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Laz Public Network Salvage Offer for Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member

TO: SRSS Yggdrasill
FROM: Nayacesen, Takeyu

Good day, Commodore Yuki Toshiro. You were recommended by a close friend of mine for a salvage opreation, if I may:

A few years ago, a ship belonging to my family was ambushed by pirates, we were forced to abandon ship but sadly I've been unable to recover it. My involvement in the war stops me from performing this operation myself, not to mention the lack of equipment as well.

I have the coordinates of where this ship was last seen, an investigator I hired awhile back has told me that its still there. I'd like to know if you can undergo this operation, and if so, what information you will need other than the obvious - being technical schematics and such.


TO: Nayacesen Takeyu

FROM: Commodore Yuki Toshiro,
SRSS-000 Yggdrasill
Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining Fleet

Before I accept the mission, I would like details on where the attack occurred. If it is in NMX space or some dangerous location, extra consideration may be required. Relations between Nepleslia and Yamatai also make travel between those areas of space difficult.

Can you please give me more details? If I am able, I do plan to accept this job barring any specific issues. I charge 50,000 KS per light-year plus 6% of the value of what is found, but this can be mitigated by your agreeing to give me full ownership of some items in exchange for payment. Your circumstances may increase or reduce price depending on the details like dangerous locations or search area sizes.

TO: Commodore Yuki Toshiro,
SRSS-000 Yggdrasill
Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining Fleet
FROM: Nayacesen, Takeyu

Attachment: Kozan Schematics.rar, Invesigator Message.rar

The Schematics includ a cross-section of the Kozan, undamaged, and a deck by deck layout. Along with that is a message from the investigator that Takeyu hired.

All details are included in the files I have attached, what I know of the ship is that it's still very much intact just that it's powered down. There are a series of reinforced doors that you'll need to get through in order to get into the ship, unless the forward hanger bay is still intact, you'll need to check that.

Please keep in mind however that the ship is lined with passage ways that go nowhere, an effort to confuse pirates, didn't seem to help us much so I suspect someone gave them the ships schematics.

Also included is the report I got from the person who was investigating the ship for me, one thing mentioned is a defense grid. My father never had a chance to install a defense grid, so I can only assume he's referring to a makeshift one created by pirates, which they sometimes do with boobytrapping asteriod fields to catch us miners off guard. There's a risk there, I can only hope he was just exaggerating or lying, but there is no way I can confirm this so my apologies there.

The investigator 'did' mention that there were a few destroyed pirate ships in the area, now I don't know if they were destroyed by my military, by the Nepleslian military, or if the NMX paid them a visit. Also, we left port with a full cargohold of repair supplies, including drones, reactor containment field parts, power coupling and power generators. All I'm interested in is the ship, if you want whats in those cargoholds you are free to take what you find. The drones, well, if you think you can put those drones to use then I'll agree to let you have half of the compliment from both the mining and defensive drone racks. You can find those drones located in the drone bay.

The ship is located near the Chen Nebula, the closest planet is Essia. I'll send you the exact coordinates upon acceptance of this operation, however, it's not just the recovery of the ship that I am requesting... there is something else.

You see, when I evacuated the ship the pirates took down both of my younger sisters. I managed to rescue one a little awhile ago, she's safe and sound and receiving care for her time as a slave. My other sister, however, I've been told is dead. Problem is that I don't have any body to confirm this, and until then I can't risk using her ST Backup.

This is a tall order, and I'll understand it if you would rather just recover the ship and have myself or someone I know look instead, after all I am basically asking you to look for a body here. She was .. killed.. somewhere near the forward hanger bay.

Let me know if you decide to take this one, then I'll send more information.


TO: Nayacesen Takeyu

FROM: Commodore Yuki Toshiro,
SRSS-000 Yggdrasill
Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining Fleet

I accept this job. The location was the main concern, and it seems well outside of NMX routes and isn't affected by the whole Yamatai/Nepleslia misunderstanding and border closings. As for looking for the body, I'll do that as well. When salvaging old battlefields, it must be done with respect, or one is little more than a raider and a gravedigger. Sending home dead civilians and soldiers for proper funerals and revival when possible is one of the responsibilities of those who make their living off of the debris.

TO: Commodore Yuki Toshiro,
SRSS-000 Yggdrasill
Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining Fleet
FROM: Nayacesen, Takeyu

Attachment: Kozan Command Codes.rar, Sakura.img, Starship Coordinates.rar, Cargo Manifest.dat

Kozan Command Codes includs command codes for main engineering, the bridge both forward and central and for accessing the armories. Sakura.img is an image file of Sakura at the age of ten, taken one month before the ship was evacuated.

Also included is the ships cargo manifest, which reveals more of the ships cargo than was listed in the previous message, including two disassembled fusion generators all packed in a sealed crate for use as backups.

My thanks.

I have included the command codes, they are naturally worthless unless you bring the ships main power online. I've also included an image of my younger sister, if you find her then please let me know.

Also, the coordinates for the ship have been transferred as well. It's near a decent sized asteriod field just a little ways in, you shouldn't have any problems finding it, honestly, given how large the ship is but then again this is space here so I'm hoping it doesn't take to long to find it.

If I may suggest, the forward hanger bay is probably your best option, even though it's located furthest from engineering. I do recall that the central bridge was destroyed in the attack, so you may have to use the mining bridge, provided it wasn't destroyed. If that's not an option then you'll have to figure out some way to get the ship moving and piloting, I know we had a backup auxillery bridge 'somewhere' on the ship, but it was never included in the schematics since my father was always so worried that the pirates may use it to take the ship.

I look forward to doing business, and I wish you luck. Please becareful out there, while the ship is located far from the NMX, those bastards have a way of showing up when you don't want them to.


TO: Nayacesen Takeyu

FROM: Commodore Yuki Toshiro,
SRSS-000 Yggdrasill
Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining Fleet

On site at Kozan, Salvage progressing.

Have encountered four Geshrinari Light Freighters, three Vamire-class Patrol Craft, multiple drones and shuttles, and the Kozan. Looks like your family put up one heck of a fight. One Geshrinari light Freighter was piloted by some drunk pirate and opened fire on my shields before his ship was incapacitated. His wording indicates that he knew of the sister that went into slavery, and was possibly involved in the original raid. Provided he doesn't kill himself, I'll take him to the authorities.

Bodies located, none of your sister yet. Trying to get through the mine field and saving what can be salvaged.

Assuming my ship doesn't take excessive damage through all of this, you'll have no problem paying for this just with the Pirate stuff I'm picking up -- you could easily own several salvaged ships of your own in addition to the Kozan, or sell them off for cash.

TO: Commodore Yuki Toshiro,
SRSS-000 Yggdrasill
Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining Fleet
FROM: Nayacesen, Takeyu

Attachment: Authorization.aud

Authorization.aud is an audio file created by Takeyu to help give Toshiro more access to the ship, in the event the onboard AI proves difficult.

Thanks for the update, I'm glad to hear you found the ship quickly, I was worried it might've drifted to far from the coordinates I gave, but I am also happy to hear that even after I evacuated the ship it seems everyone kept up the fight. I was actually half expecting the pirates to use the poor girl as target practice, or even, to salvage her completely. I'm left baffled as to why, so please be very careful.

If any of those ships are still usable, or need just a little bit of repair, then they'll still be a great sell. Also, I hope that pirate you captured doesn't kill himself, I'll look forward to requesting the logs of his interrogation with the authorities to see what he says.

Otherwise, I've included an attachment, this file should help you out. If you plan on bringing the AI online, which I would suggest you do since some areas of the ship won't work without her, then you may need to play this file in order to get her to recognize you as someone I've allowed onboard the ship. Provided, of course, there's no damage to her matrix - which I really really hope not.


TO: Nayacesen Takeyu

FROM: Commodore Yuki Toshiro,
SRSS-000 Yggdrasill
Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining Fleet

Included is the file Confrontation.vid


The Kozan is currently at Pisces Star Fortress, being inspected. There were a massive number of corpses aboard, both of the mining crew and the pirates, so there will likely be an investigation typing up the transfer of it to you for a while. Probably the other pirate ships as well, so if you are relying on them to make your payment to me, I am willing to wait until their release from custody. This is especially true since the ship you hired me to obtain is delayed in its return to your possession.

The included file is a log of the confrontation with the drunken pirate who was arrested and taken into the SAoY's custody, in which he indicates knowledge of your enslaved sibling. How he knew to be waiting in that spot three years later though escapes me. I recommend you check that your informant or his associates are not in league with them, because it is exceedingly strange.

The damage to the mining bridge prevented the activation of the AI, but the fact the ship lacked power seemed to shield us from several traps. There was a turret inside the shield control room, and an area with lots of crates and even a strangely placed mining drone in a room above the crew quarters, accessible by a hole blasted between them. I don't know what it was to do, but I suspect it was a trap as well.

I did indeed find your sister's body...I could send pictures, but out of respect, I won't -- you don't want to remember your sister this way. I can say that as an older brother as well. I can yell you that the clothes matched, and her face was intact for positive identification. She was shot in the back, and her expression indicates that death was surprising and quick -- a small mercy in such a heinous act. I made sure to cover her body with a tarp before leaving. I would have moved her from that place, but I suspect the investigators would have frowned on it. It is a massive crime scene, after all.

Our search was not one of distance, but it did take added time due to the fact I needed to outmaneuver and sneak in a unit behind the pirate ship to minimize risk. While we technically engaged in combat with shots fired, I managed to minimize the risk and the only damage to my ship was to shields -- easily repaired and of no cost due to the scale of the possible payment here.

We have the remains of:

3 Vampire-class Patrol Craft
4 Geshrinari Light Freighters
4 Fox Shuttles
Numerous Mining and Defense Drones

I recall you saying that you only wanted the ship and some of the drones, though the fact I got the extra craft on your dime means working something out there as well. All are in various degrees of damage, but cobbling parts together can make multiple vessels that are functional. It means a bit extra in payment for me due to the 6% the value of the extra craft, but you stand to make a lot more money -- perhaps enough to repair your damaged ship and keep a Vampire-class or two around as an escort to prevent this from happening again.

TO: Commodore Yuki Toshiro,
SRSS-000 Yggdrasill
Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining Fleet
FROM: Nayacesen, Takeyu

My thanks for finding my sisters body, with that I'll be able to put in the request to have her revived. THough to hear that she was shot in the back angers me...

Mmm.... that's quite a haul, and the video you sent me makes me think this man was part of the original group. The fact he was there, makes me think that the investigator I hired was probably in league with this gruop, and the only reason he was there was to wait for 'me' to come along to retrieve the ship.

If it's true that the investigator is in league, then I'll owe you an apology for putting your life in danger. I'll look into that matter after I send this message.

Looking at that haul, those ships may just fetch a good price once they are cleared. The ore, depending on how much is left on the ship, may also fetch a good amount but it depends on who desires it.

Once the Kozan is cleared, I'll check the cargo manifest again and see what else can be sold. I know the two disassembeld fusion reactors alone may fetch a good price, given that they are the same reactors are those used on the ship itself. My father bought those so that we'd be able to repair the reactor in the event of damage and already have the parts on hand. They are designed for ships that demand a lot of power, such as industrial mining ships like the Kozan or even a battleship.

Otherwise, repairing those ships may not be a problem, when my family and I left port we 'did' leave with a full load of repair materials so it's high likely that I can have those ships repaired. I was, luckily, able to find a few other survivors from the ship but sadly only four and they were off the ship at the time visiting family when the attack occured. I've already had them looked into.

As for the drones? I already have plans in the making a redesign of the two new drones based off the same designs as those of my father, just updated with current technology. If you desire those designs, let me know.

Though I am glad the ship was unpowered, my father had traps in various areas of the ship and some areas were intentionally mislabeled to mislead pirates or those wishing to sabotage the ship. That turret you ran into? That's one of them.

With that said, I'll send you another message once the army clears the ship.. Not sure how long it'll take, hopefully just a day. I appriciate your patience and hope that this delay isn't long.

TO: Nayacesen Takeyu

FROM: Commodore Yuki Toshiro,
SRSS-000 Yggdrasill
Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining Fleet

Well, I also own a shipyard and some resources. I would be interested in those possibly, and could provide a possible repair site. If you're going to revive your sister, you could also try setting aside some money to take care of her. If you're in the Army, you might need to do that...

TO: Commodore Yuki Toshiro,
SRSS-000 Yggdrasill
Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining Fleet
FROM: Nayacesen, Takeyu

Thanks, I plan on doing just that. The Army just released the ship after clearing it, the report I have isn't pretty to be honest but it's thorough. Regardless, with the ship now freed, the few people I know have been hard at work repairing those shuttles and patrol ships.

Seems those freighters were pretty heavily modified to, so they should fetch a good amount.

I also still have the disassembled reactors as well, I'll save those for last. They are still in mint condition thankfully.

By the way, how much were you looking for anyway? I can tell you've given me some freedom here, but after the trouble you went through I wouldn't want to short-fall you.

Heavily Encrypted

TO: Nayacesen Takeyu-Juni

FROM: Commodore Yuki Toshiro,
SRSS-000 Yggdrasill
Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining Fleet

The going rate is 6% of the value of all the the items I recover or equivalent parts. I know you said you "only wanted the ship", but your situation requires that you save some money for repairs and care and that you reevaluate payment method. Honestly, I might charge a bit more usually for looking for specific corpses, especially that of a little girl, but given the situation I can't charge for that in good conscience. I tend to give serving personnel more leeway, as well as those looking for family.

So try to figure up the value of the craft (an honest one -- I'll know if it's too far off), and give me 6% or equivalent value in parts.

TO: Commodore Yuki Toshiro,
SRSS-000 Yggdrasill
Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining Fleet
FROM: Nayacesen, Takeyu

Made a bit off the salvage, putting everything together, along with the value of the Kozan, brings the total to just under 60,000 Ks. However, I don't have the heart to give you this much. After what you've done for my family, finding my younger sister, and then preventing the ship from falling into the hands of pirates. I feel compelled to give you a lot.

I am transfering 100,000 Ks to you right now.

Again, I thank you, as does my family. Here's hoping that future business deals remain possible, and I'll contact you if I ever need someone to salvage something for me.

Once the plans for the new drones are finalized and everything with them checks you, I'll transfer them to you.

Heavily Encrypted

TO: Nayacesen Takeyu-Juni

FROM: Commodore Yuki Toshiro,
SRSS-000 Yggdrasill
Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining Fleet

Thank you very much! It's more than I'm expecting, and bonuses and testimonials like this let me know I'm doing extra well in pleasing my customers. I'm sad that kind of thing happened to your sister -- I recall how my little sister was at that age. However, I'm also glad that you can bring her back now, and maybe earn a supplemental living to support your family.

You might want to make yourself available for a time after she revives though. A ten year old skipping three might be a bit hard on her.