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Sachiko Announces Bid for Premier!!

Planet Yamatai
Embassy Park
Center Compound
Conference Room

There was a din of conversation in the largest of the dozens of conference rooms of Reikan Park's center compound. The chatter was amongst a group of people so large that those with gravity manipulation took places up in the air on the flanks and to the back of the crowd, finding their seats to low to catch a glimpse of what would likely soon be proceedings to the front of the conference room.

It gave the appearance to Sachiko, who stood near a small inlet in the rosewood room that was sequestered away from the public view by frosty blue one-way glass, of an amphitheater instead of a conference room. Her opalescent eyes went slowly to the ceiling as she took a small breath. She was alone for a moment save for a pair of local Yamataian law enforcement near her, the only personnel capable of carrying weapons while in the conference center. At the Northern section of the room, sidled against the inlet, was a shining stage where a small figure could be made out amongst the space above a single podium.

"Hello and welcome," came the diminutive voice of a mini Nekovalkryja to the audience, which was broadcast over a microphone but still had a pip-squeak nature to it. "Today you have been gathered for a press conference about tone individual that I am proud to know. A colleague to many at these embassies, ehe has been with this park since its building in YE 35. Since then, she has been an indispensable asset to Yamatai in no small way."

At these words, Sachiko knew it was nearly time to walk up the deep red of the steps leading to the wooden stage that she could barely see from her view in the wings. The wait seemed to give her a sort of buoyancy that could be noticed on the edges of her pale pink lips while she looked to the ceiling.

"Please let me introduce someone known to many of you..." she looked to the wings where Sachiko was now walking up the last steps of the stairs and continued, "Sachiko."

Having walked up the short set of stairs while the din of conversation erupted once more, the Elf made her way across the raised stage of the conference room. Her grey brows opened in the center and splayed outwards while her wide smile greeted the crowd with an expression of hope and happiness.

Her slitted, long sleeves dangled away from her arms while she barely raised them to hold either side of the podium. Her gray hair was arranged to form a circular crest above her slender face, which was adorned with small slate blue beadwork that gleamed at the smallest movement. Her tall stature made her a focal point as the mini Nekovalkryja made her own way down the stairs that Sachiko had just come from.

"With all of the Kikyō Sector, I want to participate in the celebrations of the year's end and for what is to come. Tonight, we will be close to family and to friends old and new enjoying what has transpired and what is to come. Tomorrow, it will be our duty to ensure the future is a worthy one of celebration in a year from tonight and in coming years.” She looked down, at the podium while her gentle grip on it released. She took a step away from it, closer to the edge of the stage but near enough the microphone to be heard, as she spoke.

"This is no easy task, we all know. We have a war we must face together. We have neighbors that, for better or worse, are wary of Yamatai. We have issues that have not had solutions found to them. We all want these problems resolved. The power to do so is in the hands of the many to choose who to entrust those problems to," Sachiko said.

“I believe I am the one to ensure our resolutions for the future are upheld. I have done so for Xiuluria since my birth nearly two hundred years ago. I ask that you allow me to do so for the Star Empire of Yamatai now, as the Premier.”

Those words were the ones the crowd had been looking to hear from Sachiko's lips and the relative solitude of the conference room was broken at the word, "Premier," to which the crowd jumbled as a mass with questions and comments. The mini Nekovalkyrja returned and put herself close to the microphone while Sachiko bowed her head graciously to the crowd while moving away from where she had been addressing the .

"Questions will have to be held for later," she said. "Sachiko, thank you for your run for the candidacy for Premier of Yamatai and the greatest luck to you!"

"Thank you," Sachiko told her graciously, but she was too far from the microphone to be heard. The conference hall would get to see Sachiko one last time as she lifted her arm until her elbow was no longer straight and gave a demure wave before turning and was escorted away by the law enforcement officials down the rosewood steps and behind the frosty blue glass.