Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP [Sacre and Gravity] Victory and Aftermath


Convention Veteran
RP Date
YE 43, 1st month
RP Location
Uesureyan Fields
Uesureyan Fields

Sacre stood alertly in the middle of the terminal, looking stoic as ever. Seventh Fleet had lost three-quarters of its strength in the last rearguard action of Glimmergold. The Ranger had been damaged extensively but had managed to bring Sacre and her squad back home. The declarations of victory were resounding through the whole empire. For the first time in Sacre's memory, the empire was at what she felt to be peace.

She scanned the terminal not for enemies, but for the one thing that she loved the most in the world, a blue Tiger striped Neko. When she spotted her, she broke into what for Separa'Shan was a run. She swept Gravity up into a massive hug. The tears of relief filled her eyes, "It's over." She whispered to her girlfriend.
"Huh, weird to think I haven't set foot on this world in two y- EEP!"

Gravity was surprised by the sudden scooping, at least until she saw it was Sacre. With this new information, she wriggled around until she lay bridal-style in Sacre's arms, with her own arms wrapped around her neck. She planted a quick kiss before speaking.

"I can't believe it myself! I have to say I had a pretty weird time. I think at one point I went full valkyrie and started painting my face and stuff?" Gravity asked jokingly. Yes, from Ralt, to another universe, to destroying Planet H, to the whole spear-toting, face-painting valkyrie phase, the past few years had been absolutely nuts.

"But now that's over, and we can get to making up for lost time." The blue girl whispered conspiratorially, waggling her eyebrows.
Sacre laughed at her Gravity's joke. She smirked down at her girlfriend. "I hope you've been a good girl. But we'll get to that later. We've lost a lot of time, but we'll make it back. Now that we don't have a huge war looming over us. I've been missing you so much. You have to tell me everything about what's been happening, and what your plans are now that the war's over."

She finally put Gravity down once it seemed like half of the concourse was staring at them, but took the neko's hand as they walked down the concourse. Sacre finally noted the officer's insignia on the Azure catgirl's uniform. "You little stinker, how did you jump me? An officer?" Sacre said, not sure how to take this change. She had always been the one with the higher rank for the vast majority of their relationship.
"Yuuup!" gloated the pilot, sticking her tongue out and having to crane her neck fully up so she, the 5' plucky neko could her 6'7", stoic separa'shan girlfriend. Needless to say, even without the theatrics they were probably the oddest couple at the port.

"Some sort of accelerated promotion deal. You could probably apply for it if you want. The SA needs officers bad."

"My plans, though? Well, I'm probably staying with the Kaiyo. It's my baby. I do good there. I plan on staying in the military, probably until they force me to leave. The good news is now that the War's over they might actually let us make vidcalls so we don't have to go months with no contact."




She couldn't resist any longer.

"And that's 'how did you jump me, ma'am?''."
"Yes, your blueberry haughtiness, ma'am. Just remember that while there are regulations against striking a monkey brained excuse for an officer, it is somewhat less clear on the subject of tieing them up." Sacre said, returning from her overjoyed state at seeing her girlfriend to her baseline. Despite the insults, there was a certain warmness to it.

"As for me, I'm good at my job. The knuckleheads in Blackwolf are marginally less terrible than they were when they started under me. I've yet to rid myself of a certain cold-loving idiot, but in a way he's grown on me. Like an irritating toe fungus, you have to freeze off perhaps. but I do tolerate him because I don't like the cold well enough to be rid of him. I'm good at blowing all of the insufficient schlock the Kuvexians consider 'elite' troopers away, and patching up those too stupid to die in the aftermath. But I'm not sure it's what I want to do anymore." It was interesting how Sacre's tone would subtly shift from friendly jabbing while talking about Klaus and her squad to genuine dislike when talking about the Kuvexians. They were variations that most might miss, but Gravity knew well.

"Anyway, I've got my own way to officer, I'll have your cheeky blue butt back where it belongs soon enough. You remember those NH-40s we ran across a couple of years ago? I got a good look at the schematics when Eden was 'upgraded' and my medical training let me understand them pretty well. Intelligence, an oxymoron if I ever heard one, well not just an their all morons, was pleased they were able to get so much information from me about it. It also made me more curious. There is a lot we actually don't know about Neko and a lot that's ultra-secret, beyond what I'm told as someone who has to troubleshoot you mewling kittens, as well. I think for the first time I want to know rather than just be the best at what I'm told to do." Sacre explained.

"I think now that the war's over, I'm going to go into getting an actual medical degree rather than just relying on medic school and enough reading and practical experience to get by. It will be a couple of years, but I think I might be able to make a difference in a way other than knifing people in the face and patching up people who have been knifed in the face. I'll owe the army a few more years for the training, but then I'll be free. Free to get out and find out who I am without all this," Sacre motioned to where her rack of ribbons would be if she was in her class A uniform.

"Also, I'm pretty sure it's easier for a civilian to get away with tying up a cheeky officer."
"Aw! I knew you liked Klaus!" Gravity cooed. Then, after listening to Sacre, her face fell a little.

"I... I see. I get it, though. I was born for the service. I can't see myself anywhere else. Maybe one day I'd consider becoming a civilian pilot, but even then I'd probably stay in the reserves. Sometimes I forget that other people had a life before the Star Army."

Then, her eyes lit up with excitement. The kind of excitement that could only be generated by the presence of a lover. She smiled, showing off her slightly-longer canines.

"But enough about that. How 'bout you take me to the nearest hotel and put your money where your mouth is?" She challenged.
"Like is a strong word, perhaps able to tolerate fits better," Sacre said, which was for her high praise.

"Most of the lazy jerks in the Empire have a life that is happily Army-less. They get to do the living, we get shoved by the billionfold into the furnace of war. That sounds bitter, but at least it's a choice I in a moment of ill-advised anger picked. The only reason that the insufferable bureaucracy of the Army seems big and important is that we've been plopped down in the middle of the pigstye all or most of our lives. Fighting is so you can live, living isn't for this dumbass fighting. That's why I'm going to Star Army Academy of Military & Medical Sciences for two years. I might be getting the army to pay for it, but unless they put me on TDY, I'm going to be a semi-civilian. Oh, and here's a chance for a downpayment."

Suddenly Sacre whirled her tail scooping Gravity up and putting them in the back of a waiting Cab. "To the Kyoto Tower Hotel!" Sacre told the driver and they took off as the two lay tangled together, held together by a long lanky tail. Sacre leveraged them so they could talk face to face. "I wasn't really alive when I joined the army. I still wasn't for a long time. Then, then I was assigned to the Kaiyo, you came into my life and filled it with color. But the war, the prospect of losing it all, muted the colors. Now that it's over, for the first time I want to live, really live. To have somewhere other than a hotel room to call our own. A place to come home to."

Sacre took a breath, slightly unsteady at the emotions, "I guess what I'm saying is, do you want to go apartment shopping with me?"
"I..." Gravity began, yet she couldn't quite finish the sentence.

She was so used to having the military cover all of her housing and accommodations. The idea of having an actual "home" was as alien to her as basic hygiene was to a rixxikor.

However, she'd lately begun to think about her future in the aftermath of the war, about possible futures. About late mornings sleeping in and the sounds of little snake children slithering along the floor.

"Yes." Gravity said with finality, not entirely realizing the gravity of what she'd just agreed to.

A new chapter in her life. A home. A place where she knew where to go every time she came back to Yamatai. A... family that she knew awaited her. Of course, the damily-fortress was always open to her, filled with her sisters who just couldn't get used to a non-regimented lifestyle. But this was different.