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[SAINT] Welcoming a New Recruit

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Inactive Member
Mordachai sighed slightly as he walked out of the back of the shuttle. Looking around his immediate surroundings, he shook his head. He couldn't believe that this was where he would be spending most of his time. Of all the places to be, he had to come to one of the places with the highest population of nekos in the galaxy. Shouldering his duffle bags, he walked away from his ride to Kyoto. His large white wings flapped a few times, but then settled around the shoulders of his black coat. He had dressed comfortably for this trip, loose white pants, a black shirt, and his trench coat. Under the coat he had his knife on the right side of his belt, and his pistol on the left.

Kikyo stood there waiting for him, she hadn't bothered about getting a replacement uniform, so her clothing was the rather informal black skintight bodysuit, long black leather trenchcoat and boots. She carried her two weapons (they were like a part of her body and she never left her room without them,) as she saw him exit the shuttle she made sure her Taisa pin was visible and walked over. "I'm guessing you are Feloriel T'Achten, correct?"

Throwing his bags down in front of him, sort of a barrier between himself and the neko, he grunted narrowing his eyes. "Mordachai" He said, shifting to lean his weight on his left leg, crossing his arms over his chest. He hadn't bothered to tie his hair back, so the white strands blew and played in the light breeze of Kyoto as he just stood there with a smirk, looking down at the smaller being.

Kikyo flicked the rank pin with her left hand, "Welcome to Kyoto."

Looking around, Mordachai nodded, first checking the area again for hostile people, and only when his mind was satisfied that he was not being watched by an eye in a scope, did he nod again. He took a deep breath and tsked his tongue off the back of his teeth.

A little brown-haired child of a neko walked in and bowed to Kikyo, "Taisa."

Mordachai's arms unfolded lightning fast, hand coming to the butt of his pistol as the child approached. The Elysian's fingers twitched like a gunfighter in a draw, just waiting for the child to make a move that would be even remotely taken as hostile. With his other hand, he reached into the pocket of the coat, prepared to use it as a sort of shield to dodge incoming shots, by not giving the gunner a wide open target to shoot at.

"Juni." Kikyo had taken in the rank pin after a quick glance and turned her gaze back on Mordachai, she didn't seem to pay any attention to his movements, "You have been assigned to the academy before your possible integration into SAINT correct?"

Mordachai nodded slowly, still watching the child, making another scan of the area before slowly relaxing. His hand still rested on his gun, tapping it for a long moment before answering. "Yes."

The child remained silent, as if waiting for orders from Kikyo. A polite smile formed between pale pink lips.

"Take your hand off of your gun or I will take it away." She glanced down at her datapad and then back up at the man, "I am Taisa Ketsurui Kikyo, I will be supervising your training for the duration of your stay at the academy."

"My hand or the gun?" Mordachai spoke with not a waver in his tone. The Elysian shifted back to having his weight evenly distributed on both legs and shrugged, pulling his coat back to hide the gun. About her introduction, he said nothing, filing the name away with his initial impressions of this diminuative woman.

Kikyo drew her gun in a flash of movement and shot at the man's hand that rested against his pistol, she hoped to put a bullet through it, hopefully getting her point across about him disobeying her.

Mordachai hissed in pain, looking down at his hand as the blood ran cleanly from it. Slowly lifting it to his eye level, he looked through the neat hole that was left. His look of pain and contempt changed to a small smile, and he knelt to his bag, pulling out a small first aid kit and wrapped his hand in gauze and bandages. When he was satisfied the blood flow was stemmed until he could have it profesionally checked out, he stood back up and bowed slightly. "Nice shot."

Kikyo glanced at the Juni as she put her gun away, "Heal that for the man please, we don't need him with a hole through his hand."

Mordachai once again tsked his tongue, looking at Kikyo. Being a man of few words, he just waited for her to speak more to him, tell him what he was to do, somthing. With his left hand, he reached over and pulled the gun, holding it out to Kikyo, grip first. It had been altered slightly to be heavy in the grip, for faster drawing by the elysian.

The child standing at his side did not so much as flinch during this, until Kikyo spoke to her. At this point, her uniform became green and she rammed a knife through her hand and pulled it until a gaping hole was in her palm. Her blood splattered and dripped on the Elysian's hand as she took it with her own, stripping away the gauze. It was messy, but the healing was effective.

"Thanks." Kikyo reached out and took the gun, she glanced at it and hefted it a few times, "What modifications did you have done?" She smiled, "It is heavier for one, was there anything else?"

Mordachai looked down at this hand, nodding slowly in a sort of thanks. Then, reaching over he thumbed the clip release to the gun. "Larger, more powerful bullets. Pack a harder punch to armor, tear about a softball sized hole in the unarmored. Other than that.....just a weight to the stock to make it a faster draw for me."

Kikyo nodded and tucked the gun away in her pocket, she smiled at the other neko, "Thanks for your help, I appreciate it." She looked about the street and then back at Mordachai, "Come along I'll take you to your room."

"Yes'm" Mordachai said, bending to pick up his bags and lug them over his shoulder, walking as if they weighed nothing to him. He waited for her to show the way, a new respect for this, Ketsurui Kikyo. His lips turned up in a smile, she was more than a target for his crosshairs and a statistic for his book, she had the possibility to be someone he could trust.

Kikyo waved for the Juni to follow, "Do you have any questions at this time?"

"Mmm," the mystery neko shook her head, walking behind the two by a few feet.

Mordachai took a deep breath as they walked, still scanning his surroundings. "Why was I called here? Why would the Yamatai Empire wish to train me as one of their intelligence personell?"

"Perhaps you can tell me that, I would have expected the reason you were here would have been your desire and interest in to in SAINT." Kikyo paused and made a hmmm sound, "Other than that, perhaps your past training interested a recruitment officer."

"I don't know about interest in SAINT, but I am curious. I don't have any skills that would interest recruitment officer, I am nothing compared to what you nekos can accomplish." Mordachai answered, shifting his bags to the other soulder.

Kikyo laughed, it was a bright, rather happy sound, "Then I am afraid I have no clue what you are doing here, all I was told was that you were coming and I decided to skip out on the party and make my way here to meet you."

Mordachai shrugged slowly, "I do have a few talents of merit, but they cannot be discussed here, among those not in my division, Mistress Kikyo."

The Juni spoke up, "If you're not interested in being part of SAINT, you should leave, now."

Mordachai looked first at Kikyo, back to the child, and then back to Kikyo. He remained silent and just kept walking. His eyes burned slightly as it could be told that his fuse had been lit.

"I didn't catch your name Juni." Kikyo had moved her gaze over to the other soldier walking with her.

The Juni replied with a shy-looking smile. "What would you like to call me?"

"Juni I asked for your name, and I expect your name, not an answer like that, unless of course you have been ordered by a superior of mine not to reveal your name to me and under those circumstances I will respect that and you are of course free to go." Kikyo wasn't in any mood to take any crap today it seemed.

"To speak my name is to be silent," the girl replied, "For I have none, and have no need for one. You may address me by my rank."

Mordachai walked still in silence. He would not speak to the child, as he found no reason that he should, and he would limit conversations to that which was important, with his superior, Mistress Kikyo.

Kikyo raised her eyes to the sky, "Very well Juni..." She seemed to stop speaking but muttered very quietly, "This day can't get any worse..."

Mordachai was just looking around as they walked, when a question came to his mind, "Mistress Kikyo? What will be my rank upon entering SAINT? You are a Taisa, which I am guessing is a very high rank, but what will I be?"

Snapping back to reality Kikyo glanced at him, "More than likely Juni, like our nameless friend here."

The little agent gave a smile and a curtsy.

He snorted slightly, looking back at the child. It was bad enough that he seemed to be an outcast, and unwanted on this planet, but now he would be no better than the small annoying beast that followed them like a puppy? Now it was Mordachai's turn to mutter about having a bad day.

Kikyo laughed as she heard him mutter that, "Perhaps we should start a club."

Mordachai slowly looked over to Kikyo, his smirk returning. "Perhaps so, Mistress." He popped his neck audibly, and then shifted his bags again, tuning out the world for the most part as he went back to analyzing the city for places he, or other assassins could use.

After a short walk in silence they found themselves at the academy, "I'll show you where you will be staying... You will have three other roommates, though with your schedule I am sure you won't have all that much time to socialize."

The girl seemed to have been lost somewhere along the way. Instead, a tall blonde Elysian man was at their side instead.

Kikyo looked at the man, "And who are you?"

Mordachai came back from his study to look at the academy. At hearing he would have room mates, he groaned slightly. As for socializing, he wasn't a big talker anyway, so he didn't see any problem there. As the new person approached Kikyo and himself, Mord reached for his gun quickly remembering it was in Kikyo's possession at the moment.

"Juni will suffice, ma'am," the man said with a wink.

Having finally had enough she drew her gun and pointed it at the man, "Why are people following us?"

"Hmph, for your convenience, Taisa," the unknown man said, pointing his finger at her.

"For my convienince?" She lowered the gun.

Mord spun quickly, dropping his bags. One of which was still unzipped,and from this, the Elysian pulled a high powered rifle, levelling it. "I know for one thing, that I am getting tired of 'convieniences' here."

"I'm looking out for you. Consider it a favor from your dad," the man replied. "Even when you don't see me, I'll be there."

Rolling her eyes, Kikyo put the gun away, "Its alright, my new father sent them to follow me."

The mystery guardian stepped around the corner into the hallway where Mord's room was located.

"Nothing is as it should be. We have people coming and going without a word, and it's really starting to rub me the wrong way." Scowling to the other winged one, but listening to his new superior, Mord slowly bent down to pick up his bags, putting the rifle back away. Zipping up the bag, he hoisted it and swung it over his shoulder and started to walk again, mumbling.

Kikyo started to follow Mord, "Your room is just around here... We will start lessons whenever you are ready."

When the two turned the corner, they found no Elysian mystery man, only an overweight janitor mopping the floor.

Mordachai slowed his step and fell in behind Kikyo, following her to his room. "I will start lessons as soon as possible, Mistress. I want to prove to you, and your superiors that my trip here was not wasted."

Nodding, Kikyo smiled, "Tomorrow morning then?"

"That is a fair time, Ma'am. I will be there as early as you wish." Mordachai said, shifting one bag into each hand.

"Perhaps 8am, I'd like to speak to my father if I can manage it, unfortunately he married my mother just this afternoon so I imagine he will be preoccupied." She sighed, "I hate being followed."

Mordachai smiled softly. "Eight in the morning it is, then." He didn't comment on the second half of her statement, finding it would serve no real purpose to do so.

The janitor grinned.

"If you need anything let someone know I'm sure they'll be willing to help you." She smiled, pulled out his gun and extended it to him handle first, "Until tomorrow morning then..." She waited for him to take the gun.

"I'll do that, Mistress" He said, taking the handle of th gun. With one fluid motion, the gun seemed to fall. Mordachai's hand brushed the stock, while a finger caught the trigger guard, spinning it backwards under his coat, and back to it's home on his left hip. Mordachai bowed, "If it pleases you, Ma'am, I have much to do to get settled in before tomorrow."

Kikyo nodded and without uttering another word, she turned on her heel and walked down the hallway.

Turning to his door, Mordachai entered his room. With a flap of his wings, he walked across to an open bunk and threw his bags on them, unpacking quickly, and efficiently.
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