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Sakura to Plumeria Conversion Kit


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This submission is for a kit that basically allows KFY to disassemble Ke-S3-1 series Sakura-class ships and use the parts, plus additional items, to put together a Ke-S3-2 series Plumeria-class gunship. The kit contains all needed parts for the upgrade.
I thought the Sakura class was all ready reabsorbed into the Plumeria class, since all one needed was just a few systems swapped.

Aside from that, this is fairly useless. The Sakura and Plumeria classes are military only so why would an upgrade kit be needed?
Wes, I think the Sakura and Plumeria hulls are significantly different enough not to allow something like that. Just the framework of the Sakura is in Zesuaium and the Plumeria uses superior technology for the most part too.

Salvaging the Sakuras efficiently for the job? Yeah. But like the Mindy and the Mindy II (whom only share the hemosynthetic insert as a compatible part), I really don't think much of a Sakura would be of use to building a Plumeria.
The Sakura and Plumeria classes are military only so why would an upgrade kit be needed?
The Plumeria is bigger and better and having the ships all the same class makes things more efficient.

Wes, I think the Sakura and Plumeria hulls are significantly different enough not to allow something like that. Just the framework of the Sakura is in Zesuaium and the Plumeria uses superior technology for the most part too.
Parts that we can't put into the Plumeria will be salvaged elsewhere. As noted, all needed parts are included in the kit.
I'll be honest. I think it wastes a starship design with artwork.

In Star Trek, the Excelsior-class replaced the Enterprise-class and later was eclipsed out by more modern designs like the Galaxy-class and other vessels of that generation... but it still stuck around for a very long time.

I see the same potential in the Sakura. The Sakura can easily serve to represent a aging but still effective ship model used for second-line operations. I would see far more value in toning down the Sakuras for civilian use rather than upgrading them... I really don't think they could be uprated to the Plumeria-class efficiently, even with a kit - you'd almost be better off salvaging the entire ship and rebuilding anew.

That's my opinion.
Agreed. Easier to just keep them around and use them as filler. And they still make good plotships.
I think it wastes a starship design with artwork.
But the Plumeria has better stats, much more art, and such. It's Sakura 2.0.

you'd almost be better off salvaging the entire ship and rebuilding anew.
That's basically what the kits are for. They re-use what is reusable and have new parts for the rest.

Plus, now that the Plumeria is out, nobody seems to want a Sakura for their plotship anymore. Another thing that the kit allows is for me to switch the ships with great names to the new version of the class instead of having my SSP be half and half with regards to ship types.
The Sakura class are coated in a zesuaium hull, aren't they?

Wouldn't it make gutting big heavy critical parts a bitch to do?
They're mostly plating - imagine interlocking plates like a fish's scales.

Wes, I said my piece and mentioned why I did not relish the idea. I don't see why you can't build more Plumeria's and just relegate the Sakura's to secondary roles. I mean, while you are at it, why not do the same for the Yui-5s to turn them into Nozomis?

Baring that, though, I'll not say more. This is really your thing, after all... I just outlined my preferences.
I see no problem with this. It is likely that not all would be converted anyway.
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