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SANDRA [SANDRA] Empress Apologizes To Freespacers, Calls for Unity

Star Army News Distribution and Reporting Agency

Empress Apologizes To Freespacers, Calls for Unity

Kyoto, Yamatai - In a rare public appearance today Empress Himiko of Yamatai made a speech announcing her regret over the attacks on the Freespacers made during the Katsuko administration:

"Citizens of Yamatai and peoples of the universe," she began, "In the midst of the war countless lives have been lost. Among these are those of our nomadic neighbors to the north, the Freespacers, which were lost to our attacks on them. Today I wish to apologize to them and their race for the mistakes that we made and for what we took from them...

To recap, elements of the Freespacers provoked Yamatai in three ways: First, their mercenary guild offered to fight us. Second, they moved in to Halna, which while not Yamataian territory was percieved at the time to be in our influence. Lastly, and most importantly, some of them attempted to negotiate with the Mishhuvurthyar. In response, we attacked Halna to drive them out, and then attacked their homeworld, the Great Lighthouse and their key manufacturing center, Freehold Factory. However, Yamatai made a critical error. Because we knew the Freespacers were mentally linked, we assumed that they were a single entity...that all were responsible for the deeds of a few...but that was not the case. In the attacks, thousands of Freespacers that were innocent were harmed or killed, including those of a Mothership Sanguine Stargazer...

Although we cannot undo what happened, today Yamatai will try to make amends." "I have ordered that the Star Army put its force to work again at The Great Lighthouse. This time, our power will be used for good. A salvage operation is already underway to clean up the system and a repair team is being dispatched to restore the Great Lighthouse to its former glory. The Freespacers are welcome back. This is their system, their home. Additionally, we are making plans to construct a massive new mother-ship to donate to the spacers. We will let them live in peace as long as they do the same, and it is my hope that as time passed we can learn to be friends and even allies. May the Great Lighthouse shine once more as a beacon of hope for all free peoples and for the hope that we can find peace, understanding, and goodwill even in the middle of a universe plagued by war and death. This is Yamatai's call to the universe: We are a force for good. The old conflicts must be healed. We need your understanding. Together we will defeat the Mishhuvurthyar menace and create a better universe."

Former Empress Katsuko is personally overseeing the Great Lighthouse operation to make amends.