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Approved Character Sanjuro Ashitaka


Inactive Member
Application for 2nd character for the Pisces plotship.

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Name: Sanjuro Ashitaka

General Information

Species: Yamataian
Gender: Male
Age: 25

Family (or Creators): Kano Ashitaka(Father, 53)
Jumi Ashitaka (Mother, 49)
Rika Ashitaka (Younger Sister, 18)
Gunpei Ashitaka (Younger Brother, 8)
Pai Ashitaka (Younger Sister, 4)

Employer: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Medical Officer
Rank: Santo Hei
Current Assignment: Pisces Station

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'0
Weight: 159

Build and Skin Color: Tall, thin build, with pale flesh-colored skin.
Facial Features and Eye Color: Somewhat thin face with sharp features, with dark green eyes.
Hair color and Style: Straight jet black hair, kept reasonably short.

Distinguishing Features:
Sanjuro often wears a distant, emotionless expression during most of the day, and his choice of words and actions are often short and to the point. Other than that, he looks fairly normal.

Psychological Characteristics

At first glance, it would appear that Sanjuro is in a permanent bad mood; however, this is not the case. Sanjuro's outward attitude toward just about everything seems, for lack of a better word, very passive and unenthusiastic. He rarely ever smiles or laughs, too. Although, this attitude is just the outward appearance...Sanjuro just has trouble communicating to other people in ways other than his distant, often depressing tone and choice of words. Despite the outward personality, Sanjuro listens and thinks quite well and tries to be helpful when he can. He doesn't exactly enjoy his particular habits.

In addition to his gruff, silent nature, Sanjuro also sports a no-nonsense personality. He also tends to keep to a distance from others, both physically and emotionally. The reason for this is mostly due to him relationship with his own family. Beneath the questionable exterior, however, Sanjuro has his heart in the right place.

Sanjuro doesn't have many hobbies; however, he does have an affinity for cleanliness. Sanjuro finds a rare fascination in keeping things in order...arranging things, categorizing them and such. He rarely wears anything of a casual nature, preferring to look clean and professional at all times whenever possible. He has just recently begun to attempt to correct his unique personality, for the sake of his career...although his application of these self-taught lessons is often unsuccessful.

Likes: Order, arranging things, caring for others, quiet areas, button-shirts and ties, his younger siblings, watching others talk
Dislikes: Messes, crowds, unorganized things, his parents, dealing with his problems
Goals: To simply succeed in life, to save lives, and to eventually get over his odd behavior problems.


Sanjuro was born into a family that didn't really have time to be anything more than a family of two. His parents' feelings for each other were somewhat forced and stretched thin between the two stressful, full-time jobs they worked, and they had little time to spend tending to a child. As a result, Sanjuro grew up largely on his own, receiving very little actual attention from his parents other than the occasional short discussion at the table before they sped off to business. His parents provided him with things to do, an education, everything but their affection. It was during this time Sanjuro developed his solemn personality. Sanjuro couldn't say that he disliked his parents; however he didn't have any strong attachments to them either.

Despite their lackluster skills in parenting, Mr. and Mrs. Ashitaka apparently still had plenty of time for each other, which became evident as they produced three more children. Sanjuro took it upon himself to take care of the new additions, and he was surprised to see that they turned out much better than he did. Slightly amused, too, considering that his distant attitude remained unchanged towards them during their growth. Taking care of two toddlers and a growing teenager as well as himself might have been a hassle; however Sanjuro found an odd peace in picking up after them, preparing things for them, keeping them healthy, and so on. Occasionally, he would crack a smile and laugh while being with them...but these were rare circumstances.

When the second eldest of the Ashitaka family became responsible enough to take care of the younger siblings, Sanjuro took it upon himself to find employment. During the years of caring for his brother and sisters, Sanjuro developed a fascination in the medical fields, and studied them whenever he found the time. After trying and losing a few possible jobs (most likely due to his horrible communication skills...his skills as a medical officer were quite good), it was suggested that he try for a medical position in the Star Army of Yamatai. Skeptical at first, Sanjuro looked into the position and found that he would be doing the one thing he felt comfortable doing; managing and organizing numbers, and caring for people who could not care for themselves. Sanjuro took the counselors advice and enrolled a few days later.


Technology Operations: Sanjuro received his first business data pad at a young age...a hand-me-down from his father. He has since then become very proficient in the applications the technology provides. Upon receiving Star Army training, Sanjuro is also became well versed in navigating standard Star Army computer interfaces.

Communications: From the standard Star Army training protocols, Sanjuro is proficient at using the various communications devices often used in Yamatai and its surrounding systems. Sanjuro is also capable of writing in the different languages common to Yamatai. Sanjuro finds communication through technology easier to accomplish most of the time, as his personal habits of short talk are often interpreted as proficiency by his superiors.

Mathematics: Sanjuro's first attempt at mathematics was when he was very young; he would count down the hours until his mother returned from work so that she would feed him. He soon found that he enjoyed keeping things in order, usually in mathematical senses. These skills were supplemented by simple education, and enhanced a second time during Star Army training programs. Sanjuro attempts to keep a keen knowledge of all things relevant to his occupation, and as a result he is very good at mathematics.

Fighting: Sanjuro does not enjoy fighting. However, the Star Army of Yamatai required knowledge in basic combat techniques and arms usage. After the training, Sanjuro put most of this knowledge into the back of his mind, figuring that he would never really have to put such skills to use as long as he stayed in a relatively safe position.

Humanities (Psychology, Sociology): Although Sanjuro is a very quiet person, he is a very good listener. Sanjuro's attempts at solving his personality flaws are often derived from reading articles about his problems, and as a result, he has been able to diagnose and make rough estimates about the personalities of the people around him. He has, of course, never told anybody the results of his self-made physiological breakdowns, and he has yet to find a way to completely cure his own problems.

Domestic: Sanjuro is a bit of a neat-freak. He prefers his environments, both working and living, to be clean and organized. Sanjuro, when he was younger, took it upon himself to learn how to clean his room and the rooms of his siblings on his own, and thus is very well versed in such matters. He takes a small pride in his personal feng shui.

Medical: While caring for his younger siblings, Sanjuro realized that looking over them and keeping them happy was one of the few things he actually enjoyed. This caused Sanjuro to consider an education in a medical field. He was pleasantly surprised to find out that this feeling of enjoyment for helping those in need also came out through his work as a doctor. Sanjuro originally learned much of the medical field through books and data articles, which was complimented by the Star Army training programs and methods. Sanjuro is a capable medical officer, and take pride in his work...even if others don't usually see it. However, it is fairly obvious that his bedside manner is a bit...rough around the edges.