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Approved Character Saito "Tomi" Miyoko

Rabbit Eclair

Inactive Member
Name: Saito "Tomi" Miyoko

General Information

Species: Nekovalkyrja-type Yamataian
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years (chronological- appears around 20 physically)

Family / Creators: Ketsuirui Zaibatsu

Employer: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Science Staff
Rank: Santô Hei
Current Assignment: YSS Miharu

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5' 1"
Weight: 105 lbs
Measurements: 26 inches at waist
Bra Size: 36 B

Build and Skin Colour: Moderately pale skin with a clear complexion. Relatively light build, but not exceptionally acrobatic-seeming.
Facial Features and Eye Colour: Blue eyes and well-trimmed brows. Wears no adornments of any type, though it's visible that her ears are pierced.
Hair Colour and Style: Violet with a slight hint of magenta, in a short clip that assures it will stay out of her eyes.

Distinguishing Features: Wears a brushed-steel collar when permissible, with '富' (the kanji for her nickname) engraved on the front.

Psychological Characteristics

Miyoko is something of an ivory tower academic, craving knowledge as an end of its own and putting much of her self-worth on her notion of intellectual superiority. However, she isn't particularly arrogant, unless somebody outright challenges her knowledge. She tends to be aloof and fairly cynical about others' motives, though she's polite enough face-to-face unless provoked. She has a strong dislike for extremism- she may have once been a warrior, but she can sympathize with her enemies enough to try seeking negotiations when possible and frowns heavily on unnecessary violence.

Her distinguishing characteristic is her tendency to try profiting from any situation, whether in the form of entertainment or cash. While she stays within the rules when possible, she's fond of minor pranks and light verbal jabs at her compatriots- and, well, a little good-natured blackmail isn't beneath her if a good occasion arises. This has led to the earning of her nickname, Tomi- both a combination of the last syllable of her surname and the first syllable of her personal name, and also the Japanese word for 'wealth.'

Likes: Learning, debate, people-watching, sparring matches
Dislikes: Boisterous people, parties, overly emotional people
Goals: A profitable career, preferrably with plenty of chances to explore previously unknown phenomena. Currently has no drive toward promotion, though that could change.


Originally a Nekovalkyrja created for the Star Army in early YE 27, Miyoko had the odd luck to spend the first year of her life being rapidly transferred from ship-to-ship in the confusion caused by the aftermath of the fleet restructuring and the massive military campaigns taking place. Never staying in one place long enough to make any close acquaintances, her formative years were spent more in study and quiet contemplation while awaiting orders than in battle. It also led her to be somewhat cynical about the people around her- as a young Nekovalkyrja and a newcomer to most of her posts, she was often nearly ignored or treated as little more than a walking appliance, and came to expect such. While she eventually came to use humor as a means of getting to know people, the isolation she knew as a youngling has led her to be self-sufficient and usually stick to herself.

More recently, her evaluations came up, and she was found to possess insufficient skills at her then-occupation of soldier thanks to her long period of near-inactivity. However, as she expressed an uncanny knack for science and logic, she was allowed to apply for a reassignment as a science officer. With this, she requested a ST to a Yamataian body. Now, having completed the certification to be a science officer and body reassignment, she's awaiting a permanant post.


Communication: Familiar with most common military and civilian communication devices, and is fluent in both English and Japanese. Particularly adept at deciphering technical writing.

Fighting: Originally meant to be a soldier, she's still well-trained in most forms of combat.

Technology Operation: Capable of operating any computer system that uses the Kessaku OS, found on all Star Army starships. She is proficient in entering and/or searching for information. She seems to have a knack for data interpretation and technology-based research, but otherwise is fairly mediocre at computer use.

Mathematics: Has knowledge of math up to the levels needed for simple CFS calculations, putting her well above the general population. Despite the widespread use of computers to run calculations, she prefers to do them by hand when possible.

Medical and Science: An area of passing interest to her that she was trained in as part of her re-assignment to a science officer. She knows enough biology and anatomy to do most first aid, diagnose common diseases, and possibly perform simple operations in emergency situations.

Knowledge: Her area of expertise- her bookworm ways have left her with a broad smattering of information about history, linguistics, and law, and skilled in research. If she doesn't know it, she can look it up.

Chemistry: An area of focus in her general knowledge- combined with her medical skill, she could probably synthesize medicines if needed. Could also probably identify most compounds, neutralize simple poisons, and create simple explosives- but, she needs references or instructions for most of this, currently lacking the experience to do most advanced tasks by memory.

OOC Notes

My first character, so I apologize ahead of time for any huge errors I made. My one large worry is whether or not it would be appropriate for a still-enlisted Nekovalkyrja to get an ST to Yamataian, but I'm willing to mess around with the details of her race if need be. Not sure about an appropriate rank at this point, so I just went with utter grunt until I can get confirmation on a higher one being appropriate.
The 2-years-old bit comes from her starting as a Neko -- probably an NH-17.

Other than that, you've created just about the best character I've seen in a while. I mean, the history's right, the terminology's used correctly, everything seems very, very solid. Her look is a bit strange ... but considering she transfered, I see no reason to hang up on it.

Your only two problems right now are the science-officer certification and the chemistry skill. You're too new for the officer ranks, but your character suggests you should be in them. However, you might fit in well as a science officer's assistant. Something we've never really had before. Your rank would probably rise fast enough.

As for the skill, it's a bit on the strong side. She probably wouldn't know all that. Focusing more on either chemistry or medicine is probably your best bet.

You must've done your homework, which is something everyone around here loves to see. Recommending approval.

PS -- out of curiousity, do you know Wes or something? This is pretty damn good for a first-timer.
Contrary to Doshii, I don't see any complications regarding your chosen occupation. Like indicated here, all ranks can allow for a Science and Medical occupational speciality.

I must concur that this is an excellent submission. We have too little science/medical officers - I know I don't have any on my plotship anyways.

As Doshii says, I also recommend approval.

( psst, Doshii, there is such a thing as resourceful newbies ~_~; )
Addressing these one-by-one.

Doshii Jun said:
The 2-years-old bit comes from her starting as a Neko -- probably an NH-17.
That's the general idea- though I purposely avoided listing her 'model' due to not being able to find what one she was in the appropriate time range for. If somebody could provide that for me, I'll stick it in.

Ah, cool. I'd actually wanted her as something less than a fully-blown officer, but as that's what was listed under occupations, I didn't know if that was just the general term or not. I'll change it to something a bit less flashy.

As for the skill, it's a bit on the strong side. She probably wouldn't know all that. Focusing more on either chemistry or medicine is probably your best bet.

You must've done your homework, which is something everyone around here loves to see. Recommending approval.

PS -- out of curiousity, do you know Wes or something? This is pretty damn good for a first-timer.
Heh, my deepest thanks, but no. I just have a few years of RP'ing far, far too much under my collar.
A NH-17 would probably have been it.

I'll mention again that I thought her skillset was most adequate. You had to be good at something and I'm personally not very fond of the changes you've made. In playing it safe you pretty much went from an okay skillset to a dilluted one.

You need to be competent. You are also a trained solider expected to at least defend herself - at least in her neko days. This shouldn't go away. With 2 years of ancienty (typically neko characters can start at 6 months), I think it is more than acceptable to have some noticable strengths in your proficiencies.

In you want to write in the occupation, just put in 'Science and Medical'. Simple enough and that's what Tomi is.
I'll wait for a bit more feedback before tweaking it more- the general feeling I was trying for both times is 'she generally competent in a lot of fields, but she needs to be able to look up the specifics of most advanced tasks.'
Kotori (Fred) makes good points. The "officer" is what threw me off.

While he makes a good point about diluted skill set, I'd argue a more focused skill set makes more sense. Instead of being good at many, be excellent in few. Specialization and all.

But Wes should be able to clear that up.
I'll actually run it past people who know what they're talking about before I mess with it this time.

Okay, how's this sound- I boost math and chemistry back up to around where they were, but leave her with the current Science and Medicine. Something like 'Can do math up to the levels needed for simple CFS calculations, putting her well above the general population' and add 'Could also probably identify most compounds, neutralize simple poisons, and create simple explosives if she had the right references and materials available.' One thing I kind of want to avoid is having so much focus in Sci/Med that she basically ends up just as a first aid machine, and it seems to me that chemistry is probably the next most useful non-combat skill there for a scientist.

... or is it too late for tweaking it?
Party healer FTW! Now, you just have to learn PANTHEON-based healing magic!


Okay, so, I'm kidding. There is no magic in the SARP (though you might find hints that this otherwise, but it's not).

I don't see how the adjustment would be negative from here. I mean, I made minor retcons on my character a lot of times myself - a great many edits just to put it up to date. I don't see why you couldn't as long as it is reasonable... and it seems to me like it is.

Once you've tweaked the character to your liking, the next step is to drop by the Star Army Communication Network forum and give a request for orders - you can add in a plotship you'd prefer being included in in a OoC note and the GM might be able to accomodateyour wishes.

The YSS Sakura has a science officer already (along with a 2:5 male to female crew ratio, lol) and you may end up being in his shade (not to mention he's pompous and arrogant). That leaves the YSS Goban and the YSS Miharu as your other choices. I don't know if Doshii Jun has any uses for a science officer on a cargo ship... but I know I am missing someone to make use of my ship's medical and science lab facilities ^_^;
Done and done, request for orders posted. Thanks for putting up with me as I nitpicked over skills for a day! And now, two last things- for inventory, do I post it myself now, or wait until character assignment? Also, for items that aren't standard issue, should I just choose an appropriate-seeming price for them, or do I need to clear the prices with somebody in charge?
You can do your inventory whenever. The sooner the better, usually... most most of the time, you'll really be the only person to take notice of it (though don't expect to sneak in a battleship in your possessions - we'll notice! XD ). For me, it's more or less a point of pride of knowing just what my character's possessions are. *shrugs*

You start with default equipment, which is pretty much your uniform and obligatory stuff. Starting soldiers in the Star Army of Yamatai have the benefit of being fairly well treated by the Empire's 'prestige system', which makes it so that any fundamental need they have (toothpaste, toothbrushes, hairbrush and other basics you might need) will be covered freely - that includes services such as food and living space rent (if applicable). Modest stuff, mostly... but it sure breaks being broke.

You have 3000 KS, which is the currency you have over the prestige system to purchase priviledges to improve your quality of life beyond your 'default' equipment. It's perfectly okay to hang on to those funds to use them later when you better define your character (like I did with mine), or just go all out and take stuff that you think you'd want to have. It's best to keep in mind that your character was either serving, on the move between short assignments or studying... so, your possessions might reflect that.

A KS is roughly an equivalent to one US dollar. You don't really need to run prices past us for approval: just use your best judgement and whatever real life reference you might get your hand on.
Without further ado...

-2 Star Army bodysuit uniforms
-2 stretch bodysuits, blue, green paneled
-2 mesh undershirts, light blue translucent
with "Hinomaru" patch on right arm, fleet patch on left arm
-2 pair mesh stockings, light blue translucent
-1 pair leather gloves, dark gray
-1 pair leather boots, dark gray
-1 pistol belt, leather, dark gray, with holster for Type 28 NSP
Weather Uniform
-1 black tricorner hat, thick felt with red border
-1 black overcoat, thigh length
Uniform accessories
-1 Rank Pin, Santô Hei

Civilian and workout clothing
-1 yukata (cotton robe), white, with Star Army of Yamatai Hinomaru logo print
-1 black sash for yukata
-2 black bikini swimsuit bottom with Star Army of Yamatai logo on left leg
-2 black T-shirts with pocket on left breast
-1 pair black sandals
-4 black panty
-6 black sport bras (double as swimsuit top)
-4 pair of black boot socks
-collar with her nickname engraved on the front


Weaponry and Tools:
-Ketsurui Zaibatsu Type 28C Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol
with 2 additional BR-28A Battery Magazines

-Survival knife, solid diamond with rubberized grip and lanyard
with black leather sheath with loop and clips for belt attachment

-Wooden Medal Case, velvet interior, engraved with Star Army logo on top
-- Currently no medals

Personal Belongings
-Small collection of reference books

Personal Hygiene:
-1 Bottle of shampoo
-1 Bottle liquid body soap
-1 Toothbrush and tube of toothpaste
-2 washcloths, white
-2 towels, white

-Electronic Money Card
-Personal encrypted remote data storage unit
-Type 29 Communicator

3000 KS (starting)
-400 (books and data storage unit)
2600 KS

Um. Whoa.

Where did this come from? I'm not gonna complain if artwork just kind of pops out of thin air and lands in my lap, but I took Miyoko's name off of the artwork list about a month ago, when Leutre volunteered to do her portrait.
By that time, I'd arleady assigned her to another artist - Because the artist had already had her assigned charaacters taken once already (causing her to throw out sketches), I didn't want to reassign her again.
I like it; I've just been trying to avoid having you shell out for any artwork for my characters, since I've made my inability to donate any time soon pretty clear. I particularly like what he did with the hair color--I've been trying to find a balance between the two colors that I liked for weeks, and that's way closer to how I pictured it than what I settled on is.
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