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Laz Public Network [RSA Special Purchase Request] To [Gartagen Union]


DEFCON Everybody Dies
- General Request -

Now that we've... acquired our financial footing once again we, the RSA, find ourselves without a base of operations. Or rather lacking one with the capacity our operations require. Now from what is in front of me I believe there are two modified Harbor class trade stations from our previous... incarnation still active in your hands. I'm willing to front up to twenty million GD per station as well as the covering of transport costs to an undisclosed location. I'm also willing to disclose certain... special projects... which we intend to share with your nation's military at the proper moment... all that I ask is that we get those stations back..

Sincerely Colonel Markus Finley
The RSA would receive a message from the Union Communication grid.

'We are experiencing an emergency at the moment. Stand by."
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