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SANDRA [SANDRA] Terrorists attack Ahrbeg, steal war materiel

The anchor appearing on the screen gave a warm, full-lipped smile to the camera. The graphic under her name read "Kawamura Midori." The Neko had blond hair and ear fur, and she had light grey eyes.

"Good evening, Yamatai — This, is SANDRA."

The pacing of her words was slow and deep. A red bar with white lettering appeared at her side. The kanji read, "Terrorists attack Ahrbeg." Her smile disappeared.

"Terrorists attacked a militia base outside the main city of Ahrbeg today, killing at least 45 militia members and six police officers, as well as stealing at least three starships equipped with torpedoes.

"The Independent Worlds League claimed responsibility for the nighttime strike on the base. Authorities said at least 10 terrorists sneaked onto the base and killed their way to a special ship storage area, using only bladed weapons. Fake credentials and stolen uniforms were used by the terrorists, authorities said.

"The terrorists stole three outdated Yuuko-class gunboats laden with small arms, explosives and ship-killing torpedoes. A patrol boat used for gendarmerie operations was destroyed as the ships made their escape. All hands were lost.

"Authorities said the gunboats had not been converted from having a unique SPINE-only control system, meaning Neko somehow were used to steal the ships."

The bar changed on the left side to a red background with electric blue text. The kanji read, "Virtual idol duo holds third outdoors concert."

The anchor's smile returned. "The virtual idol duo KOgama, comprised of Star Army soldier Koga Akemi and former SANDRA anchor Ogama Mio, held their third outdoor concert today to an estimated crowd of 4 million in Kyoto.

"The concert, broadcast over the fields south of Kyoto for everyone on the city's southern border to see. The volumetric images, which used ground-based projectors, were about 50 meters tall and could be seen for several kilometers. Audio for the concert was freely broadcast across the new civilian quantum network, allowing it to be broadcast telepathically. It is believed to be the first time a concert ever has been broadcast this way.

"The duo plans to meet in person for the first time soon, and plan to release an album of their songs, including two of their recent patriotic tracks, by winter."

The Neko paused. "This is SANDRA."
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