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SANDRA [SANDRA] Imperial Address

Regularly scheduled broadcasts were interrupted, as the Empress called an addressed to her people; citizen of the Yamatai Star Empire. The camera focused in on the podium, as Katsuko took her place behind it.

"The Yamatai Star Empire, stands..." She began. "We stand alone it seems in a universe of constantly changing dynamics. Alone because we have lost our way, war has shaped us to be something that we are not. A picture has begun to be painted of us, one that is in a negative and false light."

She took a breath, looking down briefly at the datapad in front of her. "The Star Army of Yamatai has responded to the threats issued to this nation by the Freespacers, a group that should have kept to its own business and out of ours. Our computer systems, our ships, the things our citizens labor to create are our property. We hold these things dear...We protect our property and our homes. Our borders guard our territories, and are not for the exploitation of illegal transaction. Our fleets are designed to protect us, when threatened we respond."

On the side of the screen a diagram of the YSE borders appeared on the screen. "In twenty-four hours, our forces will withdraw from the systems once occupied by the Freespacers. We hope that a lesson has been learned, we regret that it had to be taught through the show of force. Our nation, is strong, and when threatened, we will respond with force. We recommend that the Freespacers avoid our territories, for they are not welcome within them. Any Freespacer vessel entering YSE territory, will be destroyed and that extends to any other group who wishes to threaten our nation."

Katsuko then addressed the citizens of the Warmaster and UOC worlds that were protesting. "We all have a right to stand for what it is we believe. Let it be known, your Empress has heard your requests, and I have brought the change you have demanded. We must work towards a change, within ourselves and each other, to rise beyond what the long miserable years of our war with the SMX has seeded within us."

She said, in finale, "A new era has begun for this nation. One of peace, we ask that our neighbors respect our territories, our culture and our right to guard it." Katsuko drew her lips together, saying then quietly. "Now, if you all could excuse me. I have to return to mourning the loss of my daughter..." The camera drifted from the podium as the Empress ascended the stairs returning to the palace.
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