Star Army

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RP [RRC]CH1 - The Crash of Reborn


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
RP Date
RP Location

The star system seemed like it was at a complete halt, no ships or anything that was interfering with it. The planets were flourishing on the old, it was living, it was continue life as nothing had happened before. For a good few years, the system had not been touched by any interference from the outside, no reason was there to go to the outskirts of this star region. But that was going to change today, as an explosion was seen from the orbit of Takara I. A unknown Yamatai ship broke into pieces as a trail of smoke descents towards the surface of the planet while zooming in at the front of the trail, a heavy damaged NMX scout ship was seen that was barely holding it together.

"HA! Got the f*cker!"

"Focus on landing, we are not out of the freaking woods yet Common Fighter" A cold voice replied as the scene showed now the bridge in dimmed red lights. There were bodies on the ground and wounded personal at their respective station as the navigator looked at the broken screen "We are barely holding out as it is Commander!" Looking back at the center she could see a Commander in cut open NMX uniform and blood dripping from her hairline over her left eye. Her name is Sif Giheregu, she is a shining example of great cannon fodder for the Mishhuvurthyar, been placed on the front line to many times and yet survived most conflicts "Yea you are the navigator, get this ship on the ground and pretty please in one piece or you get shot" The navigator rolled her eyes as she turned her attention back to her controls and focused on getting this ship on the ground.

The ship was shaking like hell as the damage the Yamatai ship did to them was quite big, big enough to get killed if it was not for the well-planned counter actions of Sif in the battle itself. The ship belly was getting red to almost yellow as the heatshields barely could handle it and cracking noises were heard all throughout the ship as the navigator looked to the screen "There!" Sif looked at the screen seeing an old route " are not going..." Sif sits back in her chair "No time, the engines are burning out ..." As she said it, the left engine explodes letting the ship drop even faster "F*cckkk" Making a nosedive as she tried her best to pull it up.

With a slam, the belly of the ship slides over the road just in time as structural integrity collapses and brings the lower decks to collapse as some crew perishes by it. The bridge crew gets sling around as Sif grabs her chair just on time and yet gets slammed back into it hearing a crack of her ribs. The ship made large fireworks of a trail as the metal scratches over the road and came to a halt. For a moment it was quiet, the fire was, however, spreading behind them in the bushes, but it would go out as there was not enough fuel to keep it going. Sif breaths suddenly as she coughs a few times grabbing to her side feeling the place of her broken rib "Welcome to....UX-27" The navigator spoke from her controls.
Unknown NMX Base

The cracking sounds, the moving of gears as the power generators slowly start to work with the juice of fuel that they were given. Slowly lights started to go on in various locations on the base. As the control room started to get active with consoles going on "I think you got power up there my lady" Was heard over the communication as Sif lets her finger slide over the console and looked at her finger seeing the dust on it and sighs "Get me a status report on the power generators and systems Master Technician" She spoke "Yes my lady" With a nod from herself she cleaned a screen of a console and taps to do a diagnostic on the systems herself and smirks seeing that the main systems were not yet operational "This will take some time..." Sif mutters as she quickly rose her pistol from her pocket and aimed behind her as she looked at the direction seeing a woman standing there with her hands up "For fuck sake...stop the sneaky stuff as I will shoot you next time" She shook her head and lowered her pistol while looking back at the console.

Looking at her lady, she lowers her hands to behind her neck and smirks a bit "Sorry, old habits die hard my lady. The ship is a complete loss....that landing completely fubar her. Thought on the positive side, we can still use the material of the ship to fix this base up if it needs some fixing that is" SHe slowly let her eyes look into the room and noticed what kind of dump it really is. What did they risk to get here for? Ah yes, the risk "We lost about 10 of our crew, we still got 4 wounded that are being treated as I speak" Taking the bet on her own she narrows her eyes and looked at her lady "Why are we here my lady... we could have joined the other mish overlords easy?" The woman smiled a bit seeing that her lady stopped and knew she had hit a nerve, but what would happen next was just a wildcard.

Looking up from her console, letting a sigh out and knew that her crew was going to ask questions sooner or later. But to have her Superior Fighter to throw out the questions first was something she didn't suspect on such an early basis. Sif leans on the console and looked finally at the woman that still had the smirk on her face "To bring glory back to the NMX we have to use the advantage of the Kuvexian war to our favor...we are ordered to rebuild this base, get it back up and running. Now is that enough to assure your interest for now? We got a lot of work to do" Looking back at the console she continues on her report. Sif rather avoided shooting anyone at such an early stadium. But if this woman was going to poke her interest more it was something Sif wouldn't mind doing so.

The woman lowered her hands and placed them behind her back and nods softly to herself "Alright, I will do a security sweep of the base" With that, she bows "My lady.." And left the control room. With one more glance over her shoulder, she looked back at her lady knowing that she was walking on thin ice as she turned away from the door that closed behind her "Something is up....but I might enjoy it" She mutters to herself with a grin on her face.
Unknown NMX Base

Slowly days were passing by, the hand full of NMX soldiers did their best to follow their lady's orders and moved from place to place to get things in order. They were impressed to see Sif doing some work as well, normally speaking the higher class within the ranking of the NMX wouldn't get their hands dirty and let the lower class do all the work with all punishments included if they lack the motivation to do their job properly. The Master Technician wipes off some sweat of her head and looks at her side seeing how Sif work on the cloning tubes at the other room, she caught herself staring for a few seconds to only snap back to reality.

"Oh my, you are also charmed by our lady hard work and getting dirt on her hands" A voice came from behind the Chief Technician as she didn't bother to turn around knowing already who it is "What do you want, got no innocent being to kick?" She replied with some hatred in her voice as she picked up another tool and starts to continue her job on the console "My, such resentment towards little ole me. Dear, you got no idea what class you are in, maybe you are that innocent being that needs some kicking" The technician looked up and then rolled her eyes "Stuff that ego of yours somewhere else, Lady Sif will have your head if you don't start to be useful" She finally looked over her shoulder seeing the Superior Fighter with a grin on her face that would make anyone sick to their stomach as she simply nods with a giggle looking at Sif direction who was still very into her job.

Placing her hands on her back she grins a bit more "Are you not a bit curious as to why we are here, of all places why did our lady want to go to a half-finished base as this one?" The Superior Fighter wiggles on her feet a bit back and forth as the Master Technician shrug looking back at the console "We are here to serve lad, not to wonder about the given orders. Our lady spoke to rebuild the NMX forces, then we do that" She cracked a panel open and begins configuring the cables "But...I do tend to agree that it is we are only up with a half glass of water" Pulling out an old wire she shrugs as she knew that it would please the woman behind her with the sentence. But there was no response and it actually made the technician worry until she heard her voice "I figure that our lady has a different agenda then she told us, that it is not an agenda that would fulfill the needs of our NMX lords..." The technician blinks and looked back at the Superior Fighter "Be very careful of your words, it might imply you telling that Lady Sif is a traitor..."

The Superior Fighter looked back at the Master Technician with glassy eyes as she smiled "I would never suggest such a thing, but it is my duty to wonder about any potential security diversions that could lead to the danger of our people. Are you willing to do the required needs to protect the idealism of our masters? Or are you standing at Lady Sif side whatever it cost?" The Master Technician draws her pistol and aimed within an eye blink to the Superior Fighter head, who didn't move at all and looked right past the barrel that the Master Technician is holding "I warn you, woman, watch your tongue or I will rip it out of you without any regret. You and I both serve Lady Sif and Lady Sif serves our NMX masters simple as that" The silence was getting awkward, the tension was building as the two women were looking at each other, it was like who could react the fastest game.

"If you pull that trigger, you better get it done right now, there is work to be done and I hate to see you gals slacking because of whatever disagreement you might have" A voice broke the silence as the of them looked at the direction of it seeing Sif standing there cleaning her hands with a cloth. The Master Technician lowers her pistol and placed it back in her holster wanting to react "I don't care, get these clone tubes active...getting tired of doing labor work. I want those thralls to be cloned. Move it!" The two nodded and replied "Yes my lady" At the same time as they both resume their duties. Thought Sif had her eyes on her Superior Fighter that left the room.
UX-27 - (Re)Claimed NMX base
Day fourteen after crash

Rubbing her hands through her face as she tried to get a breathing moment from the last couple of days has been intense, even for her. Sif placed her hands on her lap and looked at the spinning up gears and light-up cloning tubes where Thralls were being made. She still didn't have the whole facility on full 100%, about 55% was active and her Master Technician was doing her best to get the remaining power grid back up. But complaining about the lack of materials, the lack of unfinished machines that their masters left behind. It was a firm and legit claim to the problem, but Sif knew that the NMX had to pull back for a failed war that they were destined to lose. She stood up from her spot and dust her side and stopped "Report..."

"The planet facility is pretty much scouted, traces of any kind of life was dusted away by the time" A voice came from behind her as it was her Superior Fighter that took the security and scouting duties upon herself. Sif had reason to believe that her idealism vision and that of this woman were not on one line, but time would tell if she would indeed backstab Sif or not "Good, begin your recon on the planet, while there might not be life on this base we don't know if we got tribes out there" She moved towards another console to see the production rate of the Thralls and shrugs "What do you want me to do with any tribes or form of intelligence?" The Superior Fighter asked with no sarcasm or spite in her voice, but merely looking at her lady "Get rid of them if they are deemed hostile. How you do it is up to you" The woman nodded to her commands and moved out the room. Sif slightly looked at her leaving and then back at the console she worked on.

The plans had to proceed and it was well forming into her planned out plans "My lady, the base power is up to 58% and I am working on some generators that were not finished" Her Master Technician spoke when entering the room and stood still looking at the clones "They are progressing as scheduled, the first batch should be done within a few days programmed to support you in your duties. I need this base operational before we can do anything" Sif replied not looking at her Master Technician that simply looked back at her lady "Yes my lady, the support is greatly welcome in this work" Sif nods and looked finally at her "I edit some of the genes here and there to make the program of these Thrall better. They should know how to deal with this all" With that, the Master Technician nodded and left the room.
A tall, muscular, dark-skinned man nodded to the master technician as she left. Knocking on the door before entering, the man grinned as he looked at Sif watching his creations. "They aren't pretty, but they will get the job done with the modifications to their behavior. Then I will dissect them when their replacements are created so I can adapt what went well into the next generation." he simply said respectfully. Not for the life of the thralls, he didn't care about the cattle. No, he was being respectful to the glory that is Sif.

He then pulled out a datapad and listed out a complete inventory of supplies and working equipment as well as equipment beyond repair the Xenobiologist was able to discover.
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