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RP [SAINT] Shadows of Miyamae

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Sunny D

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RP Date
YE 45.5
RP Location
Downtown Kyoto

The din of customer's conversations and their cutlery tinkling against porcelain plates blended with the sounds behind the bar in one of Kyoto's Eastern Warm and Sweet locations. The occasional grind of espresso beans or cubed ice being chunked up in one of the blenders only harmonized with the sounds from the barista's side of the bar. Working there were two Nekovalkyrja, both military models and further trained by SAINT to whom the Yui's Blood Medallion had recently been bestowed.

If any of the customers happened to know this, they might think they were privy to an undercover operation or that something was surely about to go down at this quaint coffeehouse situated amongst haute shops in the Riverside District. But in reality, one of the girls, Erika, was so new to the Star Army that their first pay cycle hadn't gone through. The other, Mineko, just missed parts of her old life and had set up with her old boss to work a weekend at the coffeeshop for a few extra bucks to help line her friend's pocket.

While wearing some of her laceup boots and a pair of ripped denim shorts that hugged close to her muscular legs, Mineko practically floated around the small space she shared with Erika. She was on drink duty for the time being and her fiery flanneled arms speedily moved the metal steamer cups and espresso pucks in a perfectly timed concert. She was a farcry from wearing a duty uniform at a bridge console, staring at intelligence, but it felt good to be moving and out of uniform. Nothing could be left too long or pulled too soon and it was the perfect mindless operation for her sometimes overanalyzing brain to take on. For now Mishhuvurthyar threats and their monstrous faces had no place in her operation.

Mineko took on her part of the order she had just taken from most recent customer to walk in. Though she had the Hanako rum latte and green tea under control, she kept Erika in the corner of her eye to be sure the other SAINT agent had the plating of the coffee cake and banana nut muffin under control.

Erika's eyes swept over the vast array of baked treats, each more tempting than the last, as she tried to locate the specific items her customer had requested. "Coffee cake... and a banana muffin," she mouthed wordlessly. With a pair of gleaming metal tongs, she delicately picked up each treat, placing them with care onto small dishes.

She moved about the counter with the poise her training had beaten into her, though had yet to fully adapt to the dance of the other workers. Her taller stature as a 33A variant was her saving grace, allowing her to carry the pastries above head height of the other baristas, avoiding disaster when they collied with her in an unmarked causeway they had expected to be clear.

She wore a set of black track pants that was covered in colourful geometric shapes towards the ankle cuffs and waste band, her t-shirt matched, with a zipped up front and a hood attached to the back of the neck. Both of which would have been soaked by splashes from macchiatos and chai tea were it not for the beige apron she had on hanging from her neck.

Though the task might seem mundane to an outsider, Erika found it novel compared to her regular service. As she passed the plates across the counter, her eyes lit up, and she gifted the customer with a radiant, sincere smile. The ambient aroma enveloping her was intoxicating – a heady mix of freshly brewed coffee, spicy cinnamon, sweet jam, and warm pastry, all of a much higher quality than she had encountered before.

When she had handed off the plates she turned to Mineko with a slight huff. "Come on, it can't be all that more complicated than the equipment I normally have to operate, and has a lower chance of vaporising me if I get it wrong."

For her part in front of the chrome of the espresso machine, Mineko had found she liked working with Erika off of the battlefield just as much as on it. The operative was quick to stay out of the way when she needed to and take up a work area when appropriate, too. With a deft hand she whisked in the syrup to the caramel-colored coffee she had just pulled. Her eyes were watching Erika as she spoke and off of the pitcher and cup, focused on her coworker instead.

"Are you saying that because you want to start making some drinks?" Mineko asked. "Or are you just reminding me of the simple things in life before the ship's repaired and we go back to avoiding total vaporization on the daily again?"

"I assure you nothing so... multifaceted as that went through my mind." Erika replied with a chuckle before she looked at the coffee machine with sparkling eyes. "I am simply interested in playing with the big shiny machine that makes noises and produces hot fluids with interesting fragrances."

"Well whatever your motives, I'm happy to oblige," Mineko pushed the words out past her laughter. "Well I just pulled this shot and added the infamous Hanako rum syrup to it, but it still needs steamed milk to finish it off." The analyst kept eye contact with Erika and sent the other woman's digital mind all she needed to know to do it: fill a metal pitcher with milk, place it under the frother spigot and bring it up into it while turning the knob on the side of the machine that would start sending hot steam through. Then when to bring up one of the no contact thermometers that could measure the heat of the milk from a distance and to pull it off the spigot before it went over 160 degrees farenheit/ 70 celsius.

It was all shared in a quick look, but Mineko's toothy grin said even more. She was looking forward to both taking a break from the heat and activity surrounding the espresso machine. But even more than that, she was looking forward to see Erika try something new beyond the ease of plating pastries and smiling at customers.

Erika followed the instructions now in the stack of her mind. Her motions, getting the milk and pouring it in the jug were the normal fluid grace she would normally display; however, her actions became awkward as the jug found the steam wand. She had no muscle memory for it, and found herself in want of a third hand, one to hold the jug, another to hold the steam dial and a third to hold the infared probe. Seeing no elegant way around it with only two appendages, she decided to forgo the probe, and rather used the back of her hand to gauge the temperature. She did her best to get the right level of aeration going, but Mineko’s reference memories could only help her so much. She angled to nozzle to get a better consistency, but by the time she thought she had a handle on the process the jug was already close to overflowing. She then poured the milk in the prepared mug, her technique leaving little more than white squiggles on the brown foam surface.

“Please keep in mind that it is my first.” Erika said, presenting the mug for Mineko’s inspection.

"Didn't burn it, so there's a pass in my book. You can let go of the steamer wand if you want to, but you've got a good heat gauge," Mineko said, twisting the spigot probe that Erika had been holding onto. She pulled the teabag from the steeping green tea and brought that and the drink Erika had finished off to the end of the other side of Erika where the drinks were left for the customers. "But the final judgement will not be my own."

"Hanako rum latte and a green tea," Mineko said pleasantly enough to a stranger's ear. Erika could likely pick up on the wariness in her voice as she said it, though. A Minkan walked up with a happy smile and her eyes passed over the tea even though one of her hands gripped it- it was likely for the friend she had come to meet. Instead of focus on the drink that was not hers, her attention and lips went to the rim of the mug that the latte was in and she took a long sip. Mineko's breath caught on her tongue as he hand playfully poked at Erika's apron as if she had to remind the operative to play cose attention now.

With only enough pause to let a smile rise to her lips, the woman took another much longer sip. Without thanks but with that same pleased expression, she left with her mugs and Mineko turned away from her and towards Erika with an excited fistpump into the air.

"Success!" Mineko chimed happily. "Look at that, you're a natural!"

Erika looked at Mineko, her own relief evident in her eyes. “You think?” she responded with a chuckle, brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “I think I just had a good teacher. Kind of hard to mess up when I’ve got engrammed instructions.” Her cadence became somewhat bashful. “Still a ways to go. I have to learn how to make those hearts in the foam.”

"Speaking of instructions, I'll send you the rest of the drink recipes. But that's all in the wrist." Mineko looked at the cafe doors, wishing a customer with a simple heavy foamed latte order would walk through the doors. It was pretty dead, though, so she said, "Make one for yourself, but pour the milk from a height and get it closer over time while pouring in the center. Then when the foam's risen to the top you shake it ever so slightly then with a lift up at the end, pull it through. Want me to guide your hand?"

Erika tilted her head slightly, her eyebrow arching in curiosity. "Are you suggesting something akin to a hands-on tutorial?" She took a moment, exhaling sharply through her nose while a playful sparkle twinkled in her eyes. Her grin widened, playful and teasing. "I'm game, but be gentle. I'm a delicate flower, after all."

Mineko had already positioned herself to be set up behind Erika's right hand and her blue red eyes were focused on the espresso machine. When she head Erika's question, Mineko looked over at her with a nod, but then when she registered her last and more playful tease, Mineko did a double take. Her expression had been helpful and supportive, like one might use while helping an old person cross the street, but when she caught Erika's grin, one of Mineko's own widened on her face, showing a glimpse of her extra set of canines below her gleeful eyes. She thought of several things to say but bit her tongue and simply expected Erika to slot in between Mineko and the steamer.

"Steam it like before, flower," Mineko said expectantly. She added in an exaggerated mumble, "Don't know about the delicate part if you're taking the temp with your palm, though. Or if you can hold aggro on a Mishhu like you have."

“A thorny flower then?" Erika replied with a grin "Handling Mushuu is one thing, satisfying the pallets of others is somehow more frightening. Dealing with that while juggling a hot jug and a temperature probe? My palm will survive a light tap.” She pressed the coffee grounds firmly into the portafilter. As she watched the dark liquid fill the mug, she refilled the milk jug to half its capacity, then positioned it under the steam wand. It gave a sharp hiss. Although she was still finding her way, Erika’s motions already seemed less awkward. She aimed for a swirling vortex within the jug. Once the metal became too hot to touch, she pulled her hand away and shut off the steam.

Pouring from the height Mineko had indicated, the milk streamed into the coffee, resulting in a rich brown froth. As the mug neared its halfway mark, Mineko had Erika reduced the jug's height until the white foam began to settle on the surface. Just as the foam reached the mug's brim, she quickly moved the jug to the side, crafting the pointed tip of a heart in the foam. Still, a few droplets missed their mark, splashing onto the counter.

Helping guide Erika's movements almost impercitbly, Mineko was beaming with pride by the final result. She again felt the sense that together, they could accomplish whatever they set their minds to, but didn't want to undercut Erika's efforts trying something new and difficult by asserting it wasn't her own hard work that had gotten her there.

"Look at that, as good as a professional! Bet it'll taste better with so much love put into it, too," Mineko said. She pulled away and clapped gingerly before pulling at the slight mess with a rag. "'Work in a mess, but don't live in one' is my saying. Spills are going to happen."

Erika still had a splash of milk remaining in the jug. With a gentle twirl, she frothed it up before pouring it into another cup. Though the heart she crafted wasn't as impeccable as the one she made under Mineko's watchful eyes, she knew it was all about developing muscle memory now. After cleaning the few stray droplets of milk, she handed the freshly prepared mug to Mineko.

"We haven’t touched on the Blood Medallion yet," Erika communicated silently through the link. With a thoughtful motion, she ripped open a sugar packet, letting its contents cascade into the coffee. She let out a long exhale as she stirred. “If I didn’t have imposter syndrome before, I certainly do now,” she said smiling dryly.

"For me?" Mineko had asked when offered the cup, but she couldn't refuse and sipped it. At first she was tasting it discerningly, but then sipped for the enjoyment of the frothy latte instead and nodded as Erika spoke.

"It's even tougher in dress uniform when everyone can see our award racks almost barren save for a Blood Medallion of all things. Not saying I'm super worried about what others think, but anybody else could tell from a glance that it's one of our only awards and that's there's not much experience behind it."

"It was pretty epic, though," Mineko debated herself, "I have to admit. Blasting through all the oncoming enemy starships and then through a wormhole all while on the hull. I never would in a million years would have dreamed of doing that, so maybe it was fitting. If you're worried about feeling like you don't deserve it, there were some people at that medal ceremony I haven't seen in combat once—and I'm not always on the bridge, I join the away team. I'd say you deserve it more than them, especially if you keep showing up to kick ass and take names."

Erika flashed a confident grin. "I was made to kick ass and take names," she declared full of bravado. "Each morning, I'm fueled by a fervor for conquest, always ready to purge the Empire's adversaries from the galaxy. But should I be rewarded for just meeting expectations?" She said dramatically before her proud facade cracked with a chuckle. "Heroics make for great tales, but they don't win wars. Support roles aren’t as risky, but they are just as important. Tooth to tail ratio and all that.”

Her gaze drifted momentarily, contemplating. “I suppose what I should do is try and fill out the rest of my award rack. Live up to the image a Blood Medallion recipient should be.” Erika mused, her smile thoughtful. "Perhaps that's why the Empress awarded it."

Erika had made some good points and Mineko sipped the latte while ruminating on them. "I'm not going to pretend to be smarter than the Empress," she said finally. "But I imagine you'll get plenty of opportunities to make the award less lonely. Wait a second, don't try to minimize your showboating heroics with some tooth and tail ratio." She switched over to mind to mind telepathy to add, "I feel like an analyst is more support than an operative."

"Well, it is, but like I said its just a different role in the same team." Erika said over the link with a physical shrug of her shoulders "We're all just cogs in the machine Mineko. Lets just be thankful the one we belong to happens to be called Yamatai, whos cogs get lubricated frequently and aren't generally put under excessive strain." She finished with a wan smile before the door opened and the bell rang.

"Welcome to Warm and Sweet, get yourself a tasty treat!" Erika said with a beaming smile to the customer, her previous introspective expression vanished as if it was never there.

Though the door's ring had been spritely and Erika's response was just as vivacious, the customer was anything but. She walked with a jarringly stiff gate under the weight of a rounded back and long silvery hair that billowed in loose waves down her shoulders. Under her felt hat she looked apprisingly to Erika and Mineko and with a satisfied twinkle of her eyes, approached the register. The two seated guests looked up momentarily from their coffee cake and conversation to smile politely at the old woman before going back to their talk in the corner.

"Hello dears," The woman herself approached the register and slowly raised her hands to set them on the counter. "Would you happen to know directions to the nearest PAINT system pickup?"

“Yeah uh” Erika said verbally, leaning forward, meanwhile through the link Mineko was exposed to Erika’s stream of consciousness as her face momentarily went blank. “Why wouldn’t she access the public net and find out for herself if she doesn’t have connection and mobility is difficult why hasn’t she upgraded to a new body could her clothes conceal weapons gait analysis: movement is from a combination of muscular atrophy and osteoarthritis likelihood of information leading to security breach: negligible query to public mapping service..."

It only took a moment, her face retuned to its pervious polite and sparkly expression "You take a left out of the shop, head down Kanna until you hit Ryunnji, go right and you should see a bus stop. You want to take the 681 to the PAINT terminal." There was a moment's pause before Erika continued "Where are you heading if you don't mind my asking?"

Mineko didn't quite know how to respond (or if she should) to Erika's stream of consciousness, but she was preparing herself to explain away how Yamatai was home to a variety of people, but the operative started with a polite instruction and Mineko just smiled meekly next to her Resurgence crewmen.

"Thank you, lovely directions," the woman said, happily giving the girls a turtlelike smile. "Oh, just making some new friends."

"Have a wonderful day!" Mineko offered and the woman nodded and tucked her head down so that the top of her hat was all they saw and pulled her hands away to saunter out the way she had come.

Erika's eyes narrowed and her head tilted as the elderly woman walked off. "Strange for someone with her cronic conditions to be going off world to make some new friends." She said over the link before turning to Mineko and talking verbally. "Are there any aged care centers near by? Maybe want to check and see if one of their residents has gone for a stroll."

When Erika turned to Mineko, her eyes would have fallen on a card left on the counter. If it was a KS or business card, it was strange because it was plain black with nothing on the side facing them.

"Maybe we should," Mineko said, jumping from Erika's negligible concern earlier to the more present danger that they had just aided an elderly in wandering further from their home.

Mineko's eyes caught the card, too. At the sight of it, she made to move around the side of the counter, looking to see if she could see the woman through the cafe windows.

Erika sent Mineko her visual memory of the woman, though suspected her fellow SAINT would have difficulty spotting her. Rather she picked up the card and examined the front, while at the same time pulsing it the NFC scanner in her hand. "None of what she said were code phrases I'm familiar with, but the interaction makes a lot more sense."

"Nothing stood out," Mineko said returning back from the doorway. She had slipped out onto the street and was eager to send a mental note of the street to Erika. The little old lady was nowhere to be found and there had been nowhere for her to have absconded to so quickly. She had disappeared on them, likely intentionally.

"Anything on the card?" Mineko asked, following up her mental assertion with quiet words as she sidled next to Erika to look at it herself.

"Raw text co-ordinates." Eirka said iquisitively as she examined the front. "In UV ink but no other methods of obscuring. Speaking of," She said looking up from the card with a smile "You and I need to work out a one time pad."

Erika ran the co-ordinates through the public mapping service whist simultaneously sharing them with Mineko.

As the operative did so, Mineko pulled a metal steamer from the counter and filled it with water. She dropping it under the milk steamer's wand as she turned the dial, letting the water heat as she chewed her lip.

"Its somewhere in Yumiuku, just south of here." Erika said after a moment. She then sighed "What do you think Mineko? Its either a summons or a leak, either way I think we need to respond."

"I'll send you a one-time pad now," Mineko said as she sent a long trail of jumbled letters to the operative. "We should take it at face value as a summons." When the water started squealing at a more high-pitched tenor than the milk had, Mineko pulled the card and plopped it in the boiling water. Seeing the ultraviolet ink had dispersed in the hot water, the analyst turned down the steamer and rinsed it before heading to the back double doors that led into the kitchen.

There was a man there, something of a portly one with red cheeks and a red nose and closed eyes as he dozed off with his pudgy hands over the mustard smears at the belly of his apron.

"Gonna need you awake," Mineko said after bumping into the man's shoulder with her palm. "Wake up, you got to do the front of house."

"No way, really?" the man said, rousing. Mineko left him with only a nod and raised her brows into her bangs as she looked at Erika and pulled her own backpack out of the employee lockers.

Out of Erika's locker a circular drone hovered out, lazily bobing in the air. Attached to its chassis was a Star Army butt pack with several cables leading from the various pockets. A small holographic interface appeared over her wrist into which she tapped a few commands. The drone responded energetically as though it had just been given an intravenous shot of adrenaline and quickly fell in line behind Eirka.

"So much for pocket change," Mineko said sardonically when they were out the door.

A realisation dawned on the taller Neko as her face darkened. "I'm still going to get paid for the hours I worked right?" Erika called after Mineko "Right!?!"

= = =


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OOC: JP by Ametheliana and Sunny D
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Yumiuku Forests

After being taken in on the East Line train and an hour hike off the beaten path, the pair found a river and walked along a trail of their of their own making. The sound of rushing water intensified as more light filtered in than the canopy had allowed beforehand. The trees were cleared up ahead and the reason became apparent soon thereafter. A rushing waterfall punched down into a pool that licked at the black rocks and ferns on its edges and a mist raised up in an effervescent glow. It wasn't huge, but large enough to contain the civilian Kuma shuttle that bobbed in the wake of the waterfall as if a buoy in the sea. The Star Army shuttle was out of place in the jungle, but was more in line with what the two Star Army soldiers had come to expect of their lives compared to the verdant walk they had been on previously.

"I'm no navigator, but I can pilot," Mineko offered as she approached the water. "Guess there was nowhere better to park it with all the trees around."

Erika had her drone fly close so she could reach into the pack. Out of it she pulled her side arm which she then holstered in the waist band of her track pants. She then wordlessly commanded it to make a few passes of the shuttle and scan it for life signs and abnormalities. Blue laser lights danced across the shuttles oval hull.

"If its all the same with you Mineko, I'm going to send a delayed message to the Captain." Erika said pensively "It seems like your run of the mill cloak and dagger, but we have also just had our profile jump somewhat." She then smiled "Don't know about you, but if the entry into my record directly following my reception of a Blood Medallion is about how I was baited and captured, I want it to at least say I was really suspicious of the circumstances."

Mineko was less than receptive, "I know the captain, he'd want us to have more information before we bring him in. And he'd also trust us to act out our roles without his guidance. If this is something from SAINT, then they would have told him if they wanted him involved. If it's not, how'd a Star Army vessel appear on Yamatai without our military intervening. But I'll note your suspicions and offer this- we don't both have to enter a spooky Kuma at once. You stay out here, I'll go in. Deal?"

Erika leaned back, crossing her arms over her chest. She eyed the vessel warily for a moment before returning her gaze to Mineko. "Hence why it's delayed." She explained, "It's not about our autonomy, its giving our CO a starting point if things go south. We are an asset assigned to him after all. I will, however defer to your judgement on the matter, hazards of the occupation and all that."

"As for who goes first, I have a drone." Erika said with a smile, activating her Inertial Control implants and hovering a few inches above the ground. She floated above the water until she came into contact with the shuttle's hull, taking her pistol in one hand while the other reached for the airlock controls. The door hissed open, and the drone swung wide around the outside, checking as much of the internal space as it could before hovering in. All the while Eirka had a first person view streamed to her mind as she directed the drone along with some assistance from its onboard pathfinding and collision avoidance.

The exterior and interior of the Kuma was what they would have expected. Inside the lockers were all secured and the seats had been replaced by one large transport crate. Closer to the prow, the two shuttle operator seats were dimly lit by the glow of the consoles in front of them. Hexagonal patterns of bluish light emanated from the lasers while the words "Identification Recognition in Progress..." sidewinded through their respective screens. Though the main power of the shuttle wasn't on, some auxiliary system was powering just those screens for the time being.

The drone hovered down the aisle, checking behind the seats while Erika moved into the cockpit, pistol drawn as she checked the corners. When she was satisfied the shuttle was unoccupied, she switched the safety on the gun and once again stuffed it down the front of her waistband. “Seems clear” Erika called out to Mineko over the link. “it’s preforming an ID Verification. I think its safe if you want to come over.” She swung around the co-pilots seat and sat down, linking to the ship's SPINE interface.

For her part, Mineko had been letting the drone and Erika take on the larger challenge of securing the vessel. While her pistol was drawn and most of her thinking mind was tasked with being prepared to take on whatever bad situation the operative believed them to be in, a small part of it was also set to record the idyllic scene of the waterfall splashing down on the pool the Kuma sat in. It was quite a view, but one she was quick to disengage from when Erika gave her the all clear.

When she approached Erika, the ID verification had already completed after the operative had sat down and volumetric screen was met with a young woman's face. Her hair was silver and parted to to either side of a golden circlet that ran around her forehead. Below her heart-shaped face, she was wearing a black paneled Type 35 uniform and she bore the elongated ears of an Elf.

"The old lady from the coffee shop," Mineko said over her link to Erika. She didn't want to interrupt as the woman on the screen had begun speaking.

"Good evening agents," the Elf said. "These summer months have had long nights." It was a sort of way of asking them to only continue the recording if they were alone and Mineko looked behind her, making sure the shuttle's door was closed and the cabin had remained empty in those seconds.

"If you have picked up my directives, then you understand you are being tasked with a minor intelligence operation." Her pale blue eyes looked at them with a satisfied glint, the same as when she had first seen the girls working the coffee counter. "Please forgive my brush contact, but with your ship being down for repairs you were the quickest assets to acquisition. Open source intelligence indicates Mishhuvurthyar have holed up on the independent planet of Miyamae I. The locals there prefer the least amount of Yamataian influence, so we’ll need you to be discreet. If there really is a former or current Mishuvurthyar warlord there, don’t tip them off to your origin. Learn what you can and report back immediately."

The grey haired woman went on in a low voice, "Do not touch the volumetric displays at this time."

The volumetric displays flickered off and from below their feet came a sharp clanging sound that lasted only a fraction of a second. The auxiliary power box that had been powering the volumetric displays and holding the message had fizzled, rending its own internals to little more than melted circuits and wiring. The displays went dark, but through her SPINE's interface, Erika knew the rest of the ship was unaffected.

Erika leaned back in the pilot’s seat, running her fingers through her hair as she exhaled deeply. “A minor intelligence operation,” she repeated dryly before giving Mineko a weak smile. “There’s a package back there which likely contains our equipment.” The silver haired Neko then rocked to her feet and pulled herself out of the chair “A pilot cert is something I have yet to attain, so if you want to warm up the ship, I’ll take a look at what we’ve got.”

Erika made her way to the back of the ship where the large transport crate was waiting for them. She cracked it open to find a pair of Type 31 Operative suits, along with some sets of Nepleslian kit, most prominent of which was a pair of Na-W/P-08 V4Cs Heavy Automatic Sidearms. “How long has it been since you brushed up on your Nepleslian Manual of Arms?” Erika asked, having just downloaded the manual herself. She picked up one of the weapons and began manipulating its controls, starting with removing the magazine and emptying the chamber.

"Totally needed to know it last week," Mineko joked off-handedly as she downloaded the same. She pulled her flannel off and tied it around her waist where her denim shorts met her black ribbed tank top and she settled into the seat. Her jaw tightened a little as she began interfacing with the ship, powering atmospheric engines and tertiary systems on while she began mentally poking around the interfaces. The analyst tried to hide her disappointment in the lack of integrated weapons but Erika's dry tone echoed in her mind.

Mineko said, "Civilian shuttle, so durandium hull and no weapons to speak of, this could really end up sucking. Speaking of, sorry you missed out on pay for the day. If we survive this, I'll throw you some bones to make up for it. I doubt my boss back at the cafe would give us a second chance to get you some spending money. If only SAINT knew we were busy, I thought central was supposed to know everything but that's the detail that managed to slip past them, huh."

The joystick flipped out of its recess on the side of Mineko's chair and she cautiously maneuvered the ship straight up, avoiding the overhanging foliage from the trees around them. Visuals on the starboard side grew misty as they passed by the waterfall.

“More like they went out of their way to generate a mission because we were busy.” Erika called back with a chuckle. There was a sting from Erika’s zipper being undone as she began to undress. “Honestly Mineko, don’t worry about the pay. Learning how to operate a coffee machine was more than worth it. Also, chance is after we go through all the equipment, we’ll find a stipend that will mysteriously go missing.”

In a moment, she was out of her suit and in the Type 31 body suit. The projectors flashed as she reentered the cockpit, changing the suits appearance into a set of practical clothing in neutral colors that didn’t stand out. “Not liking the idea of minimal armor or no stealth features on this thing.” Erika commented as she sat down in the co-pilot’s chair before smiling and attempting a much more positive cadence. “I’m going to choose to believe it’s because the analyst who planned this mission determined we’re not likely to run into any issues landing and not because its all they had at short notice.” The silver haired Neko then linked her SPINE but rather than do anything, simply watched the flow of information from Mineko to the ship.

Looking from the visuals to Erika briefly, Mineko said, "Only one way to find out." The inertial thrusters pulsed to push them far away from the forests of Yumiuku and into the skies of Yamatai, destined for far beyond to the peripheries of the Kikyo Sector.
Miyamae II

"I'm going to land us somewhere far from the settlements," Mineko spoke after re-engaging thrusters. They had entered Miyamae's atmosphere discreetly and now wanted to scout for where the rumored Mishuvurthyar warlord was holed up. To do this, they would have to edge closer to where the Miyamae residents lived.

From their records, Miyamae looked like any backwater independent planet with a penchant for crime and lack of standard morality. From the vantage point aboard the shuttle it appeared to look like any unindustrialized settlement, even Yamataian ones. Sporadic towns and connecting shuttle paths and roads bisected the large swathes of green yellow and dusty beige farmlands. Forests and lakes crept at the boundaries of where pastures and civilization ended. The analyst kept the shuttle out of view while allowing their sensors the scope they needed to pinpoint any abnormal energy signatures.

"I wish the locals didn't have such misgivings towards Yamataians." Mineko said, "Questioning them and analyzing the rumor mill is more up my alley than infiltrating whatever it is we're going to find on this planet. Glad I have you here to take care of them." She was still under the impression that Erika was more of a tank than a support class operative.

"If I have too." Erika said, pulling a beany over her head to better conceal her pointed ears. On her torso her's just finished setting up one of the chest rigs that was sent with the rig. It was olive drab with a bunch of pockets specially designed for Nepleslian magazines. No provision for additional armor. From her neck also hung the Na-W/P-08 V4C SMG. "This is just a scouting mission. Get close enough to get the information and then get out. If we can avoid detection all together, that would be great. Saying that—" She picked up a large blanket made from canvas and threw it over in Mineko's direction, She then picked up another and threw it over herself. There was a hole in the middle which her head went through. The poncho covered up her equipment, including the jet black rifle that hung from her neck. "We'll try and avoid being seen, but if we are, two women wearing ponchos stands out less than two women decked out like a pair of Nepleslisan mercenaries skulking through the woods."

"Speaking of standing out," Mineko quipped. The electromagnetic radiation signatures I'm getting good power a small water treatment plant for that town we just passed. But they're coming out of the middle of that mountain. Either it's a highly localized geological phenomena or that's our man."

Mineko obviously thought it was the latter as she popped out of her seat and started grabbing the same kind of gear that Erika had already put on. She held it loosely in her hand as she passed back to the cockpit and looked over the volumetric readouts. Her bluish red eyes were absorbed as her hands busily pulled the olive drab test rig over her head and secured it.

"We'll land right here where the brush will cover the Kuma, take a trek, and be able to scout the side of the mountain. From there get close enough to get the information, backtrack and get out. Sound good?" Mineko asked as she pulled the poncho over the Nepleslian SMG and tidying her thick hair into a double bun at the back of her head. "All while looking good doing it, it seems."

Erika chuckled softly, adjusting her gear, and checking her rifle's safety. “What are you talking about? I look like a head sticking out of a sack in this thing. Although.” She grabbed one side of poncho and tossed it over her shoulder, exposing her equipment, weapon while the blanket took on the appearance of a cape. With in a second it was out of the way, and she was ready for action. “Honestly I don’t think the cape is strictly a bad look.” She then pulled it back over her torso. “But we’re not here to win fashion competitions.”

“So what else do we know?” Erika asked with a sigh, placing a hand on her hip “I read the dossier on the way. Miyamae II is an Agri world, former member of the ill-fated United Outer Colonies, taken over by Kuvexians before ousted in 43 and have since been an independent hive of scum and villainy. Bothuthurtha Pirates use it as a minor hub.” She said, her inflection becoming thoughtful. “Can’t be anything too strange if there is a little bit of traffic too and from, or the infiltration is a recent development.”

From the small ship, Erika's gaze is drawn to the vast expanse of the Miyamaen wilderness below. Forests dominate the view, their canopies a rich tapestry of greens ranging from the pale shades of young birches to the dark tones of ancient pines. Rivers snake through the land like silvery threads, shimmering in the light, meandering lazily and widening into serene lakes that mirror the sky. Their banks are sometimes marked by low cliffs or bordered by marshlands. To the left, the wild untamed woods gave way to miles and miles of farmland, crops arranged into neat geometric paddocks and beyond the forests and rivers, Erika spotted the mountain range Mineko was referencing, its top covered in a dusting of snow.

“Don’t want to park too close.” Erika said “If they’ve got passive scanners on that mountain, they’ll pick us up. There,” She pointed to a clearing at the edge of the forest towards the base of the mountain. Nearby, a couple of miles hike, was a homestead with a number of vehicles for transport and farming. “We should check out that compound. We might be able to get some land transport. Just have to keep our Nekovalkyrjan features hidden.”

Without a word, Mineko had taken Erika's guidance on the clearing and landed there rather than where she had estimated the brush could cover the Kuma. She didn't like the idea of parking it at the edge of the forest, but Mineko had also ixnayed the operative's desire to call in to Aoba, so Mineko bit her tongue now. With her gear on, SPINE was no longer connected to her and she began landing manually, toggling buttons along the joystick at the end of her arm rest. The landing struts popped out and she eased the shuttle down between the trees and ended the ride with a rocking back and forth as the starboard side had been a bit lower than the port. Still proud of her first piloting job in the field, she took the rocky landing in stride and secured the ship systems as powered down before getting up from her seat.

"I'm telling you, Erika," Mineko began cheerily. "There would be a surge in high couture fashion doing capes if this mission were declassified. One hundred percent they'd pick them back up just by how you look in one alone. A resurgence, if you will." Mineko couldn't resist the wordplay that referenced their home starship that was right in front of her.

Erika tossed a sidelong glance in Mineko's direction as she disembarked from the ship. She gave a slightly sarcastic "Ha ha" to the analyst. At the same time Erika's drone ducked down behind her and floated into the sky. She continued out and watched it float up until it became an almost indistinguishable speck within Miyamae II's sky. It could see them though. The items which Minkeo considered to be the next hot ticket fashion accessory also did wonders reducing their infrared signature, but the small patches of skin visible, like their faces and arms, lit up brightly within the feed. It preformed a circle around the craft, spotting the local fauna while filling it the dead zones of its vision.

Mineko also pulled out her science scanner and took some electromagnetic scans. As she was memorizing the wavelengths of the area they set down in to use as coordinates later, she looked back to the operative in the white ponytail next to her and how the verdant green pines and ferns of the forest beyond framed her. The analyst smiled widely and it was hard to tell she was taken with the natural beauty surrounding Erika and not simply her compatriot.

"Do you like hiking?" Mineko asked offhandedly as she looked back down to her scanner and flipped it closed to tuck into her equipment under her tarp-like cape.

Erika took in a deep breath as she too took in the scenery, introspective smile on her face. “I like it when I have some space.” Erika said finally. “I’ve lived the majority of my life in cramped barracks and shared accommodation. I find the idea that I’m the only person within several miles liberating. Having said that,” She cast another look at Mineko over her shoulder “I’m coming around to the idea of making exceptions." The operative then took a sharp breath, her eyes focused on the path ahead. "Come on, we're burning daylight."

The drone continued to circle ahead, running a terrain analysis among other things. What it showed were several paths leading to the clearing, but most being sized for animals. There were one or two that were concerning, but it seemed that the area was infrequently traversed by people.

She then pivoted back towards the craft after making a quick enquiry to the ship’s manual. She proceeded to open one of the maintenance panels and pulled out a fuse for the ships main drive. “Think we should plant some charges to scuttle it if we find other means of exfiltration?” She said, half asking Mineko and half in dialog with herself. “I don’t think there’s anything on there that ties directly to Yamati, and the Kuma has been extensively used by other powers.”

"You're probably right and it's safe to leave it," Mineko said decisively as she looked back at the craft and to Erika. Mineko was growing at ease with their mission and didn't want her worry to take away from the clipped pace that would be expected of them. She thought on Erika's words on burning daylight as she saw the stark contrast between those past Resurgence missions and the one she was on. Having undertaken a few missions on the Resurgence only, she felt like they usually got in and got out with little time for error. This mission felt different. Already they had jumped from Kyoto to trek jungles of Yumiuki and now on a far-flung planet that would have them taking another long hike to the homestead before getting to their ultimate destination. Her eyes went to the sun as she stepped in line, eager to get going as Erika was rather than worry about the shuttle's visibility when it truly was a ubiquitous craft.

"Funny to think we're the only other people in miles save for one another until the point where a possible Mishhuvurthyar warlord and whatever facility it is they're living in crops up. It's really something that there's solace in that," Mineko said. The hint of a compliment from Erika was something she didn't know whether to slide off of her shoulders or nose around. Now that she had told her brain to loosen up a bit, she played up the enemy rather than think too long or too little on Erika's exception.

“Command could even be wrong, and this could just be walk in the woods.” Erika said, replacing the cover on the ship and standing upright. “Come on.”

The dense canopy of the Miyamae Forest rustled with the faint whispers of wind. The thickets and underbrush seemed to part reluctantly, though the damp, moss-covered earth dampened the sounds of their footsteps as Erika and Minkeo charged through. Each step they took calculated for stealth and speed. Erika's focus wavered between the ground and the connection to her drone projected into her mind’s eye. The device continued scanning the area for any unusual movement or signs of adversaries and so long as it continued to only show them Erika recommended, they keep a fast pace.

The looming silhouette of the farm homestead became visible through a break in the trees, the setting sun casting it in a golden glow. With their destination in sight, Erika and Minkeo began to slow down and move more cautiously.

They stopped at the tree line, with another 25 meters to the homestead, ducking low behind the brush. The main compound was a colonial prefab, consisting of a few modules linked together via short tunnels or stacked together painted white with a red trim. The windows carved into the metal boxes showed some light activity, the silhouettes of workers and family members milled about inside.

Next to the prefab home there was a motor pool in the barn. There were the large, mechanized harvesters, irrigators and plows that ensured the operation of the farm. There were also some light vehicles, personal trucks for hauling light cargo and a few hover bikes for traversing around the farm quickly.

There was still some activity in the yard, with a number of workers attempting to load up a flat bed with some supplies. Some of these were local produce from the farm itself, but the majority was coming from a shipping container and included packaged products, likely from off world.

“Interesting.” Erika muttered as she observed the crew loading up the vehicle. “It’s a bit strange for a farm to be shipping out prepackaged goods, don’t you think?”

"It is strange," Mineko agreed. The proximity to where they were set to investigate made her suspicious. "After reading their history, I wouldn't put it past the people of Miyamae to work with an enemy of Yamatai, but the Mishhuvurthyar? Do you think we should investigate the homestead alongside whatever's in the mountain?"

While she spoke, the analyst was moving her arms along her body, ready to grab her scanner from her back to start to get some kind of idea of what they were looking at.

"We can't be certain if they're aware," Erika said, shrugging. "They might just pay for the delivery of a few containers, then hire drivers to transport them. The Mishhu aren't the most inconspicuous species, so they probably rely on intermediaries for deliveries and resupply." Her gaze returned to the compound, her focus drifting as she tuned into the feed from the drone above.

"Even if they're connected to the Mishhu supply network, I doubt they know much. If they do, their knowledge is probably limited. As I see it, we have two choices: either sneak onto their transport and hope it's headed where we need to go, which I give a high chance, or wait until things quiet down and...," Erika hesitated, steal came to mind first, but she didn't like its optics, "commandeer one of the light vehicles. We could check out the homestead, but the risk of blowing our cover might outweigh the potential benefits." She gave another nonchalant shrug. "However, in the end, I'm the operative and you're the analyst. If you believe there's a good chance of finding crucial intel in the homestead, I'll follow your lead."

"The people of Miyamae aren't the ones under investigation here. If they're aiding the Mishhuvurthyar, that's another story." Mineko said, "I'll take a high chance any day and I too think those vehicles are going our direction." On the surface she looked hopeful, but she was running through all of the scenarios in which something could go wrong for the two of them. What it would mean to the rest of the Kikyo Sector to have a Mishhuvurthyar installation unchecked even longer wasn't acceptable to the analyst and she grew determined.

Mineko went on, "We can sweep in near the trucks there. They load them up and leave momentarily to get the manifests before closing the doors, we can slip in during that window. You lead Erika, I've got your back."

Erika nodded and began to move, approaching the boundary between the forest and the home stead. There was a 10-meter fire break they had to traverse, so they moved down the tree line, still in the cover of the bushes until the motor pool barn broke the line of sight to the home stead and the truck being loaded. The pair then quickly made their way across. Erika had plans of going along the outside of the structure along the side which kept them obscured, however she noticed the latch upon the rear door didn’t have a lock, and so gave it a gentle push. As it cracked open, she cast the front of her poncho over her back and pulled out her suppressed weapon, giving Mineko a nod to do the same before carefully pushing into the motor pool.

There were three large, impressive vehicles. A combine harvester, with its devouring rotary maw, was the one closest to the back. They would have to tread carefully along its length to avoid getting caught on its teeth. Beside it was a tractor along with several attachments for tilling and plowing the earth. Finally, the last one was an antigravity dirigible, with extendable arms that had a series of tubes hanging down from them. Towards the other end was a number of smaller vehicles, both AG and wheeled utility vehicles. Erika pulled her poncho back over her front and crouched down between the smaller vehicles. There was still an 8-meter dash between them and the truck, but there was no cover between them. They had to wait for the opportune moment.
Miyamae II

The operative continued to observe the men loading the truck in the waning light, her movements slow and cautious like a lion hiding in the savanna brush, ready to pounce on her prey. Finally, it looked as though they were almost done as they threw a tarp over the cargo and began strapping it down for transport. The moment they were waiting for came, as the homestead assistants and the driver headed back to the homestead proper, the driver carrying a tablet with a consignment sheet displayed on its screen.

“Go.” Erika said over telecoms, her inflection a forceful whisper.

The operative dashed across the exposed distance. Her foot falls were careful and practiced, intended to move her as fast as possible while making little sound. When she got to the back, she used her momentum to jump over the cargo tray’s rear gate before turning and offering Mineko a hand.

With the commanding voice of Erika echoing in her mind, Mineko put aside more cerebral thoughts and concentrated only on the flying sprint from the small vehicles. Bounding across the grassy expanse assisted by her gravity manipulation, the analyst focused only on her movements and avoiding detection.

Though the driver was headed back to the homestead, his vision seemed to snap away from his destination momentarily. The glow of the tablet in his hand dipped and bobbed as he looked over his shoulder. Thankfully it wasn't towards the SAINT agents but in the other direction. Either something else had caught his attention or he had mistaken sounds they had made for something on the other side of the field. Without a second look he continued on his way and went fully out of the sight lines and earshot of the two black panels.

For her part, Mineko had made it to the truck when the driver's attention was diverted and she had quickly ducked behind the large hunk of cover that the rear gate of the cargo hold offered. She held herself there but not for long as the high-pitched whine of the homestead's front door was followed by the sound of only the dusky symphony of crickets, meal time inside, and the far off rumble of the trucks that had left earlier. Mineko took Erika's hand gratefully and with it pulled herself up and over the rear gate of the truck.

They didn't know when the driver would return and so without another word the analyst looked about for her next form of cover. Within the truck were hard wooden pallets and sturdy plastic trays as long and wide as their wooden counterparts. They were in fact off-world goods of the wooden pallets as some of the wood was branded with the word AwesomeCorp. There was a spot one of the stacks of plastic trays where the tie downs took up a foot of space and the pair could slide in unseen.

Erika quickly figured out what Mineko was up to and followed suit, joining the analyst in the tight space. She also pulled the hood of her poncho over her head and tucked the sides in, making herself look like a bit of cargo wrapped in an olive drab tarp. The operative was hardly comfortable though, the rifle and equipment put pressure on her abdomen. Silently she was hoping it was a quick trip.

Thankfully drone overhead kept an eye on the situation outside and offered a distraction from her discomfort, and shortly after the driver and his offsider returned to the truck. There was a low hum as its systems started and it slowly began to move, the only sounds it made were the high but quiet wine of the drive motors and crunch of stones beneath the tires.

The drone continued to watch from overhead, following the truck as it made its way up the winding path from a safe altitude. Eventually, the road met the rocky face of the jutting mountain and the truck disappeared into a narrow arc cut into the mountain. Inside of the truck, Mineko and Erika only felt the swaying of the after it had entered as it made sharp kitty-corner turns. Outside of the truck where the drone was relaying visuals back to Erika, there were pale white stalactites dripping above the tiny single lane road that had long ago been carved into the bottom of this natural pass in the depths of the mountain. The truck was at some points inches from the slick walls, but never dangerously slow. It seemed the driver knew where he was going and handled the extreme lane with ease.

Only the headlights lit the tunnel in front of him for a handful of long and uncomfortable minutes until the drone spotted sets of lights lined up in the side of the tunnel. They were in a square pattern, most likely the lights on either side of a loading bay meant for a cargo tray the same size as the one the SAINT agents had entered before the truck had set of on its tunnel drive.

With the destination possibly in sight the drone kicked forward from its trailing position and joined the two Saints in the back. Erika got to her feet while the truck was still moving and motioned for Mineko to do the same. The drone flew up under Erika's poncho and attached to her back.

"Lets get out before the truck stops." Erika said via telecoms "Didn't look like checkpoint before the loading zone, but I can't see around the edges of the tunnel, best to do some recon before we approach."

Along the walls there was plenty of cover where the builders of the tunnel had neglected to excavate the smaller crevices cut by water into the sides of the passage. The operative jumped down, using her inertial dampeners to arrest her momentum somewhat before making a dash for them. The analyst followed suit with her wide-brimmed hat tucked like a turtleshell onto her back. When behind the relative safety of the crevices where water had run through, Mineko took out her science scanner and popped in the green life form module.

"Mishhuvurthyar life forms present within a thousand meter vicinity," Mineko said through their telepathic connection. "Checking for anything within one hundred meters now. Do you want to look for a secondary entrance or slip in through the loading zone when we can?"

"The loading zone seems like something that's only active when they need it." Erika said, observing from her position. "Minimal guards, there must be - there." She pointed to a black ball mounted on the wall. "Monitored by cams."

The drone detached from Erika's back and hovered over her shoulder, its sensor cluster pointed a the camera. "Should be able to blind it temporarily, but it will probably trigger someone from security and maintenance to come down. Give these guys a chance to start unloading and we'll see if we can slip in," she smirked, "They'll cover for us and they won't even know."

"Don't like our exit plan though." Erika continued "A long tunnel means if we are caught we'll be very quickly cornered. This deep in the mountain there should be vents for the HVAC system, maybe some secondary access hatches or a camouflaged ship hangar. We can go outside and try to find a needle in a hay stack. "

"We've got a good in and should use the cover of the loaders to our advantage while we have them. Might be a good time to ditch our disguises," Mineko thought aloud, wondering if the holographic camouflage of their suits would be of better use than looking like a farmer at this stage. "Depending on what you have in mind, we might be able to use the camera's blind spots to our advantage too. We're already at a good angle to just avoid being caught by it if we hug the corner into the loading zone."

Erika nodded and began to pull off the poncho "Agreed." She took it off and quickly folded it into a small package before stuffing it into the natural crevace it into the wall. "Issue with the cam is can't see its lens, and it could be panoramic. Better be safe than sorry. As I said, if we're quick and quiet, the loaders will cover for us."

They moved closer cautiously until the drone automatically began outputting a laser that dazzled the camera, sending a quick notification to Erika. She motioned to Mineko to pick up the pace, herself dashing towards the bay. The deliverers had already made several stacks of cargo, large enough for them to break line of sight for a moment while they waited for an opportunity to slip past, through the rolling shutter and into the base proper.

It looked like whoever had originally created this underground mountain lair wasn't Mishhuvurthyar. Its walls were chiseled out of the same rock that ringed the tunnel. Though the tunnel had mostly been naturally formed, this had taken innumerable hours to cut from the rock and was very flat in design and appearance, at least in the wide hallway that led from the loading bay.

Two flatbed rollers lined the doorways almost immediately but the rest of the furbishings were quite bare save for a picture on the wall at the end of the hallway. From their enhanced vision, they could make out the many greyish eyes in the shadow of a chitin carapace. Its jagged edges and domed top were recognizable to a Nekovalkyrja as the enemy, as a Mishhuuvurthyar. They would need to either pass the hung picture, though, or abscond back as the drone had scouted ahead the sharp right turn after the framed enemy and found the first set of solid metal double doors. A bit of activity was coming from behind them, too, as muffled voices were being raised.

"Well the drivers are in on it. Portraits kind of hard to ignore."

"Who's to say they come past the loading bay doors?" Mineko asked in response, but wasn't on the side of the Miyamaeans one way or another. After all, they had fought hard to have no Yamataian control over their planet. Perhaps this was why.

"I'd have peeked." Erika said before shrugging "Then again, my instinct to stick my nose where it ought not to be might be ingrained by SAINT."

"I took that for one of your intrinsic character traits, to be honest," Mineko quipped.

"Brought to you by the Star Army Neko Vats and Education System." Erika shot back.

The operative turned her attention away from the portrait to the metal door. She made some hand gestures to Mineko to take cover while she approached the metal doors. Hinged but on the other side with a mag lock up the top to keep it secured. There was a key card reader to its side. She reached into a pouch on her vest and produced a pen which she rested on the seem between where the door met the wall before joining Mineko.

"Just have to be patient and they'll let us in." Erika said.

When the door opened the pen fell back, creating a door jam which prevented the door from closing all the way and the mag locks from engaging, the small gap keeping it from locking going unnoticed by the group of Nekos passing through the door. Their hair was mottled and their features gaunt, it caused Erika to pause for a moment and her throat to feel tight, having never seen one of her sisters looking so disheveled. She shook it off and waited a moment to let them pass. The suit took the visual data and altered its holographic camo to mimic their uniform as the operative darted to the door, collecting her pen and holding it open for Mineko.

"Quick!" Erika said over their link.

"On it," Mineko said as she swooped around. One of the NMX looked like they were about to give them a backwards glance, but then caught herself and followed her gaunt sisters. They continued to make their way to check out to where the disturbance in the visual feed out in the tunnel.

When the two SAINT agents entered through the doors, though, they saw a final NMX Neko sitting with her back to the door. Her eyes were on the camera feeds and console in front of her and her shoulders were pinned back as she concentrated on noticing any small disturbance. The camera feeds showed some of the places they'd been as well as more, but the NMX working the cameras switched the ones that showed living quarters, a mess hall, and some storage rooms to those of the cargo loading area and the outer tunnel.

Erika placed a finger over her mouth as she looked at the NMX Neko absorbed in her work. With a second hand motion she instructed her companion to make a move towards the other door. In the mean time she had noticed a key card hanging from a retractable card holder on the Neko's belt. Erika reached into her first aid kit and pulled out a set of scissors and approached the neko ever so silently.

As the operative pulled on the key card the Neko looked to her side. She quickly sprang up, getting to her feet. Erika was faster though, she grabbed the NMX Neko's wrist, pulling the guard off balance and then getting far. The operative's other arm came up in a clothesline against the Neko's neck, coiling around it like a snake and putting pressure on the guard's carotid arteries and preventing any more noise that a gasp.

She struggled, thrashing against Erika's deadly embrace, grasping at any thing she could get her hands on. Her elbows flew back into the operatives equipment, her hands grasped at silver hair. Some of her attempts made Erika flinch, but the operative was better trained, better nourished and an updated model. As the seconds dragged on the guards struggling became weaker and weaker until finally they stopped.

"Mineko," Erika said, her inflection slightly mournful. "see somewhere I can hide her?"

"Yeah, under the consoles," Mineko said, ducking as she pulled a jumble of wires aside with one hand. It was too dark down there for her to initially know where the wall was, which made her feel it was a more ideal place to hide a body than out in the open.

The anlayst started tabbing around on the buttons she had seen the NMX Neko looking through, "I want to look through the feed a bit."

Erika took the swipecard off the body before attempting to stash it where Mineko had indicated. "Knock yourself out, but keep an eye on that door, don't need more company while I do this." She said as she delicately placed the NMX Neko in the cleared space. Erika's gaze lingered a moment before she stood, making her way to the large metal door again, she used the pilfered key card to unlock it and open it slightly so she'd know when the group in the antechamber came back.

Mineko tabbed around, then said decisively, "It's hard to know exactly where we need to go... Or what this place could be." When she said this, a light flashed on the console. An incoming text communication was punched through. It read: "Need refreshments in Room 001."

Pointing it out, Mineko said, "Maybe we can get answers there."

"Sounds good, one sec." Erika said. She sent out a quick mental command to alter the hologram a little more. Aside from her height her appearance was now more like that of one of the NMX Nekos, with her hair losing much of its luster and her facial features becoming sunken. Now looking the part she opened the door and lead the way deeper in to the facility. "Lets go."
Miyamae II
Underground Mountain Base

The hallway the SAINT agents first followed led into the doorway to a larder room and mess hall, made apparent by the half empty plastic trays like those they had been next to on the truck. Most of the foodstuffs looked to be pre-packaged Nepleslian junk food and microwavable meals. Perhaps that was part of the reason those Erika and Mineko had encountered had looked so unmistakably haggard and emaciated. Moving past them, they began down another set of hallways, but the drone saw ahead a group of four more NMX Nekovalkyrja. They were armed but possibly recently off duty as they took up the whole hallway just chatting amongst one another. Two of them were even out of uniform as they chatted amongst themselves.

"Don't think there's a way around them," Mineko said, remembering some of the various hallways and rooms on the way to the room that been indicated on the camera room's console.

Erika nodded, leaning out out peak at the guards. "Don't want to cause a disturbance if we don't have to." She looked to her drone for a moment, then around the hallway with a concentrated expression, her face lighting up when her eyes saw a small vent grate that looked as though it was part of the HVAC system. It was too small for Erika, or even Mineko, but big enough that the drone could fit though.

"See that?" Erika said to Mineko, pointing to the vent. "I'm going to give you a boost, if you can get it open we can send the drone down past them, make some noise. With luck they'll investigate, worst case it will have them looking away from us while we line up shots. Thoughts?"

"I'll keep myself up there and you can get a jump on lining up a shot," Mineko said. "But I like your methods." As she said this she was putting her suited boot into Erika's laced hands and used a boost from her gravity manipulation to gracefully bound up, steadied by the operative's hands below her at first before her molecure pad on her glove did all the lifting. With careful precision she gripped the screw on the upper left side of the grate's paneling, twisting as fast as the bolt would allow. Hurriedly, she moved onto the other side. Then when she was done, she put her hand in front of the grate and let it fall onto her hand and dropped her shoulder, then deactivated her grip with her glove and hopped to the floor.

Though the drone was moving above her, she was handling the Nepleslian submachine gun, readying herself next to Erika who had her back pressed up against the corner's wall. The operative's suppressed rifle was in her hands, pointed at the ground, a drilled stance the operative had in her repertoire to pivot and take aim quickly.

"Hows your marksmanship?" Erika asked as the drone floated down the vent, past the pack of NMX Nekos to cause its disruption. "You comfortable lining up two head shots quick at this range or should I go for three?"

"I'm comfy," Mineko said tersely in response. Though her word choice may have been less than encouraging, she was confident as she stabilized her shoulder against the butt of the Na-W/P-08. She peeked her red and blue down the iron sights. They heard the clattering that the drone made within the vent just moments after they saw the first few shoulder to shoulder NMX turn the corner. While the enemy Nekos' attention was diverted from the two agents at the end of the hall, it gave Erika and Mineko clear shots on three of the four of them.

Erika pivoted on the spot in a robotic, practiced motion, the barrel of her rifle tapping the concrete of the corridor's corner, registering they only had shots on 3, but they were committed. She had already calculated the rough position every thing needed to be for first her shot before pivoting, only needing some fine adjustments that took microseconds. The gun hissed as it loosed a round, hitting the guard in the back of the head.

Mineko knew Erika had only asked her to take two of the four out because Erika would be shooting for the other half. But with only three of the Neko before them, the shots wouldn't be cut down the middle so cleanly. The analyst heard the quiet pop of her own silenced gun in almost the same instant that she saw the other woman's body fall. Distantly, Mineko recognized that her felled opponent was wearing a soft-looking sweater. But the thought was like that had by someone far away, a Mineko in Kyoto and not the one here in an undercover operation on Miyamae.

Erika moved her muzzle to the third just as the weapon had finished cycling, though held for Mineko to make hers. With a succinct pop and drop, the NMX Neko had fallen and her mustard-colored uniform had splayed onto the heap of her sister Nekovalkryja already on the ground.

With the fourth unaccounted for Erika charged forward while keeping her weapon trained on the corner the NMX neko had vanished behind. Though her steps prioritized speed over concealment, the stealth suit she was wearing mitigated most of the noise, reducing her foot falls to quiet thuds. They had momentum, and the enemy Neko left standing would either be unaware or in a state of shock. Erika didn't want to to give her a chance to get her bearings and radio a breach.

The NMX was standing when Erika had turned the corner, legs spread to shoulder width apart as her hands were clutched in front of her. She was holding the M3 Type 45 between them and the NMX Nekovalkyrja didn't hesitate to let loose a burst of fire from her energy pistol, hitting the operative in the shoulder once before turning tail and running a few short steps, about to open a door she had only just passed with her now-dead NMX sisters.

Mineko rushed forward, close on Erika's trail as she raised her gun, ready to take out the last of the four enemies.

Erika's body flinched with the impact, the barrel of her weapon dipping slightly. It took a moment for the operative to regain her sight picture, pushing though the pain of the impact to lift the rifle back up. As the NMX Nekovalkyrja was fumbling with the door Erika's weapon hissed again, the round finding its mark. Erika held her sight down the hall, grimacing as she roatated her hit shoulder.

"I'm hit. Don't think its mission critical though. They've got better reactions than I thought." The operative said wordlessly to Mineko.

"You good to keep going?" Mineko asked, but it was rhetorical. She really wanted to ask, "Move the bodies again?" The tank that Mineko had seen battling Mishhuvurthyar already couldn't be downed so simply. Mineko was used to having a buttpack to rummage in and her free hand went there as if she were ready to pull something out. As it was, she didn't have any medical supplies and they had to keep moving.

"Yeah good. Lucky shot on her part." Erika said, not mentioning that she was equally, if not more lucky it wasn't a stronger round. "Will teach me not to put my shields up. Keep watch while I drag these out of the hall."

The operative took a quick look at her shoulder, making sure her arm was still attached, flexing it a few times and stretching her digits before moving to the heap of bodies. She grabbed them, two at time by the collars of their shirts and pulled them into a storage closet at the side of the hall. Meanwhile her drone flew back through the vent and rejoined them, hovering over towards the next room. When the corridor was cleared Erika pushed forward with her weapon raised.

"I'm starting to think we shoot first ask questions later. Last two attempts didn't go as planned. We got lucky." Erika grimaced again, her shoulder still throbbing. "We better keep moving before someone comes."

"Things could be worse," Mineko offered reassuringly. In her own mind, she was thankful to not have been the one to grab and haul the NMX Nekovalkyrja she had shot off to the storage closet resting space. In the analyst's heart she hoped they had rezzing technology under this mountain, even if they were the enemy. She had been taking scans as she kept a lookout and was pretty sure whatever room had requested drinks earlier contained a Mishhuvurthyar. Whether it be a bunch of scuttling parasites or an Advanced-type, she didn't know. They could only move in on it to find out.

"Keep alert," Mineko said as the drone took a look down the last hallway. An NMX was carrying a tray with a couple of yellow cans of speed and a glass as she opened the door which "001" was marked on and went in. The drone could see a few sets of stairs going downward, but there wasn't much light from within where the door led.

"That she's walking rather casually is a good sign, means were not compromised yet." Erika said with a relived sigh. "Orders were to confirm Mishhuvurthyar presence. We just need eyes on, then we get out." She rolling her shoulder again.

The operative called on her drone again, having it fly high along the ceiling, out of the normal scan field for a patrol. It quickly pushed through the air, alinging itself with the door before lowing itself down to see if it could catch a peek inside. It made out an image of the the stairs. They led to a sickly, slippery interior that was more akin to what typical Mishhuvurthyar decor aligned with. A bug skittered along the pink wall and its antennae quirked at the drone and it stopped as if looking at the flying equipment. The NMX Neko descending into the dark interior seemed to have many steps in front of her and it took several second for her pale pink hair and mustard uniform to be fully been absorbed by the darkness.

It truly looked like they had finally found the Mishhuvurthyar's lair.
Miyamae II
Underground Mountain Base

The hallway the SAINT agents first followed led into the doorway to a larder room and mess hall, made apparent by the half empty plastic trays like those they had been next to on the truck. Most of the foodstuffs looked to be pre-packaged Nepleslian junk food and microwavable meals. Perhaps that was part of the reason those Erika and Mineko had encountered had looked so unmistakably haggard and emaciated. Moving past them, they began down another set of hallways, but the drone saw ahead a group of four more NMX Nekovalkyrja. They were armed but possibly recently off duty as they took up the whole hallway just chatting amongst one another. Two of them were even out of uniform as they chatted amongst themselves.

"Don't think there's a way around them," Mineko said, remembering some of the various hallways and rooms on the way to the room that been indicated on the camera room's console.

Erika nodded, leaning out peak at the guards. "Don't want to cause a disturbance if we don't have to." She looked to her drone for a moment, then around the hallway with a concentrated expression, her face lighting up when her eyes saw a small vent grate that looked as though it was part of the HVAC system. It was too small for Erika, or even Mineko, but big enough that the drone could fit though.

"See that?" Erika said to Mineko, pointing to the vent. "I'm going to give you a boost, if you can get it open, we can send the drone down past them, make some noise. With luck they'll investigate, worst case it will have them looking away from us while we line up shots. Thoughts?"

"I'll keep myself up there and you can get a jump on lining up a shot," Mineko said. "But I like your methods." As she said this, she was putting her suited boot into Erika's laced hands and used a boost from her gravity manipulation to gracefully bound up, steadied by the operative's hands below her at first before the molecular pad on her glove did all the lifting. With careful precision she gripped the screw on the upper left side of the grate's panelling, twisting as fast as the bolt would allow. Hurriedly, she moved onto the other side. Then when she was done, she put her hand in front of the grate and let it fall onto her hand and dropped her shoulder, then deactivated her grip with her glove and hopped to the floor.

Though the drone was moving above her, she was handling the Nepleslian submachine gun, readying herself next to Erika who had her back pressed up against the corner's wall. The operative's suppressed rifle was in her hands, pointed at the ground, a drilled stance the operative had in her repertoire to pivot and take aim quickly.

"How’s your marksmanship?" Erika asked as the drone floated down the vent, past the pack of NMX Nekos to cause its disruption. "You comfortable lining up two head shots quick at this range or should I go for three?"

"I'm comfy," Mineko said tersely in response. Though her word choice may have been less than encouraging, she was confident as she stabilized her shoulder against the butt of the
Na-W/P-08. She peeked her red and blue down the iron sights. They heard the clattering that the drone made within the vent just moments after they saw the first few shoulder to shoulder NMX turn the corner. While the enemy Nekos' attention was diverted from the two agents at the end of the hall, it gave Erika and Mineko clear shots on three of the four of them.

Erika pivoted on the spot in a robotic, practiced motion, the barrel of her rifle tapping the concrete of the corridor's corner, registering they only had shots on 3, but they were committed. She had already calculated the rough position everything needed to be for first her shot before pivoting, only needing some fine adjustments that took microseconds. The gun hissed as it loosed a round, hitting the guard in the back of the head.

Mineko knew Erika had only asked her to take two of the four out because Erika would be shooting for the other half. But with only three of the Neko before them, the shots wouldn't be cut down the middle so cleanly. The analyst heard the quiet pop of her own silenced gun in almost the same instant that she saw the other woman's body fall. Distantly, Mineko recognized that her felled opponent was wearing a soft-looking sweater. But the thought was like that had by someone far away, a Mineko in Kyoto and not the one here in an undercover operation on Miyamae.

Erika moved her muzzle to the third just as the weapon had finished cycling, though held for Mineko to make hers. With a succinct pop and drop, the NMX Neko had fallen, and her mustard-coloured uniform had splayed onto the heap of her sister Nekovalkryja already on the ground.

With the fourth unaccounted for Erika charged forward while keeping her weapon trained on the corner the NMX Neko had vanished behind. Though her steps prioritised speed over concealment, the stealth suit she was wearing mitigated most of the noise, reducing her foot falls to quiet thuds. They had momentum, and the enemy Neko left standing would either be unaware or in a state of shock. Erika didn't want to give her a chance to get her bearings and radio a breach.

The NMX was standing when Erika had turned the corner, legs spread to shoulder width apart as her hands were clutched in front of her. She was holding the M3 Type 45 between them and the NMX Nekovalkryja didn't hesitate to let loose a burst of fire from her energy pistol, hitting the operative in the shoulder once before turning tail and running a few short steps, about to open a door she had only just passed with her now-dead NMX sisters.

Mineko rushed forward, close on Erika's trail as she raised her gun, ready to take out the last of the four enemies.

Erika's body flinched with the impact, the barrel of her weapon dipping slightly. It took a moment for the operative to regain her sight picture, pushing through the pain of the impact to lift the rifle back up. As the NMX Nekovalkryja was fumbling with the door Erika's weapon hissed again, the round finding its mark. Erika held her sight down the hall, grimacing as she rotated her hit shoulder.

"I'm hit. Don't think its mission critical though. They've got better reactions than I thought." The operative said wordlessly to Mineko.

"You good to keep going?" Mineko asked, but it was rhetorical. She really wanted to ask, "Move the bodies again?" The tank that Mineko had seen battling Mishhuvurthyar already couldn't be downed so simply. Mineko was used to having a butt pack to rummage in and her free hand went there as if she were ready to pull something out. As it was, she didn't have any medical supplies and they had to keep moving.

"Yeah good. Lucky shot on her part." Erika said, not mentioning that she was equally, if not luckier it wasn't a stronger round. "Will teach me not to put my shields up. Keep watch while I drag these out of the hall."

The operative took a quick look at her shoulder, making sure her arm was still attached, flexing it a few times and stretching her digits before moving to the heap of bodies. She grabbed them, two at time by the collars of their shirts and pulled them into a storage closet at the side of the hall. Meanwhile her drone flew back through the vent and rejoined them, hovering over towards the next room. When the corridor was cleared Erika pushed forward with her weapon raised.

"I'm starting to think we shoot first ask questions later. Last two attempts didn't go as planned. We got lucky." Erika grimaced again, her shoulder still throbbing. "We better keep moving before someone comes."

"Things could be worse," Mineko offered reassuringly. In her own mind, she was thankful to not have been the one to grab and haul the NMX Nekovalkyrja she had shot off to the storage closet resting space. In the analyst's heart she hoped they had rezzing technology under this mountain, even if they were the enemy. She had been taking scans as she kept a lookout and was pretty sure whatever room had requested drinks earlier contained a Mishhuvurthyar. Whether it be a bunch of scuttling parasites or an Advanced-type, she didn't know. They could only move in on it to find out.

"Keep alert," Mineko said as the drone took a look down the last hallway. An NMX was carrying a tray with a couple of yellow cans of speed and a glass as she opened the door which "001" was marked on and went in. The drone could see a few sets of stairs going downward, but there wasn't much light from within where the door led.

"That she's walking rather casually is a good sign, means were not compromised yet." Erika said with a relived sigh. "Orders were to confirm Mishhuvurthyar presence. We just need eyes on, then we get out." She rolling her shoulder again.

The operative called on her drone again, having it fly high along the ceiling, out of the normal scan field for a patrol. It quickly pushed through the air, aligning itself with the door before lowing itself down to see if it could catch a peek inside. It made out an image of the stairs. They led to a sickly, slippery interior that was more akin to what typical Mishhuvurthyar decor aligned with. A bug skittered along the pink wall and its antennae quirked at the drone and it stopped as if looking at the flying equipment. The NMX Neko descending into the dark interior seemed to have many steps in front of her and it took several second for her pale pink hair and mustard uniform to fully be absorbed by the darkness.

It truly looked like they had finally found the Mishhuvurthyar's lair.


The drone's camera adjusted to the dim lighting, revealing more of the interior. The walls were pulsating, as if alive, and the air was thick with a musky scent. Erika pushed the drone past the threshold before the door closed, needing more intel before either pushing forward or they absconded with some footage of a Mishhuvurthyar. The drone followed the NMX's trail down the stairway, but she was faster than it and had approached a tight sphincter-like hole in the wall. It had blossomed out towards its edges for her but closed before the drone had the ability to enter where she had led.

"Ugh." Erika said with a disgusted intonation as she observed the feed. She took a breath, steeling herself for what she had to say next "Don't think I can get much further with the drone. Think we'll have to go in." She sucked in a breath. "Really wish we had Mindy's about now."

"We could use our stealth, perhaps." Mineko knew full well the stealth of their operative suits was fallible, but it could keep them hidden from whatever was beyond the tight inner egress down there.

"Of course." Erika said pushing forward toward the door. "I just really like the idea of having a fully enclosed environment suit between me and what passes as Mishhu interior decorating." She quickly made her way up the hallway with silent foot falls and stopped at the door. She took another breath, examining the drones feed once more, making sure the other side was clear before carefully opening the door and leading the pair inside.

What the drone had seen was on the surface level what they were experiencing now, albeit without the luxury of infrared sight and with the added visceral connection of being an active participant in the fleshy, lightless interior. Whenever Erika stepped down her foot sunk into the stair below as if she were walking down a mound of bodies rather than a more comfortably solid step. The walls also glistened in the little light there was and when a bug chittered across them, their backs reflected just enough to be seen only momentarily. Feeling a little bit less disgusted than Erika, Mineko likened it to a swampy adventure she had gone on with the Kikyo Scouts earlier in her life and was thinking less of the environment than she may have been without such a memory.

Finally, the stairs ended, and they followed the trail the drone left with uncertain steps, activating their holographic emitters before they got too close. When they did, at first the light from the adjoining room shone through as if through a pinprick in a camera, then the aperture of the anus door widened further, revealing at first more light. It was as if they had come down the fleshy basement stairs only to counterintuitively be walking into a heaven-like sanctum. But then the rest of the room began to materialize, showing the hyper-lit fleshy pink walls were adorned with beanbags and other furniture and a bright fuchsia neon sign that read "NekoSlayer69" and a plastic potted plant.

"Away from the door," a twisting voice that could only be a Mishhu's barked from around the corner of the room, but it wasn't of the level of hostility that the SAINT agents would invoke if they had been spotted. The NMX Nekovalkyrja, instead, rushed away from it and sat on one of the beanbags dutifully.

The gears seemed to audibly turn in Erika's head, a conflict between duty and curiosity. Despite the base outside being what she expected, the "commander" was anything but. Would SAINT be satisfied with the footage they already had? Or would they want actual visual documentation of the Mishhuvurthyar around the corner? If they went in, the chance the Neko in the corner might see through their disguise was high, meaning all inside that room might have to perish for the pair of SAINTs to escape. Still, this didn't strike her as usual for a Mishhuvurthyar outpost.

Erika lifted her rifle and entered the room, motioning for Mineko to do the same. The operative winced slightly as her damaged shoulder protested. The analyst followed in the operative's wake as her rifle lifted, but the hairs on the back of her neck were pricking and she could feel her whole body responding in a bid to be best prepared for whatever came in the next few moments.

The Advanced-type Mishhuvurthyar's chitined brown body and flooding of tentacles below it came into view as they entered the large room, and they could see what had captured his attention as he bellowed out the infamous war cry of his kind at the screen he played at. Within the monitor, the girls could see there was a video recording of the Mishhu playing with the NMX sitting behind him daintily. Some of the holographic projection from Mineko's suit was caught within the line of sight of the camera.

"Lag?" The Mishhuvurthyar asked as if speaking to the computer and no one else. "Huhuhuu just as I'm about to rip into Yamatai huhuhuuuu." Mineko slipped out of the frame of the camera, eyes wide under her suit as she was one of the few in the room that had realized the glitch in the camera wasn't lag but instead her suit trying to create a static image of its surroundings being imperceptibly picked up on camera.

Mineko looked to the NMX Neko who had just stood. Rather than come towards them, though, she went towards the Mishhuvurthyar and kissed a protruding spike in his chitin before taking the now empty tray they had seen her walk in with. A few of the Advanced-type's tentacles rose in concert as she walked towards the door, slapping the butt of the absconding NMX Neko.

Erika pulled herself against the wall, making sure she was out of the NMX Neko's path and sight line, pulling Minkeo alongside her. She held her breath as the Neko exited via the sphincter door and began to climb up the stairs. Not wanting to linger in the Mishhuvurthyar's streaming lair, the operative led Mineko back through, holding at the foot of the while the NMX Neko completed her ascension. The drone followed the enemy Neko up, silently hovering above, and observed as she left the antechamber at the top. Only once she was clear of the room did Erika and Mineko begin climbing the stairs.

"What was that?" Mineko asked via telecomms once they were clear of the NMX Neko and going back up the way they came. "All this for… that?!"

"I'm a bit under dressed to take on an Advanced type. Don’t know about you." Erika replied with a shrug as she approached the door to the hallway. She opened it very carefully, allowing a small sliver of light through. "Not every mission needs a climactic end. Our orders were explicit. Confirm presence, don’t get caught, even said our job wasn't assassination." She looked back at Mineko "Let's get back, send what we have, let SAINT rally the cavalry." She began opening the door further, beginning to push out into the corridor. "Just hope the cavalry's response is to liberate."

For as much as Erika had spoken, Mineko had remained quiet. She had traced their steps along with the operative, deadly silent as her mind analysed what had just happened. What they had just seen. Certain details of the Mishhuvurthyar stuck out to her, some of them simply minutiae for her brain to set aside like the soft-looking hairs that laced his spiky chitin or the floppy slick wetness of its tentacles. She recalled the game he was playing: a war-based strategy game and the scrolling chat taking up a second monitor next to it. Her body's response had not faltered as she continued filing away those different parts of the mission to be regurgitated to command later. But the analyst was able to point the way they had come as they did so, supporting as best she could in exfiltrating themselves.

Erika knew maintaining concealment was critical not only for their continued survival, but the other base personnel. The drone leads the way where feasible, it was small and able to hide amongst the utilities lining in the ceiling. It was just a matter of holding still while a patrol passed before flying through the achingly long tunnel underneath the mountain. Eventually they were back at the loading dock, the delivery truck had long since departed and its cargo removed along with the sun which had finished its departure from the farmlands by now. Under the cover of darkness, the operative and analyst were ablet to abscond back to their shuttle without incident.

Tearing the beanie from her head as she sat, Mineko ducked below the controls to power up the shuttle's semi-hidden auxiliary power source and spread her hands along the controls in relief before looking to Erika.

"Did you enjoy your first full work day at Warm and Sweet?" Mineko asked with a tired laugh as she recalled the far-off memory of making mochas and serving cakes at the cafe that morning. The shuttle started to hum, and she worked on booting up even more systems for a quiet exit from the wooded area of Miyamae.

Erika turned her head slightly to one side after climbing into the ship, scoffing. "I had no idea the life of a barista was so similar to that of an operative." The operative’s fingers curled around the brim of the beanie before ripping it off her head and tossing it to the side, unknowingly mimicking Mineko's action just moments earlier. The chest rig, which was tightly strapped to her torso and was laden with essential equipment and spare magazines, was unfastened by its clasps. It fell with a thud, the metal magazines clinked against each other as they settled.

Erika then flopped down into the copilots seat as the ship hummed to life, she paused, her fingers diving under the collar of her bodysuit. Gently, almost hesitantly, she tugged at it, revealing the reddened skin beneath. She tilted her head, trying to get a better view of the bruised area where the NMX Neko's shot had landed. The skin around it was discoloured, a painful shade of blue. Taking a deep breath, she gingerly touched the sore spot, the sensation causing her to wince slightly. She then released the collar of her suit, letting it snap shut, returning to its original form-fitting shape around her neck. Her hand then moved to her shoulder, rolling the cuff to relieve some of the tension.

With a faint, weary smile tugging at her lips, the operative glanced over. "You think the Res' onsen is open for business with the repairs?"

"I think we better hope it is," Mineko replied with a contented laugh. It was a mission well done and though there were scares and there were ways it could have gone better, the ways it could have gone worse far outweighed them. The analyst was proud of herself but even more so of the team she and Erika made, and the trust SAINT had put in them.

Erika shared Mineko's feelings, though hers were tinged with a slight sadness as she considered the fates of the remaining NH-29s under the strange Mishhuvurthyar's command. They were enemy combatants in a war and would do her duty in that regard, didn't mean she had to like it. She still hoped any future operation against the base had liberation as an objective, but if the intelligence they had collected was ever acted upon, she'd likely never know. The only signal the operative gave of her inner conflict was a sigh as she decided to be content with a successful mission, lessons learned and a deeper bond with her partner in crime.

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OOC: JP by Ametheliana and Sunny D
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