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To: Ketsurui Yui, Taisho
Subject: Future of SAINT

Mistress Taisho,

First I wish to express my gratitude in response to trust and responsibility you bestowed on me with regards to this appointment.

In the two years that I have been in charge, attempts have been made to root out subversive elements within SAINT. But the problem is that as fast as we identify one, another takes its place.

To this end, I have the following recommendations:

  • SAINT be disbanded in its current incarnation, and reformed into an organization with a clear mandate.
  • The new SAINT should confine its Operations to Military Intelligence only, acquiring information and analyzing it so that the Star Army can appropriately defend the Empire.
  • Discontinue missions of a political nature, an organization outside of the military should be responsible for that.
  • Military operations that have social or political implications, must be approved by the Director.
  • All operatives be required to submit to Loyalty examination, and mandatory body transitions to new standard bodies.
  • Due process during investigation and apprehension must be followed. We should no longer operate as Judge, Jury and Executioner.
  • Cooperate with other Law Enforcement and Intelligence agencies as appropriate.

I am sure there are more specifics to be worked out, but this is the general direction that I see SAINT should move towards.

I also plan to submit a recommendation that a separate organization outside of the Military be charged with dealing with Espionage. I propose this Civilian agency the Imperial Agency of Intelligence (IAI) be given the following mission.

Serve as the Empires’s first defense against social and political threats. They would carry out thier mission by:
  • Collecting information that reveals the plans, intentions and capabilities of our adversaries and provides the basis for decision and action.
  • Producing timely analysis that provides insight, warning and opportunity to the Monarch, Fleet Taisho and Premier.
  • Conducting covert action at the direction of the Monarch to preempt threats or achieve Imperial policy objectives.

If you disagree with my recommendations for the new mission for SAINT, then I will gladly tender my resignation.

In Service to the Fleet and Empire,
Tamahagane Mai-Chujo.
To: Ketsurui Yui, Taisho
Subject: My Resignation

Since I have had no communications from you regarding my proposals for the reorganization of SAINT. I take that you have disagreed with them.

So at this point in time, I end ten years of Service to the Star Army, and to the Empire. I am sure you will have no problem finding a suitable replacement who will run the organization in a manner in which you approve.

I am not applying for Retirement even though my tenure is sufficient. I have never drawn a salary from the Star Army, so I see no need to draw a pension.

I have issued my last official orders, and upon transmission of this message will be undergoing a body transfer to an NH-31 Minkan. A Tamahagane transport is standing by and will take me back to my home in Kyousou. It has been too long since I enjoyed the simple company of my family.

Tamahagane Mai-Chujo
To: Tamahagane Mai
From: Ketsurui Yui

I agree some of your proposals and I authorize the following:

  • SAINT shall be reformed into an organization with a clear mandate.
  • The new SAINT should confine its Operations to Military Intelligence only, acquiring information and analyzing it so that the Star Army can appropriately defend the Empire.
  • Military operations that have social or political implications, must be approved by the Director.
  • All operatives be required to submit to Loyalty examination, and mandatory body transitions to new standard bodies.
  • Due process during investigation and apprehension must be followed. We should no longer operate as Judge, Jury and Executioner.
  • Cooperate with other Law Enforcement and Intelligence agencies as appropriate.

However, I feel that "operations of a political nature" is unclear.
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