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SANDRA [SANDRA] Yamatai Cedes Territorial Gift to Nepleslia

Yamatai Cedes Territorial Gift to Nepleslia
YE 34

Kyoto, Yamatai - A spokesperson for the Empress of Yamatai announced this morning that has seen fit to bestow an unexpected gift on its neighboring Empire, giving Nepleslia the inhabited star systems of Veritas and Kxi'ran for their use, as well as a 20 LY corridor that opens a path between Old Nepleslia and New Nepleslia, their colonial expanse. While the Empress did not request anything in return, she did say, "It would please us if Nepleslia would turn over any captured former Mishhuvurthyar worlds to us."

It is expected that there may be more territorial changes to Yamatai as the war comes to an end, allowing the empire to reorganize and expand to the South. Questions remain if this territorial change is part of a move towards Elysian independence but the crown is silent on the matter.​
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