I was disappointed to not have been consulted before Approval, until I read this:
FrostJaeger said:
Spike Launchers of Devastation™
Okay, I can at least say my funny-bone has been tickled.
But... if there's an oversight in this, it's how Tier Equivalent Weapons are added. Though how they function is well-explained afterwards, there's no mention early on of why they are there, which would likely generate a "why did they bother with this?" observation on the reader's part. I myself think they really feel tacked on.
For the former flaw, an distinction made early on; perhaps On-Tier weapons can have a short description such as "this allotment is usually reserved for the unit's main armament" and then the Tier-Equivalent Group for "secondary weaponry" and such. Just so that it's made more evocative to the reader on what does what.
As for the feeling that tier-weapon-groups are tacked on, maybe it would feel less so if they're not merely just an equivalent to 2 on-tier-weapons.
Right now, the distinction is:
- Less or equal than 8 on-tier-weapons
- Less or equal than 2 tier-equivalent-weapon-groups
That means, on a Tier 10 ship, that I could pack a single extremely powerful Tier 13 weapon, but then unlike ships before Wes' ruling, I would be able to afford having four more Tier 9 weapons. So, before Wes' ruling, this hypothetical corvette of mine with a light anti-capital weapon would have paid the price by not having anything else to defend itself with. Thanks to Wes' ruling, it can get away with it
and have some extra weapons to boot.
So, from where I sit, there's potential abuse that's possible. I don't think Wes would take kindly to some independent-built frigates being able to possibly blow his Eikan cruisers in a single strike.
But maybe there's something interesting that can be done with this and fix two problems at once. Maybe we can change the proportions.
Such as:
- Less or equal than 4 on-tier-weapons
- Less or equal than 6 tier-equivalent-weapon-groups
While I'm not a fan of the rigidity I feel out of the above, this insurres that the on-tier weapons can never be used to combine into a weapon more than 2 steps above the unit's native tier is possible (the Tier 11 Plumeria's main gun is a +2 tier weapon). However, creating a Plumeria with a 4/6 arrangement would not be possible (wouldn't be able to fit in the positron cannons), so maybe 6/4 would be a better idea to consider.
Or, perhaps, going from 8/2 to 6/4, 4/6 and then 2/8 could have some impact on the way or style the ship is built... though what that would be for currently escapes me.