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RP: Lorath [Royalty] Twin Hearts

Light mature content.

Nyli III - Royal Palace Bed Chambers - The Late Afternoon After

A groan and a sigh was all which needed to be heard to know that one of the occupants of the massive pit-bed was stirring awake. "Ugh... my back is sore." Came the voice of the Lorath high priest as he looked before himself and found his mate and queen before him. It was the day after their night of intense romance which left them both rather unable to embrace the new day with any sort of zeal. "Good mor--- erm, afternoon, my dearest."

"If I ever tell you to do that to me again...never, under any circumstances, are you to do that..." Harr'Ikke replied to her brother. She was back in place after having used the bathroom and getting something to drink earlier. It wasn't a far stretch to say that it was a rather unpleasant experience for the queen.

"Nonsense... it was good fun, you sure seemed to enjoy it, and I can sense the fondness of the memory leaking off of you." Velor said as he brushed his finger tip over Harr'Ikke's thigh. Velor spoke rather groggily as he went about pulling his mind from the murk of sleep. "We'll just have to be more... restrained."

"Restrained...right." Harr'Ikke grumbled a little and sighed, shifting herself around in the bed to look to her brother eye to eye. "Anything planned for the day?" She asked.

Velor looked up for a moment, referring to the palace's computer as he did so, he then looked to Harr'Ikke and smiled. "Nothing until much later in the evening, a vice admiral is stopping by to discuss something about logistics, but its nothing of deep importance. We're left mostly to our own devices, we've finally managed to delegate most of the tasks at hand to those lower down the chain. Took us about twenty-some years, but we finally managed to work those details out."

"Thank the Goddess..." Harr'Ikke said with a sigh of relief as she snuggled into her brother, sighing a little. "I wonder if Ri'del remembers last night at all.."

"Knowing him? He remembers quite clearly, I'm just glad I had the covers handy to obstruct his view of below our waists... He would have had many questions, more so about where I had put it..." With Velor's words, he pinched his sister's rear to indicate his point.

"Owww..That hurts..." Harr'Ikke grumbled a little and grew out her fingernail, jabbing him in his crotch a little.

"Aah! Watch it!" Velor squirmed away quickly before he laughed. "You don't want to hurt it, do you? You'd have to kiss the pain away."

"I have a feeling you'd be in far to much pain to want me to kiss..." Harr'Ikke growled a little and sighed.

"But your kiss would sooth away such pain." Velor said kindly as he sat up in bed slowly, smiling to Harr'Ikke "Judging by your growling... immensely sore I'm going to assume, you only get grumpy like that when you're in some pain."

"My brother, ever the observant one..." Harr'Ikke rolled her eyes a little and muttered something unintelligible, shaking her head as she looked to Velor. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Straddle me next time so it won't be so brutal?" Velor suggested as his smile turned into a sly grin.

Harr'Ikke's nails soon pierced the skin of her brother's shaft slightly as her eyebrow twitched a little.

A sharp inhale was drawn by Velor as he bit down upon his lower lip. He threw his head back as he flexed his jaw, releasing his lip then biting back down upon it. He writhed slightly as he tried to figure out exactly how to define what he was feeling. He did distinctively recognize it as pain, but was it favorable was the question. "Nnngahhh! Sister!"

The chamber doors opened up again, and admitted the ruler's son, Ri'del. He had been dressed for the day, in a miniature outfit akin to those Velor typically wore. He was bright eyed, and energetic as he saw his parents finally roused to a degree at least. Before he could see anything out of the ordinary, Ri'del turned to close the big doors behind him

Velor heard the doors and through his pain he managed to toss a sheet over his waist. He shot a look to Harr'Ikke to get her to remove her hand.

"Yes dear brother?" Harr'Ikke asked as she glared at her brother still, her fingers twitching once before she let him go.

"Annrgh... just... going to get a medical kit..." Velor mumbled as he wrapped the sheet around himself then scooted out of the bed into a nearby closet where he kept his things.

Ri'del turned back, blinked as his father seemingly shuffled away from his mother and looked mildly confused for a moment. This passed as he then trotted over to the bed, and climbed down and into it, giving his mother a hug.

Velor peeked his head out of the closet and spoke. "Ri'del, judging by the time, is your sister taking one of her naps?"

Ri'del nodded. "Yes father, she went to our room after our afternoon lessons."

"And I take it you're here for your afternoon snack?" Velor asked, his head back in the closet. As he spoke he was in the process of fiddling with some nanomachine containers, preparing something for the immediate, and something which he'd be using in a moment as payback for his grief.

Ri'del's stomach audibly growled slightly. "I didn't have breakfast, I was too busy studying." He said sheepishly.

"And how did your lessons go?" Harr'Ikke asked as she tilted her head.

"They went alright, Breeze spaced out, the teacher got on to her." Ri'del replied, now sitting in his mother's lap.

Velor hummed lightly to himself as he prepared what he had before him. He treated the wounds placed by his sister, and also rubbed a cream onto his aching muscles which plagued him due to the strain which he put upon them the night before.

"Naughty girl, you need to keep her awake." Harr'Ikke smiled a little and petted her son's head. "And you mister, need to stop skipping breakfast."

"Mmm, we're partially to blame." Velor stated as he strode out of the closet, fully robed. "He does favor having us around for his meals, especially you." Velor let out a soft cough as he sat on the bed.

"I tried to keep her awake, but ended up being cuddled into. Then I fell asleep." Ri'del said with a small sigh as he nodded at his father's logic.

"Did you at least finish the studies assigned to you before going to sleep?" Velor asked as he looked at his son with an expression of inquiry.

Ri'del nodded. "Yes, yes I did. I don't...'skimp' as the teacher once said."

"Well then, I don't see any reason for you to be scolded." Velor said as he patted his son upon his head.

"Good boy. You should still not sleep, even if you did finish your studies. Class time is not time to sleep." Harr'Ikke did scold her son though, opting to be a little stern.

Ri'del looked down slightly and nodded.

"Well, we can't blame him too much, he did neglect to eat. He does need to keep his strength up." Velor noted as he held a finger up... which he then used to poke his son's forehead.

Ri'del let out a small sound of protest, and teetered back, right into his mother's large chest, his head now nestled in between the two large mounds of soft, warm flesh.

A soft laugh came from Velor, as he felt a tiny twinge of envy for his son's position. "Comfortable?" He asked.

Harr'Ikke used a pointer finger to poke the sides of her breast in, squeezing the mounds of flesh against the sides of his head.

Velor's envy increased ever so slightly, but in a way which made him
laugh and feel rather cheerful.

Ri'del blushed slightly, and moved his head from side to side. "Yes...they're soft and comfy."

"I think so too." Velor stated with a firm nod of agreement. "Warm, soft, comfortable, very welcoming indeed."

Ri'del nuzzled into them a little more. "I like them. Will Breeze have these when she is an adult?"

Velor could not help but to laugh a little as he tilted his head. "Well, judging by her genetic profile, I say she'd have them and they'll be quite ample."

"That's good." Ri'del said before looking up to his mother, blinking his large amber peepers at her.

"I swear, men and their obsession with breasts...I will never understand it." Harr'Ikke shook her head with a sigh as she leaned head back now.

"Well, it is quite simple. They're a symbol of good health and the ability to sustain life. Its a clear and present sign of the Goddess blessing women to be the bringers and caretakers of life." Velor explained as he was taught from a very young age.

"And they're comfy, warm and soft." Ri'del added, eying a nipple now.

"And apparently dinner platers, what with the way Ri'del is thinking..." Still untrained, Harr'Ikke had full access to her child's mind.

Ri'del then looked up at his mother innocently.

Breeze then entered the room, whining to herself as she wiped her left eye with the back of her right hand. The child was already upset about having fallen asleep and woken up by herself. "Nngh.. Papa?" Breeze looked around the room before she joined the rest of her family.

"Over here little one, your brother is over here too. He got hungry and was looking for his afternoon meal." Velor explained as he patted the spot beside him, near her mother. "Here, sit with your bother on Mama's lap, you could have your mid-day snack too."

Of course ever-the-obedient Breeze did as was suggested and quickly made her way over to her parents before she pushed herself up to sit upon her mother's lap. She wasn't particularly hungry, but she enjoyed the affection.

Ri'del looked over at his sister, blushed slightly, and then looked to his father.

"She may have a pair just as big as mine little Ri'del..Just think! All to yourself." Harr'Ikke grinned widely as she poked her daughter's chest.

Velor could not help but to laugh heavily now as he patted both of his children upon their heads. "Ah you two will grow up so well..." Velor then shifted his gaze to Harr'Ikke "Mm, should not keep the hungry waiting my dear."

Still tired, Breeze whimpered and covered her chest before she leaned against her mother's shoulder. "I'm tired..." Breeze ruffled her wings and bit lightly at her mother's arm.

As Destiny spoke of Breeze's chest, Ri'del's face went a darker shade of red.

"Come here little one." Harr'Ikke said with a smile as she gathered Breeze up into her arms and softly stroked her head. "Go one Ri'del, you may feed if you are hungry."

Ri'del's stomach growled again before he nodded deftly. He looked at one of the nipples and moved toward it, wrapping his lips on it, and began to suckle. Despite it being a daily thing, the boy still always went pink in his cheeks.

Breeze exhaled a deep sigh as she leaned her cheek against her mother's breast and relaxed again. It was admittedly awkward watching her brother eat, but she didn't care enough to do anything about it. "I don't like classes..."

"You do need to learn dear... it'll help you grow into a wise leader." Velor stated as he reached over and gently stroked his daughter's hair. "You may just need to find the subject you enjoy."

Harr'Ikke did her best to keep herself calm as she nodded. "Your father is right, studies are important to your development.

Velor meanwhile scooted behind his sister for a moment while she tended to Ri'del and Breeze.

Ri'del continued to feed, suckling away, but on occasion instead of staring at the lump of flesh before, him looked to his, mother, sister, blinked then went back to it. He took his lips away a few minutes later, and wiped milk away, caught his breath and went back for more.

Bored as usual, Breeze flexed her wings and rubbed her mother's stomach. She wanted to continue complaining about classes, but honestly she had nothing more to say. Occasionally she giggled when she watched Ri'del.

Ri'del noticed his sister's gaze on him, and then her giggling. The boy let his mother's nipple go in mid-gulp, and sat back, reeling, coughing, and sputtering, cheeks red with embarrassment.

Velor meanwhile shuffled a pair of objects from the sleeves of his robes, which he soon pressed to the sides of his sister's breasts. She'd feel a small tingle at the touch of the objects, before she'd hear her brother letting out a sly snicker, the same he used to let out when he used to play pranks on her from time to time in their youth.

Harr'Ikke jumped a little and flailed slightly as she felt the tingle. Looking up at her brother she was glaring daggers at him now.

Velor looked down at his sister's face as he grinned. "What? I'm just making sure that Ri'del has plenty to eat." He said before slinking back.

After Velor spoke, Harr'Ikke would notice a warmth in her bust along with a distinctive tingle. From her knowledge, she'd know that Velor just utilized his pesky nanomachines upon her to stimulate the tissues and organ function.

"Your an ass..." Harr'Ikke declared as she sighed and waited to see if
Ri'del was done feeding.

Ri'del meanwhile had stopped his hacking fit, and was now eying his mother's chest. "Mother...what is wrong with your chest?" He asked, eyes wide.

Velor snickered as he sneaked back into the bed and sat beside his sister. He knew it would take a moment before the nanomachines really went to work, but for now he just relaxed as he watched his children.

"Your father decided to give you two a extra meal..." Harr'Ikke said with a rather obvious amount of malice. With a growl she looked to him again before she sighed. She would need to be milked now.

Curious from the conversation, Breeze kneaded the underside of her mother's breast a couple times before she tired of that and instead hugged her mother's arm. "I don't want breasts, I think..."

Velor quirked his brow sharply at his daughter's statement before he let out a soft sigh and shook his head. Well, at least Ri'del is learning quickly, it seems like Breeze will be slow to pick up on her maturity, just like her mother. He thought to himself.

"So the bigger they get, the more there is to eat?" Ri'del stated incredulously, eying them getting bigger.

"Yes Ri'del, very smart of you." Velor stated in a compliment to his son as he reached over and patted his son upon the head.

Ri'del reached out, and poked one experimentally. "They're bigger, and softer..." He blinked, and looked back up to his mother before going back to feeding, not missing this opportunity.

Velor chuckled as he looked to Harr'Ikke "See? Its a good thing sister."

Harr'Ikke shot her brother one of her "I'm going to kill you", before she laid back her head and sighed in resignation, waiting out the feeding. "Breeze, you may as well get something to eat now as well little one.

A sense of unease washed over Velor for a moment, before his sheer guts kicked in once more before he leaned close to his sister's ear and whispered. "Oh relax, it'll be another few hours before the machines start working on the nerves, then you'll want to kill me, or smother me with them, one of the two."

Though reluctant, Breeze soon leaned in to suckle from her mother and receive her food. Though she was clearly enjoying the meal, Breeze tried to be much more subtle than her brother was.

Velor sat up then patted Breeze upon her head softly. "Good girl, if you have a good meal it'll help you wake up. You do need to eat well to keep yourself healthy and alert. Not to mention cute."

"And your don't want that do you? To stop being cute?" Harr'Ikke poked at her daughter's wings and smiled. "You need to keep yourself strong if your to be my daughter."

in response to her parents' teasing Breeze growled softly bit Harr'ikke's nipple before she continued to suck.

Ri'del took his lips from his mother's nipple, and looked at her. "Breeze is cute, and will always be cute." He surmised with a firm nod of his head.
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