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SANDRA [SANDRA] Spring Showers

The SANDRA logo flashed.

A major broadcasts started after that, showing a professional newsroom, with a projected scene of Kyoto behind the two anchors, one a Nekovalkryja with cyan hair, and deep amber eyes with the sort of smile that always came easy. The other looked to be a taller Yamataian, with short brown hair and green eyes. Each of them were wearing their own version of business attire, the Yamataian was in a skirt suit, and the shorter Nekovalkryja wore pants and a casual blouse.

A fanfare began, leading them into the broadcast while the cameras focused on the two anchors.
"Good evening. Tonight we have some exciting news from the galactic east, and were lucky enough to be at the press conference held at the Taiie Nebula, site of the terrible Mishhu battle that left a colony in ruins, and many lost." The image behind the women shifted to a view of the nebula, and a large fleet in display formations at the edge of the expanse, with a Chiharu at center. The Yamataian began to speak while the feed cut to full screen.

"A formal memorial was held today to dedicate the lives of those lost at Taiie by the Fourth Standard Fleet, who has recently taken over control over the Bard Cluster and surrounding territories. Shimizu Akina, Fifth Expeditionary Fleet veteran and former right hand to Motoyoshi Katsuko led the proceedings in a large hanger bay open to prominent members of her fleet, and families that remained with the Empire after the cessation of the United Outer Colonies. While no media coverage was allowed at the event, interviews suggest the Taisho spoke briefly on her experience with those who were lost that haven't come back, and offered an open invitation to any left from the 5th XF to join her ranks."

The image of the fleet firing their weapons in unified salvos off into space brought a softer voice from the anchor. "A formal salute to the military and civilian lives was offered before the press conference scheduled later that day."

The coverage shifted to a recording of the Taisho in her dress whites heralded silence from the anchors, as she spoke from a podium with a black cloth covering a circular symbol. It was clear she was showing from her expectant triplets, but the uniform was fitted to make her look as professional as possible. "Thank you all for coming, I hope that some of you took the open invitation to correspond for foreign news services, as noted when they were sent out."

"My name is Shimizu Akina, I've spent my entire life as a soldier. Today, we honoured those that were lost and never came back, and the great tragedy of the Taiie massacre. I am here to announce the Fourth Standard Fleet has officially moved to the bard cluster. Construction will begin shortly on a memorial to this site, and I hope that in the future anyone wanting to visit and remember with open arms will be able to do so." She stopped, and let the display change to a galactic map behind her. Four systems highlighted.

"The Yamatai Star Empire has actively brought four more systems into it's fold under my command, and that of this fleet. As we speak elements of this fleet are exploring the systems known unofficially as, 'The Three Sisters' E1 through E3, and the yet-unnamed system that is a shallow northeast line from Kilnar. We intend to fully develop them." Pausing, the Taisho took a sip of water and went on. The map began showing schematics of a massive station, of unique design.

Akina began to sing softly, not fully lyrical but it was unmistakable.

Life will return from still ash and death,
The dawn in the east rises again,
Live, live, unfurl and drink the morning rain,
Spring children draw breath anew on silvered tear,
We return, remember, and walk on.

Stopping to lightly wipe at her eyes, the Taisho apologized, "I am sorry, perhaps we should go on the lyrics can be requested in full later. This will be a place of life again, a large space colony is going to be built here to help the influx of our brothers and sisters who have no other place to go, and no place to support them after the major fleet reductions. It will be a place of commerce, renewal, and life. New life. Expect to see Taiie-like conditions inside. In the same tenant, we are tasked with protecting this great undertaking, and being able to be called on for the Empire when the time comes. The Fourth Fleet will rise to both."

The screen blanked, and to either side of Akina and lining the walls was her fleet staff, most noticeably the armed Helashio standing on one side of the screen, closest to her. "In this great time of change, and industry I am pleased to announce the formation of SASI, a company privately owned for large scale advanced space development. Acting as the head of it, I pledge to provide anything from terraforming options to pharmaceuticals, and starships. Rights to the new colony have been secured, as well as a multitude of other ventures in the region while we expand, and are able to offer more jobs to those who need them. It will be headquartered here, where quick trade will be possible thanks to the station. We'll be sponsoring a naming contest for it, in fact so please look for further details." The screen faded from her company's logo, and proceeded to stay ready.

"Now, but no less importantly I have an announcement: The rumours are quite true, I am expecting to deliver soon, and my daughters deserve a family that will accept them. In time, I hope they, and their mothers will be welcome to visit the Colonials, and whomever will still see us there but the mandate is clear. That's why since my time at the Empress' Palace I have been pursuing a certain matter, which I am pleased to tell you now. With the blessing of the Imperial Clan, the help of many prominent families I have come to know..the formation of the Shimizu Clan is now official." The cloth dropped from the podium, revealing a mon (circular clan symbol/stamp) with three barred-spiral galaxies as it's center, and a flag was displayed on the screen behind her. "It is my hope that my clan will stay true to itself through whatever coming trials we may face, and support the Empire in her time of need and beyond."

A long silence followed, then the room exploded into noise. At that point in the broadcast SANDRA cut to the Taisho answering a few of the questions.

"Umn, ma'am..is that a Helashio?" One man asked somewhat bashfully as a few other reporters laughed.

"Yes, he's part of my security detail, and very interesting soldier. I am glad to have him protecting me and my staff. Next?"

"Yes, how do you feel about the UOC?" A brown haired woman asked.

"I have what is still family there, and a lot of old friends. I hope when the current crisis is over, they will see this country, this fleet, and this clan something worth making friends with."

"Is there any truth to the rumours of a large destruction of a nearby system?" Another reported prompted.

"This information has only just become declassified but yes, and part of the fleet is already seeing to helping mend the system. Expect more details when we know something substantial...next please?"

"If you will be the new clan leader, what will happen to Motoyoshi Katsuko?" A bold voice asked.

Akina paused for a moment, then smiled. "She is welcome to be a part of my clan, and our plans for marriage have yet to change."

"So, you're Princess Taisho Shimizu Akina now?"

The woman laughed softly, "If you want to get technical, yes. Though please remember this is not the same as being an Imperial Princess as the Ketsurui are. One more question, please?"

"What are you going to name the girls?"

"You'll have to wait and see. Thank you all for coming, and please enjoy the hospitality of Spirit City. "

Cutting to the newsroom again, both anchors were smiling and it focused on the Nekovalkryja, "With that headline we move to local news, where another shortage of comfort beds has led to..."
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