velor silently observed, curious about how Harr'Ikke and Breeze would overcome the moment.

Harr'Ikke frowned a little before she bundled Breeze up into her arms. With a smile and a small peck on the cheek, Harr'Ikke simply cuddled her daughter. "Dearest one, your mommy is okay and healthy. She will leave this place soon enough and when she does, you and I can do anything you want okay?"

Ri'del huffed as he thought of the person who'd done such an act against his mother. His little wings fluttered as he kept thinking about it.

Breeze only nodded before she hid her face in the nape of her mother's neck and began to cry. She was quiet and not dramatic, but still obviously very emotional. After a couple moments of the display she calmed down but stayed 'hidden'.

Velor looked to Ri’del and Breeze before he frowned then spoke “Looks like this visit is more demanding on the children than on you my sister.”.

"I would have expected as much..." Harr'Ikke said as she just continued to pet her daughters head, smiling down at her. It was nice to know she was loved this much...