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SACN SAINT Directives in Asteria


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To: Taisho Nakaide Shida. Director of SAINT
From: Taisho Ketsurui Yui

1. This memo concerns the commander's guidance for SAINT's operations in Asteria.

2. Asteria is considered partner, ally, and suzerain of Yamatai. No hostile actions should be taken against the forces of Asteria, and their forces should be allowed to operate without interference in Asterian space.

3. Star Army ships are considered to have permission to move through Asterian space as needed, but should not stay or make stops in Asterian space without permission of the Asterian government.

4. The Star Army's presence in Asterian space should be kept to a bare minimum. This includes SAINT forces, which should operate as silently as possible. It is politically important that the Star Army is not put in a position where it appears to be an "occupying" force.

5. All Star Army intelligence and exploration data gathered now, previously, and in the future, in Asterian territory must be shared with the intelligence forces of the Shield of Asteria.

6. Any Asterian concerns about SAINT ships in Asterian space should be referred to Star Army Command.


Ketsurui Yui
Commander, Star Army of Yamatai

OOC: @raz
From: Taisho Nakaide Shida
To: Taisho Ketsurui Yui

Star Army Intelligence has never conducted itself as an occupying force, and all scouting routes necessary for the maintenance of national security are operated with the utmost discretion. SAINT units will continue their work in compliance with your orders, as always. Directorate assets currently in-theater do not operate in violation of any new directive, so Star Army Command should not expect any interruption in the information streams from the region.

With regard to point 5: Command already receives the full breadth of SAINT's gathered knowledge, so if it is all the same, perhaps members of the Taisho's staff should be responsible for what they deign necessary to share with allied organizations.


Nakaide Shida
Director, Star Army Intelligence
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