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[Rules] DRv3 Update: Starbase Edition


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This makes starbases almost totally immune to starships. I would not recommend it based on that alone.
Apologies for the late response, @Ametheliana - I appreciate the offer, but I’ll have to decline as Wes has said in the past that rule-related submissions go in this forum, not the one for setting submissions.
I don't believe there is a need for this for a specific reason: Starbases are, and should remain, employed more as narrative tools which are part of the success/failure conditions of a plot's mission rather than the primary means of combat under DRv3. They're often being attacked as a 'big bad' or defended by the plotship rather than serving as a main part of the plot itself. As such, they should remain as strong or weak as the GM requires for the narrative. The statement that "starbases should be almost immune to starships" in most cases is enough of an understanding in and of itself to make further elaboration unnecessary as well, where the fringe cases are plots letting people do awesome things.

There's also the risk of DR-creep: Gradually making more and more DR tiers as people demand larger and larger structures because they can insist upon such.
I'm not sure I'm in favor of this either. I think that Starbases in SARP are too mobile to be distinguished from the biggest dreadnaughts. Consider for a moment that the highest tier Starbase can hit .25c and cross ~10 light years an hour. Crossing the whole of the main map (240 light years) in a day. That's not slow.
Apologies for the late response; based upon the feedback received from @Toshiro and @Soban - which the more I think of, the more I agree with - I’m withdrawing this submission. It was an interesting idea, sure - but it looked far better on paper then it did in reality, and wouldn’t have really accomplished much besides requiring things like dedicated anti-fortress capital ships.
To be honest, I'd rather we put some manner of restrictions on the mobility of starbases, since I do not really feel that a starbase should be allowed to be mobile so much but rather instead remain as a stationary object for defensive purposes (or some other purpose)

However, in regards to this matter, I also do not really feel that we need something like this - at least not right now.

One problem though, is this; what if players start going "Yeah I can kill that starbase! It's only tier 15!"

It would be up to the GM (and FM, for that matter) to stop such things from happening, that is one of the functions that we serve in the RP.
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