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Approved Submission Saint Interdiction Projector


Inactive Member
With the ever increasing scope of power armours and various FTL technologies operating on an ever reducing scale – not to mention the advent of teleporting technology - it was seen by SAINT as prudent to develop a system to negate these advantages so they could operate more efficiently in their missions. As such the Interdiction Projector was developed.

The Interdiction Projector most commonly takes the form of a obsidian black, slightly reflective, cube with rounded corners. The outer-shell is composed of a damage-resistant composite material with an energy resistant glaze. On the top side of the cube there is a touch-sensitive LED panel from which the device can be activated, and the size and properties of the projected field altered – the smallest possible size is five metres cubed, the largest is a kilometere cubed.

The field projected is an ‘Interdiction Field', more usually found on star-ships – indeed being part of the CFS package used on Yamataian vessels. It functions through creating a reversed CCD field, instead of warping the fabric of strength time it functions it using the exact same mechanism. Within the field projected by the device Faster Than Light (FTL) technology ceases to operate, as does other technology which requires transversing or interacting with other dimensions, or requiring the distortion of space-time. However this field is largely ineffective on effects of sufficient strength, and thus while it is effective against Power Armours it has almost no effect on effects created by star-ship grade technology.

It is powered by its own dictionary sized aether generator, which provides the energy for its artificial gravity/anti-gravity field generator – which would otherwise be known as an Interdiction Device.

Alternate explanation:

Working in a similar method the projector creates a powerful specialized artificial gravity field – but in order to work on a planet without damaging the surrounding area the device produces a complex combination of gravity and anti-gravity which render the effects largely unnoticeable on a macroscopic scale.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
One thing that Is wrong with it is the name... It sounds a bit strange.
Something like... ‘Saint FTL/Subspace Jammercube' or something will do nicely.

Seems okay to me, but I'd make the range a bit bigger to be effective, but if you're running on a tiny engine, I'd keep it as it is.

Other than that, Approval!
It doesn't actually say what the field is or how it works.

For this reason, I vote not approved.
Wes said:
It doesn't actually say what the field is or how it works.

For this reason, I vote not approved.
Hmm... has anyone really defined what an interdirection field before Wes? Show me evidence.
To my knowledge that is going to be a negative Luca, but I don't see any flaw in starting here.

I am rather concerned on the lack of limits on this unit. I could see it stopping PA from using FTL systems, but I do not think it would have a chance to get the kind of field strength it would need to meaningfully affect a starship (seeing as said ship has a aether generators notably larger than the entirety of this unit, never mind its actual generators) which have magnitudes more power to dump into there FTL systems to counter this things field.
Alright, before now I've resisted posting due to it possibly being an unfair privilege, but I think I need to defend this product a little:

1, The post now incorporates as much information on Interdiction technology as has ever been posted - that it is a 'specialised gravitic field'. I believe asking me to come up with a complex theory on how this works would be like demanding that someone explains how gravitons are generated, the existance of anti-gravitons or how force-fields actually work.

If you really want me to, Wes, I can come up with a theory by which the entirety of Interdiction technology, past, present and future operates.

2, I have incorporated limitations now - it can not effect starships, while remaining effective on objects of a Power Armours power or there abouts.
I was under the impression that an interdiction technology involved the stability of CDD and hyperspace/subspace fields... I'm not exactly sure how a graviton field would effect such things. On top of that, if the field involves gravitons, what of ships that have gravimetric shielding which would prevent such interference?

I would think that interdiction technology would involve something along the lines of a subspace/hyperspace disruption. Something like making subspace/hyperspace unable to be distorted/controlled by travel or acceleration systems. It could even be some sort of dimensional distortion, something that causes the area within the space of the interdiction field to somewhat 'bleed into' subspace, thus causing ships which would normally be accelerated in subspace to travel at normal speed... I dunno, I just don't buy the gravimetric approach.
While perhaps true, that doesn't change the fact that currently the most that any submission says calls it a 'Artificial Gravity Field', with a recent Nepleslian weapon relying entierly on the interdependant nature of Interdiction Fields and Gravity fields - if we were to make interdiction fields something else I would not object - I could easily change this product - but that weapon would certain have to be unapproved.
Well, the issue is, the technobabble is stepping on other technobabble and is resulting in some holes.

If the interdiction field, as is, functions on Power Armor, Star ships, and even the lori stations, that means that gravitational distortions effect each and single one of those... which would in turn mean that scalar effects each of those units, thus invalidating the entire reason of gravimetric shielding. Then, on the same coin, if the gravimetric shields work on diffusing the interdiction technology, this submission loses it's point, due to the fact that Mindy and Kylie armors have gravitic shielding, which prevents such distortions from effecting their operations.
That doesn't change the fact that Interdiction effects do work - thus there must be some principle on which they do, and at the moment Nepleslian technology in particular is working through simply focusing gravity - other technology is alright because it largely simply says 'Interdiction'.

If we are trying to actually make Interdiction technology feasible and rational then our best approach would be to somehow strengthen the barriers that normally lie between normal space and other dimensions, and thus increase the amount of energy needed to create such an effect to prohibitive levels. I can not explain exactly how to do this largely because no-one has ever developed a comprehensive theory about how one actually access' subspace or travel into and through Hyperspace. Without that we can't possibly hope to understand the mechanic behind an interdiction effect.
I always envisioned as a sort of reversal of the CDD field (and thus something only ships with CDD/CFS systems could actually project).
Barring a discussion on the technical nature of FTL/anti-FTL with the limits on field size and strength in it currently, I see no reason for it not to be approved.
Vote tally:

Approved: 2
Not: 1

Result: Approved