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RP: Lorath [SAINT-Lazarus] Operation: "Oroboros"


Inactive Member
Lor - Lmanel District - Lalah's Flat

Days, Lor had a funny way with them, at least from an off-world perspective. Between the forty-some hour stretch which consisted of a Lorath day-night cycle, and the near-constant bustle of activity due to the vastly different biologies which many members of the species had between them, there was a certain impossibility to gauge the passage of time without both a timepiece and an understanding of the culture. For someone who had been living on Lor, studying the people, studying the culture, each sunset and sunrise spoke of a degree of urgency in a realization of just how much should have been done, could have been done, and has been done.

From the perspective of Helen, a woman who had been embedded in Lorath society for years, the passage of time was a nagging one, there was an agenda to keep, and part of that agenda was the Lmanel in her company, which would be the gateway to a pair of others which had managed to gain her attention, but needed the 'right approach'. Helen knew full well just what it took to pry into a Lorath, and a Lmanel to be specific, and to gain admittance into one of their homes was a big step in itself, even after one had been somewhat 'broken in'.

"Lovely place, for a waitress." Helen remarked, as she sat upon a couch, looking upon the flat which Lalah kept for herself, and as she sat, she placed her boot clad feet upon the top of the coffee table before her, in a rather crude display of disregard, perhaps even dominance, but it was a difficult display to measure since a smile dwelt upon Helen's face. "Come on, sit by me, I'm sure you'll like the warmth after I kept you cooped up in that freezer for so long~"

Lalah's gaze swept through her abode. Things had been knocked aside. Dust gathering. Dishes left out becoming strange life of their own. From it, she couldn't work out: How long had she been gone for? And then her attentions settled upon Helen. She could feel mistrust bubbling within her belly but each time something strange happened: Like having an emotion kicked out of you, down a flight of stairs and the memory of what it was like trying to read ripped sheets of paper. She had her reluctance but with careful steps, she sat aside Helen: Tight lipped, hands small golden fists on her knees, those same knees close together. Her posture was tense. More than once, she could feel words were meant to come: Not that she wanted to make them, but they were expected of her. Licking her lips carefully, she tried but she couldn't make them. Worse now, she couldn't even look Helen in the eye.

"Poor dear, I know it must be embarrassing to have your place looking like this for a visitor." As Helen spoke her sentiment, she put an arm about Lalah's shoulders, applying a gentle pressure to urge her closer, to press her body against the snug synthetic shell which hugged Helen's flesh like a second matte black skin. "You should not be ashamed though, I can understand, sometimes unexpected plans make it difficult to keep up with the chores." Her voice was cool, flowing, like a glistening bead of mercury upon glass.

She felt it pour through her senses, tickling parts of herself she was still coming to terms with and talking to responses etched into her that she was still making sense of. Her amber eyes stared at the firey light over her carpet from the setting sun as she clenched her teeth. Lalah let Helen guide her, like a puppet on strings: She'd learned not doing as she'd been asked or prompted generally had undesirable side-effects -- that as much as she might disagree, to go along was just... Easier.

"I...I-I'll get to it later.. I'm sorry." She could hear her own voice, still croaky: still sore from the freezer.

"You should be sorry, that's true. It is too apparent that you let things slip a bit even before we had our little, ah, chance encounter." Helen remarked, changing gears hard enough to cause a touch of whiplash in tone. "You really should consider perhaps hiring someone to do the cleaning, if you can't be bothered to do it from time to time."

Lalah could feel her hands tightening. Her claw-like fingernails were hurting her palms now as she drew her lips closer together. Head down. Horns up. Carefully glancing over, she could see one of the doors had been blown off its hinges. Flashes of a knock at the door ending this way tickled through her head with a self-pitying sense of regret.

"I.. I see.."

"You can see plenty, it is a matter of being willing to do something about it which is another matter." That cool rolling drop of mercury would have become sluggish and chilled by the way Helen spoke those words, as she removed her boots from the tabletop, just so she could turn her position upon the couch, facing Lalah a little more directly, as she still held her close with one arm, yet, she brought a hand beneath Lalah's chin, cupping it as she gazed into the Lmanel's amber eyes. "I would like it if you were to show some sense of pride, you poor thing, otherwise I may get you confused for a Helashio."

She'd done her best to keep her burning gaze out of Helen's way, to never look her in the eyes. Every time she had to memory, something bad had happened. It was when she looked Helen in the eyes that every time, she had found herself saying something against her. Things against Helen had soon become stupid things to say. So to not look at her was the best way. But those last words. To have her pride attacked, she could stomach. But not like that: that gaze of honey slowly shifting, eying Helashio as tickles of instinct dripped and oozed through her belly.Her throat contracted visibly, feeling the gland beneath her tongue swell, suppressing the inherent urge to bare her teeth and growl.

"Excuse me?"

"Pets, puppets, and tools, they're all different things, yes?" Helen replied to Lalah's questioning tone with a proper question, one she actually was seeking an answer for, even though it was the sort of question which was so petty it was practically rhetorical.

In her own pettiness, Lalah saw a chance to take something back. She said nothing. Silent. Eyes still locked, but nothing said. Normally to rouse Lalah's temper was close to impossible: A remarkable feat considering her aspectation... But now... Was she being intentionally dense? Even her nostrils were beginning to flare as she tipped her head back, staring down her nose at Helen.

Purple clad glistening lips twisted in response to Lalah's display, not into a sneer, or a frown, but a soft smile, which gradually parted to display a mouth of teeth which walked a line between Nepleslian and Nekovalkryja. Her cupping hand gently slid down from Lalah's chin, as she moved her touch, she traced her fingernails over the chocolatey flesh, before she grasped down, not firmly, not painfully, but it was a precise touch which pressed upon the swelling glands in Lalah's neck. "Now now, you're going to end up giving yourself a rather nasty taste in your mouth at that rate, go ahead, open up if you're wanting to do something with those teeth."

Lalah was confused. She hadn't been struck yet or shouted at -- things she'd misjudged in Helen's character, that she thought any other person would have done in this situation. She could feel the air hanging between them as that gland swelled uncomfortably... Was she edging her own, genuinely? What would the consequences be? She puzzled it out: In her own mind probably ending with a broken nose and laughter that would make her sick to her stomach. And then a funny thing happened: She'd firmly told herself to keep her mouth shut but now she was baring her teeth...? Was she doing this?

"See? It is nice to be honest, right?" From frigid, to cool and flowing, it was like a rising tide, climbing, threatening to swallow all that was in its path, before rolling away for a time. "You are such a lovely people, so full of life and a desire to be... to be something, hm? That is the funny thing, there never is a thing defined that you really should be." Helen's words were accompanied by her beginning to massage the glands beneath her finger tips, churning the noxious and perhaps even lethal payload within... at least lethal to anything naturally made, but for Helen, what resided inside of Lalah was just another toxin to shrug off.

She tried to hold her ground. To be quiet. To hold her stare. To be perfectly still, not say anything, not do anything but to hold what territory she could, instincts talking -- those aspected instincts which made sense in some lizard-logic between her ears and behind her pretty eyes.. She could feel the sickly sweet proteins milked from the lump behind her tongue -- audibly gagging at the taste before it rolled over and spilled from the corner of her mouth: pale liquid dripping thickly. Her breath was becoming tight now. While a bite was always mind-bogglingly satisfying, the glands had never been made for direct physical touch. A groan tickled out of Lalah's throat, eyes narrowing just faintly.


"Such a nasty sound~" There was a twinge of amusement to Helen's remark, before she added; "Now say 'Aaah' and open up dear."

Compliance was the only way to avoid the freezer she told herself. That that was her only reason to do as she was asked as her dark lips parted. But the real reason was histrionic: hedonistic and brutally honest of her.. Long tongue flopping out over her lower lip as fish-hook like teeth gleamed.. She still tried to stare with animosity, with anger and frustration, but in her position it was becoming laughable: a parody of itself.

"A...Nnh..A-Aaa..." it eventually came: and in that moment her gaze broken: second eye-lids flickering like silk as she blinked and set her gaze to one side, head still: Once again unable to look Helen in the eye.

"My people... we have a little saying about pride." Helen spoke, as she traced her finger tips up from the glands she massaged, tracing her touch along Lalah's jaw, before her finger tips danced upon the flesh which lulled out of Lalah's mouth. Beneath the soft and supple pad of her finger, Helen caressed the flesh, stroking it, from the point where it left Lalah's mouth, to the tip, then back up as she soon let a pair of fingers into the threatening maw, feeling the near-steaming heat of Lmanel breath against her skin.

Lalah blinked, trying to keep her eyes open as she watched the sun in red gold dance on the carpet... She felt her jaw quiver: the urge to bite down so intense that she had to clench her hands again squeezing her eyes shut. She'd never wanted to bite someone, to eviscerate and hurt and crush and rind as she fantasized about it, anyone else more than Helen in her life..


Helen watched, studied, and observed as she worked the strings that were part of her craft. Gentle was her touch when it was needed, like a kind hand, guiding someone along a dark hallway. "Mm, now now, I won't break your heart by telling you what is said exactly, but, we just have a funny way of thinking about pride is all." Her words were simply a backdrop, a filler, or perhaps something to reflect on, it was not really clear, and she liked it that way, as she slid her finger tips further into the depth of Lalah's eager mouth, which was held back by restraint fitting a living saint. "Look at you, so reserved, so restrained, I can only imagine how much discipline it takes to be that way, likely a touch more than what it takes to become such a lovely creature."

As Helen spoke of Lalah's aspectation, her fingers were knuckle deep in the Lmanel's mouth, as her touch soon landed upon the gland at the very back of Lalah's tongue, at the peak of her throat, caressing one of the sources of the 'party piece' which Lalah's aspectation offered.

Her throat contracted. Something spilled with that contact -- warm and wet tickling over Helen's fingertips, down the L'manel's tongue out of her mouth. It was saccharine sweet: the vaporized forms of the protein enough to make any mouth water painfully.. Lalah gurgled: Teeth closing slowly -- stopping with the merest contact: Not biting, but gumming.

"It is tempting, I have no doubt." Helen chimed, as she drank in the scent which hung heavy in the air, it was something that she imagined would likely be a commodity of some-sort, if it was not so potentially deadly. "If you are going to do it, do it with meaning, put some heart into it. Do it."

Lalah watched in horror, gaze returned.. Was this person really prompting her to do this? No, it had to be a trick. There was something wrong: strings somewhere... But oh, how good it would feel, pearly whites sinking into Helen's hand, how good it would feel to feel the vibration of bone and sinew splitting in crunch... Her gumming was getting harder now. She stared at Helen. Why are you doing this?

Helen could feel the desire beneath her touch, could feel the uncertainty, the questioning, the nagging lustful longing to give in, to give into instinct. Though, there was no bite, no savage snap of jaws upon flesh, and that was something which spoke volumes; quite simply, the Lmanel before her was filled with so much possibility, so much impulse, so much urge, but she was resolved enough to keep it bottled up. Beyond that though, that resolve was something which was her own undoing in a way.

"No need to make you suffer anymore." Helen spoke as she withdrew her fingers from Lalah's mouth, but still played them upon the Lmanel's tongue. "Think about what you could have done, and what you did do, and ask yourself why." As Helen gave that instruction, her tone was sweet enough to match the heavy syrup-like smell which filled the air with a pungent blissful odor.

The words came slowly to her. The L'manel was shaking now, long gray tongue twisting beneath Helen's touch. The relief in her expression was immediate, powerful and palpable.


"That's good." Helen spoke, but the way she spoke those words which would normally be encouraging in many other contexts, was somehow crafted by her lips to be demeaning, degrading, and perhaps even a touch condescending. "Now dear, put that tongue away, or you're going to start seeming genuinely lewd." she mocked, as her finger tips left the Lmanel's tongue, only to find a place upon her antler, stroking the hard material beneath her touch, before she took her hand away from Lalah, and reached into a pocket on the shoulder of her bodysuit, producing a cigarette case which she presented to Lalah, not for her to have one, but to light one for Helen.

"Now, about our immediate plans." Helen spoke while awaiting her cigarette. "I have my eye on both rabbit and dog, now which to tend to first~?"
Lalah's time as a hostess had her instinctively reaching into the case, and then into her own pocket. She set the long white tube into Helen's lips and then with hands held carefully, gave a subtle flick of her wrist, lighting its end before snapping the lid back over. Her lips were folded into some convoluted grimace, determined not to show even the beginnings of a smile with the vibrations of Helen's attention over her antler-like horns. The normally dark and calloused texture which would resemble stone had been smoothed down with hours of attention on Helen's part -- a dark almost black outer layer with a bark-like texture worn down to reveal a muddy dark maroon shade beneath, ribbed almost like some precious stone. Lacking their calloused exterior, she was unusually sensitive: her belly flexing in knots beneath her uniform before finally baring her teeth and an ebb of a gasp.

Those words. A rabbit or a dog. She took a moment, moving through what trade she knew to recall classes and books she'd gone through. A dog was a thing on four legs that made a shouting sound, wagged its tail when it was happy and took orders from a person, though they could snap back and bite if they weren't trained properly: That was Miles. A rabbit was a thing with long ears and a big soft body, known for being white with red eyes: That was Aiesu.

Murmuring in her throat, hands quivering to tuck her lighter back into one of the pockets on her uniform, she thought back to the time she spent with Aiesu. The night, serving, drinking, the jokes shared, the way she'd done her job... And then her head bowing some, baring her horns more to Helen's fingers as she thought of the dog.

Miles Gunn. She knew the name, having looked it up once she got home -- having heard it only once used in place of the name she'd heard for most of the night. In that moment, the eponymous Nepleslian was... Six? Seven inches deep? And how it felt? Lalah's face felt warm, even hot now -- breath finally escaping her as if she'd taken it prisoner in some tight net, tickling out through her throat involuntarily.

"T-Th...The rabbit..." she struggled, a hand moving to cover her mouth, concealing the moan she'd involuntarily chased her words with.

"M-Mmmm-M-Must you do that?"

And then she thought further. Dogs could be bigger. Some kinds didn't belong to people. They just walked and were. Big angry animals. Hurting. She could see images in her mind of the great library she'd heard so much about and the woman who called herself beast and the beast Lalah called her friend. A quivered sigh, back-tracking. Had she already said dog? No, she hadn't. Relief. Thank goodness.

"D..Definitely the rabbit. Don't... Don't hurt Ar... The dog. She's done nothing wrong."
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Plush lips hugged around the end of the cigarette, as synthetic lungs pulled air through that simple paper tube, sending fresh oxygen coursing over glowing embers, clinging and eating away at a blend of ground pieces of Lor-grown foliage, sending a steady flow of vaporized chemical compounds and ash flowing into Helen's airway, running into her lungs, as hemosynthetic blood picked up both oxygen and the various compounds which had hitched a ride upon that breath, making their short-lived impact upon Helen's neurology before her body's engineered immune functions promptly flushed the toxins from her system, even breaking down the ash and seared tissues, reprocessing the biological slag into viable blood again. Then came the exhale, sending a slow moving plume of smoke rolling out from Helen's lips, as she let out a chortle while giving Lalah a heavy lidded gaze, before she took the cigarette from between her lips, one hand still working the Lmanel's horns all the while.

"Who said I was going to hurt anyone?" Helen spoke, feigning hurt, as she knew full well that there was next to no chance of Lalah genuinely accepting that response. "I want information, if it is given to me, then I would not have to do anything that would otherwise be necessary to have that information surrendered to me." she explained quite honestly, while still wearing that face of mock injury; "Why would I want to hurt a shut-in that would keep such a lovely pet like you to herself? Why would I want to hurt a helpless cripple?" Helen outright lied, there were plenty of reasons to hurt them, at least a dozen she could think of for 'The Rabbit' alone. "Do you think, if asked to cooperate, that the 'Dog', would comply? Or does she seem like someone who would be too resolved?"

There was a gleaming smile from Helen; "Though, I do have to admit, I am tempted to go after the 'Rabbit', purely because you chose to forsake her to me. How cold of you, to make such a snap decision, to direct me at her, while you were still assuming me to be some sort of cripple-hurting monster."
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"You're the one trying to guilt me?"

Lalah tried to smile but it wouldn't come. But the venom was there, in her voice as the warm sing-song tones she used when speaking to customers at work returned, bouncy and warm:

"I would consider that rich coming from someone who had to beat a minor for nine hours to determine they knew nothing of value, wouldn't you?"

She could feel her eyes were struggling to focus -- a weakness trickling through her veins and arteries, muscles aching intensely as her head began to sway with some invisible wind or tempo of dizziness.

She could feel herself bracing for something that might hurt.

"T-Tell me, Are you familiar with Lorath politics, miss...?" she waited for a name, a name of any sort, finally something to call her tormentor.
"A minor." Helen could not help but to laugh as she repeated those words, before taking a deep drag from her cigarette, then allowing the smoke to simply drift from her as she listened to Lalah's continued speech, which meant as much to her as a single drop of rain in a monsoon.

Electing to outright ignore Lalah's fishing for a name, the woman of hurt, pleasure, and mystery spoke; "Why certainly I know plenty about Lorath politics, Miss Ioru. I know that your Matriarchy is currently in bed with two other political powers which would ordinarily burn it to a cinder if given the opportunity, I know that right now your Matriarchy has cast lots with a 'Wildcard' in the form of the Consortium, and I know that your family is one of the lead merchant families in Lorath society, and has much to lose if Nepleslia and Yamatai enact an embargo against the Matriarchy in response to Consortium activity, and worse, if Nepleslia and Yamatai implement a military response to a potential threat produced by a private organization."

Letting her words drift in the air along with the smoke they were carried upon, Helen eyed Lalah intently, letting her point get across, before she added the last links to the chain; "I am doing you, your family, and your Matriarchy a favor. You being tortured for a little while is a patriotic chore. Besides, you claim to know nothing, but, you know plenty enough to save your precious little way of life... for that, you should be commended, in just how well you fought to try to cling to that, thinking for some reason that I am someone out to actually hurt you... when it is quite the opposite."

As the last words left her, Helen brought the cigarette back to her lips, took a long drag, and before she exhaled she went about grasping the back of Lalah's head and pulling her in for a kiss, and once her lips were locked into place she exhaled the lung-full of smoke, smoke laced with the vapor produced by enough powdered Duqs to put a Fyunnen woman into a stupor. After making quite sure that her token of appreciation was breathed into Lalah, she broke the kiss and spoke a whisper into her ear; "If the Dog is as much of a patriot, and, is level headed enough, she will cooperate fine... and from there, we use our leverage against the Rabbit. You're lucky though, the Dog is of no use to me if she is uncooperative, so, we will ask nicely."
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Lalah sat in a stupor, face written painfully with disgust as she coughed behind the back of her hand. Her golden eyes welled up, wretching as she felt her body trying to double over against the sofa. Saliva spluttered as she then gasped for air -- the whites of her eyes visibly reddened - her very expression asking on some instinctive level if Helen were out to kill her. And then something else. A dizziness. A nausia. But overwhelmingly, a warmth, beginning in her belly that had her eyelids sit half eclipsed over her pupils. She was still wiping her tongue against the dirtied cuff of her uniform though, desperate to get rid of the taste.

"I don't.. Hagh... She's somewhere called vorumatoric kompreison" Lalah continued, her orthodox Lorath accent essentially maming the trade.

"I've never heard of a place called that before, but she said even if I told you she was there, she'd be safe. That there's no way in and no way out: So much so that there's no way of contacting her unless she decides to come out."
Helen listened, seeming almost passive about the entire affair, it was a non-issue to the SAINT agent, as she felt a twinge of amusement in Lalah's blissful suffering. "One way in, one way out. Unable to be opened from the inside, can be opened from the outside only. That means, she needs someone, or something, to open the door so she can come out... and it is not like she has a peep hole that would let her know when to be concerned." Helen replied, her tone carrying the words as if she were explaining the simple facts of life to someone who was slow on the uptake.

"That is where you come in, and your chore, to make sure your dear Dog-friend does not end up trapped in that little hole she is in, and to make sure your Matriarchy stays safe, and your parents remain prosperous... Oh, and you get to remain perfectly fine, and free as a proverbial bird once this is all over. I promise you that, and tell me, have I ever outright lied to you during this time we've been keeping each-other company?" There was a sweetness to her words which was added to that tone she used just seconds prior, a sweetness reserved for speaking to a pet, or a precious child. "If the Dog cooperates, then, everything goes smoothly for everyone you care about, and yourself. So, do you think you could possibly lure the canine out?"
The first words that visibly came to Lalah's mind, so clear in her eyes were fuck you in at least four different dialects of Lorath, two dialects of trade and a very crude form of Yamatai-Go. Her attention was pulled aside, inching away from the burning heat of Helen's own eyes, refusing to meet them as she carefully considered the points involved. And then she smiled.

"I know this will sound ludicrous but is there honestly any reason I should trust you?"

And now laughter. It was nervous, quiet under her voice, nervous. Even frightened.

"My.. guts and the Goddess say I shouldn't... And so far in life, both have been pretty good to me."
"To be brutally honest? No, there is no reason why you should trust me, other than the fact that I have yet to lie to you, I have not made any pretenses about my intentions, and if I wanted to just take advantage of you and use you I could have just made a clone of you, stolen your memories, reorganized them into something more obedient, then used that as my tool." As she spoke those words, Helen's hand went about grasping Lalah's chin, directing her to look the Nekovalkryja square in the eyes as she spoke. "Besides... your guts don't know any better."

Helen perched what was left of her cigarette between her lips, leaving her hand free to slide beneath the front of Lalah's uniform, before her finger-tips began to trace short little circular strokes over Lalah's belly, stroking her, caressing her, teasing at the flesh which stood between the outside world, and the guts that Lalah spoke of. "Besides... a predatory species has every reason to be nervous, when they become prey~"
"Huh". That was her masterpiece. The great response she had to all those intimidating scary words and the imposing woman who made them who so easily could sweep her entire existence under the rug. Well done, Lalah told herself.

Her breath became tight, working to hold her breath in her throat, to conceal any sound as she felt fingertips tickle over her body. Her tummy was hard. Her aspectation lent her a striation normally only seen in fitness freaks and Fyunnen, the physique of a Lorath lending them a marbled look, like small balls smuggled beneath the stomach.

She had to change the subject. Swallowing aloud, her eyes shifted from point to point, searching until she found her words.

"Ifff they don't know any better..." she felt herself begin. Bad start. Letting the foreigner get the best of her. Lalah needed resolve here. She needed grit, she told herself, clearing her throat. "Then what proof do I have that... Nnh"

And then silence. Not quite silence. Helen would have heard similar sounds wrung out of Yamataian school-girls - probably her own doing. Her fingers had found a sensation Lalah wished they hadn't.
"You're a people of faith, and you clearly have an ample supply of it, considering your lovely aspectation... so... why not exercise some of it in this case, hm? Think about it, what is the worst that can happen from this? Not much, if anything, really. I play by the rules dear, and that means I am looking out for your Matriarchy now." Helen spoke, ever so honest in those words, at least, that was the claim, and only known to Helen was the fact that she was speaking gospel truth.

"Not to mention... if you help me, help you, then perhaps I may make it worth your while. You can't say that I have not treated you well... you know, aside from wrongful imprisonment, assault, a little rape, and some torture." As she spoke of her laundry list of wrongs against Lalah, Helen's lips found their way to Lalah's neck, depositing a kiss between each wrong she had carried out upon the Lmanel on her lap. "Then..." She began to whisper into Lalah's ear; "What came from it? Well, look, we're in a much more pleasant disposition now."

When Helen spoke of the disposition the two were in, her hand slipped lower upon Lalah's belly, and lower, before she was playing her finger tips over Lalah's hip bones. "Now, you be honest with me; can you tell me, with every ounce of your being, on your faith to your Goddess, that you don't enjoy what I offer you?"
Lalah was tonguing an emptiness in her mouth. A place where less than a week ago a molar had been that was now nothing but socket and callous, still tasting of blood. The way her muscles ached, thromming painfully. Under assault, instinct had her leaning backward, surprise tickling through her thighs as her back met the furniture. Hands clutched, lifting herself, pulling herself away from the horrendous heat of this foreigner, this monster -- eyes transfixed as she inched closer toward the arm of the chair and away from Helen. She couldn't look the woman in the eyes now -- a raping low rumble of a growl forming in her throat. So much of her running on instinct that normally she kept under wraps. Her self-control had taken a beating.

"Don't do this."
An arched brow came as a reply to Lalah, as Helen eyed the Lmanel, studying her, weighing her, judging her through and through, then came her reply as she took the cigarette from the corner of her lips where she had perched it through a feat of skill and gravity manipulation; "There is a lot of 'this' to cover, besides, you have not answered my question." Before Lalah could speak further, Helen snuffed out the cigarette upon her own tongue, before swallowing it whole, when she could have simply thrown it upon the floor, or put it out upon Lalah's coffee table, instead, she cleaned up after herself. Her hands then went back to the cigarette case as she went about pulling out another, but, she was yet to light it. "Tell me, just what don't you want me to do?"
"Just stay the hell away from me!"

Lalah grimaced, wrist moving to cover her mouth. She was dry-wretching now at the sight of her -- legs becoming frantic to try and put some much needed distance between her. She'd caught herself growling again, following the whims of her aspectation before silencing it. The weight of Helen atop her was repugnant, stiffling, strangling and mortifying. Lalah had almost taken as much as she could. Evidently Helen had broken some cultural taboo amongst Lorath she wasn't even aware of.
There was a slow exhale from Helen as she slipped a slim cylinder of metal from her cigarette case, and from it a pale blue flame lanced out at the tip of her cigarette before she took another deep draw, then let out the heavy breath. It was a moment for her to collect her own thoughts, allowing Lalah to lash out, to act out in her anger, her frustration, her agony. It was a tipping point, if anything, and it would serve as a signpost to Helen, as to the direction she was to take in her work. What it meant for Lalah was entirely up for debate, and that debate went on within the SAINT agent's mind, as she took to looking squarely upon the Lmanel, with a calculating gaze, something far and away from the way that Helen was eying her mere moments prior.

She cooperates, I mine the canine for information, I use the information to complete my task with the Rabbit. She does not cooperate, I silence the canine to prevent her from communicating specifics to other members of Lazarus, I silence this Lmanel so she does not spread word, and then I move on to the Rabbit, the Tinkerer, and the Pilot. I can't allow this girl to keep going like this though, I need her willing enough. Breaking her would make her ineffective for the task, allowing her to carry on like this is a liability. She is innocent though, aside from being a little foolish in regard to who she chooses to keep company with...

A frown crossed Helen's lips, as she let a thought drift at the peak of her thoughts. "Are you done?" she asked, as she finalized her resolve on the matter. It could go two ways, one or the other, and there was no room for half measures, but she was still going to give Lalah a moment in time, a moment to make the choice of a person, and not of an animal, a tool, or a pet.
Lalah could see thoughts tickling behind Helen's gaze, crooked things twisting and glistening and bursting into plans. She found herself trying to gauge the woman, trying to put the pieces together. She could feel the warmth of Helen against her. Instinctively, now that the movement had stopped, the heaviness of her as a person had a pleasing quality, even if her presence didn't. Little factors added up like this. Her appearance. Her smell. The way she spoke. The things she did. On an instinctive level, she was drawn, but on an intellectual level she hated this person. And then hated her more not only for what she did, but also what she inflicted.

"Why did you break my home? Beat me. Tie me up. Freeze me? Drugged me. Electrocuted me. Pull my tooth? Sand the... Coating from my horns? They're all raw. It hurts. Why did you hurt me?"
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"Operant conditioning." Helen stated, as she pulled back the curtain, unafraid in the slightest of revealing the trickster behind the great and powerful image she laid down, because with Helen's type of trick, the illusion remained even after it was explained. "It is a process of learning, which relies on punishment and reward. Rewards though are unconditioned stimuli, and need not be introduced. However, a punishment, that is a form of stimuli which needs to be learned, and since this is a form of positive punishment, introduced to the learner. I do not wait for someone in my care to make a mistake to learn from, I show them up-front what awaits them if they fail to follow through with a learned behavior, in this case, the behavior is cooperation and compliance." Concepts which Helen spoke of were rather basic, but, there was something about the execution which took the finesse of a professional. "It is now your job, as a learner, to practice the concept of 'active avoidance'. You do what you must, to avoid being hurt again. After all, since you stopped struggling, and stopped being obstinate, have I beaten you? Have I harmed you? Have I injured you further?"
Lalah could feel her eyes welling up. Anger returning. She'd known about this sort of thing in her university work on an abstract basis, and had wondered maybe once or twice what would happen if it were applied practically. Now she just felt a sick pain in her stomach. Her lips quivered, stiffing the noise her aspectation was driving her to make: An un-even intake of air and then a sigh that shook her breath.

"Caring..? You don't care. You want the the goal. Everything else is secondary. Someone who cares, cares. I'm under custody..." she tried not to laugh. "This probably isn't sanctioned or even legal but you like hurting people so you don't care. She'll... She'll smell that a mile off. Both of them will, even if you're using me to talk to them. If you'd just ..." she gave a queasy sigh. She could see where this was going, how the situation was unraveling. Another intake of breath through her nose: sinuses throming.

She wanted to wipe her eyes as they grew sore again but her arms were pinned beneath Helen. And in her mind, that metaphor spoke volumes.

"The fact that... That you had to coerce me, punish me for nothing, tells me you're not acting with my interests in mind. With her interests in mind."

"It... It tells me you're covering your bases. How can I trust someone I'm scared of? Who's lying to me?"
Helen could understand just why Lalah had her uncertainties, her doubts, her misgivings. If anything, she would be more concerned if Lalah did not have a single care over what was done to her, why it was done to her, and what was to be expected of her. What Lalah did in her concern, was confirm to Helen that she was still in there, unbroken, but that stability was fragile at best, and that was the moment in which Helen knew she had to prop Lalah's thoughts up somewhat, to help her make sense of the situation.

"You're a Lmanel, a Lorath devoted to social tasks by caste design. You have close knit social structures, not exactly open to outside meddling." Spoke the Nekovalkryja, who once was Nepleslian, and knew full well just what it was to value kinship. "If I would have asked you before to act against the wishes of someone who trusts you, without any indication as to why it would be in your best interest to do so, would you have even given it a second thought to outright deny such a request?" Her question was largely rhetorical, as she continued to paint a clear picture for Lalah as to just what the situation between them was. "Lalah, I needed to give you a reason to simply listen, a reason to take pause and not just dismiss what I need of you. I do not need you to trust me, I do not need for you to care about me, but I need you to look at the situation as it is, for what it is."

"As it stands, the Consortium which your Dog and Rabbit friends are associated with, is going to be the cause of a situation which in all likelihood will bring ruin upon your Matriarchy, your family, your Dog friend, the Rabbit, and you. There is no way for you to refute the fact that a corporate entity has every potential of damaging your very livelihood, and there is no way for you to refute the fact that if the situation continues as it is, that damage will take place, and that what I am offering is your chance to make a difference. You can fear me, but know this; all of what I can do to you, all of what you fear from me, is a pale shadow to what may happen if you do not cooperate, and it will not be me who causes you that harm, and it would not just be you who endures it." A heavy frown crossed Helen's lips in that moment, a serious frown, one that was absent of any toying games meant to keep Lalah from knowing her left from her right, in that moment, Helen was honest without the slightest hint of deception. "All the pain I've inflicted on you, keep it in mind, and know that if you cooperate, everyone and everything that you care for will not have the agony of having that sort of malice befall them."

"I don't ask that you trust me, I ask that you trust your own values, your own ability to see just what the situation is. So, Lalah, what do you make of this situation?"
She spent a while thinking about it. golden eyes explored Helen's features, trying to determine what if anything she might give away. Her dark brown cheeks glistened with sweat, shadows under her eyes from the hours she'd been kept awake with whatever creative juices Helen had flowing through her devious mind. Creative was indeed the word: Freezing cold conditions, being locked in a sauna for nearly two days, suspension bondage. Lalah could still feel the punctures Helen's likely intentional incisions left down her back, hooking and ripping at muscle -- the thought alone stirring her gut with nausia.

"Let's talk terms" she began, clearing her throat. She had focus now. Resolve. The family line was coming into play here, being the eldest and the only male.

"Who's to say that... You're even going to let me go after this? Don't tell me you give all your 'customers' the five star treatment."
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