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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 Santa Zahen

  • Thread starter Thread starter Edto Xar'Sivaree
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Edto Xar'Sivaree

This is a thread where Zahen will be giving out gifts to people. All JP's will happen in order they appear and will be considered Canon which means you can keep the stuff. Shoot me a PM to catch me on the chat if you want a gift.
Zahen sat outside the bar the Rubi was commonly seen around, with a long case at her feet and a bag in her hand. As per usual, she wasnt wearing anything but a belt and the alien got quite a few strange looks from the people walking around be she was unphased.
After about an hour or so, Rubi walked in from the beating sun, boredom plastered on her face. For an alien invasion of her planet, things were more boring than before power armored psychopaths were running the planet.

Shuffling in, she took a seat at the counter and ordered what she felt best represented the current situation, a glass of barely filtered, green water.

Zahen walking in after the bounty hunter, sitting down next to her and looking at the water she had ordered. Without saying a word, she pulled out a bottle from her belt, sloshing it in front of the woman. "I think you would prefer this water to the water you have there" She said, looking at Rubi with a toothy grin.

Rubi looked over and squinted, trying to remember who this one was. Something involving tazing and that asshole Ronin... The details of it were lost on her. "Uh... No thanks, I don't take drinks from strangers... Or tourists..."

Zahen chuckled, taking a glass from the counter and pouring the almost completely clear liquid into it and pouring it into her muzzle. "It's fine. If you want to drink that cloudy mulch, that's your decision" She chuckled, placing the bottle on the counter. "So you are Rubi. I remember you from that wonderful display you made on the Mecha pilot. So much fun" She explained.

Rubi took a swing of her salty murk called water, wiping off some Algaeia from her lips. "Yeah, sure. Didn't really like him. Still don't like him actually. What the hell is a mecha though?" she asked, raising a brow.

"Giant Robot things that look like people" Zahen explained. "You tazed him like twice, and then started beating him maliciously. It was a beautiful sight. I wouldn't have stopped you if I didn't need him at the time. Well, I actually am here for a reason. Your kind has a tradition for gift giving around this time of year, yes?" She asked, arching her eyebrow. "Or at least, most of the aliens we meet seem to have one"

Rubi shook her head. "No, I don't think a lot of people of the capacity or goodwill to start giving gifts to each other. Maybe the Osmanians have something like that but outside of that, I haven't heard anything about a gift giving season."

"Well, then I guess today is your lucky day" Zahen chuffed with amusement, tapping the case. "Do you have somewhere private we can go? It's probably not a good idea to show this too you in a crowded bar" She explained. "Where ever you feel most comfortable" She said simply.

Rubi tried to finish off her drink is turned more into sludge at this point. "Not really. I've been making due either at what remains of the palace or into some cramped inn room. The most comfortable place I know is... About a week or two travel from here on horse."

Zahen tilted her head, then tapped her muzzle. "I may be able to change that, but not right now. Care to follow me then? It would be a little easier to show you at the starport. I could also see about trying to solve the lack of housing for people if the density is too great for your kind to handle" She said, standing up. "Think of it as a gift from the VDTF to the Locals. Your gift, however, is more personal. Special I guess you could say" She stated.

"Eh, space is always an issue with most of the world being a literal hell-hole. But fine, I see what 'gift' you got me." Rubi said, setting down the cup with green sludge at the bottom and a couple of the sheriff's scrips next to it before standing up. "After you, I guess."

Zahen lead the bounty hunter to the starport, finding a bench to sit at and placing the case down on top. The bag laid next to the case, ad but the thudding sound it made, whatever was in it was heavy...

Rubi rested a leg up on the bench and fold her arms, looking down at the case. "So, what's exactly is it? Doesn't sound like something would be given away from the weight of it."

"The bag is for after the case" She said, popping the clips and opening it up. Inside was what looked to be a highly advanced rifle, no more than 20" long. It had black poly-carbonate body, with the bullpup styled layout. On top was a x2 optical scope, with a supressor, bayonet, and a flashlight laser combo.

"This is the Sivaro Automatic Assault Carbine. This is the rifle that our soldiers use, and is currently not for sale anywhere. You are one of the few people outside of the VDTF who will have one. You will be able to ask for the more disposable supplies from our people. Ammo and magazines, repairs and the like. So long as you are in contact with us, we promise to keep this rifle operational" Zahen grinned, placing it back down into the case and pushing to it over to Rubi.

Rubi picked up the carbine and looked over. It almost look like someone switched around a half a rifle before shrinking it to her. The design for it felt strange, but most of these space guns seemed radically different than the repeaters she grew up using. The scope and bayonet's were familiar territories for her and Raph taught her how a supresser works. "How exactly does the reloading part work? Seems strange to keep the magazine way behind the trigger."

"Well that is a good question" She said, holding out her hand and taking the rifle, pulling an empty magazine from the case. "All you do is line this up with this well here" She said, sliding the end up into the well. "Then, you push the other end up to lock it in place" She added, slapping the other end of the magazine into the rifle. "When you want to replace the magazine, press this button and the magazine falls out, free to load another" She finished.

Rubi watched the Vekimen demonstration before trying it herself, slipping out the empty magazine before sliding it back and slapping it into place. "Huh, never thought you could reload like that. Guess it does help though, keeps from having to switching to reload and lets you keep your hand on the trigger." She reloaded it again, seeming to enjoy it. "Thanks for this. I'll see if I can pay you back for this somehow later."

Zahen waved a hand. "It's a gift, but I'm not done. I have this for you" She said, picking up the bag and pulling out the content. It was a uncanny replica of Rubi, made out of solid gold, with various gems as accent. "Your kind likes this material, so I thought you might like a little figurine"

The gold replica had Rubi in awe. She stared at it for moment, words failing to form as it shined in the daylight. "But... how? I thought gold only belonged to rich nobles... And these gems. I didn't even know they could come these colors..." She shook her head. "This is too much, I can't take all of this from you for nothing."

"Nonsense. I have too much of it as it stands. It is yours, I felt it would only be right" She smiled. "Gold belongs to anyone who has it. You now have gold. I personally do not understand the appeal, but it is yours too keep Rubi.

"I...I.." She stammered, picking up the small, golden version of herself. Looked over at the rifle with a gleeful smile across. "Thank you! I didn't think beating people would get me stuff like this!"

Zahen laughed. "Well, I don't know if it will happen everytime, but I do always enjoy a good laugh among other relaxing activites. I've always got something to give for people who make my life a little less stressful" She grinned. "Just don't kill anyone"

Rubi paused her happiness for a moment, looking to side before looking back at Zahen. "Uh... Yeah, sure! I'll uh try to not bump anyone off who doesn't deserve it."

"Well, do you have a communicator?" Zahen asked.

"A very small one. Looks like some sort of high tech hearing aid." She said, showing off the ear piece she has.

"Do you know how to make calls with it? If you ever need or want something, I may be able to help you in the future" Zahen offered, holding out her Datapad.

"Kind of. I have a datapad I got because some invader couldn't not murder people. I know that certain number combinations can be typed in for it to contact certain people. Haven't exactly figure out how to know who's who from the numbers."

"You should have the option for a contact list. Do you have the Datapad on you?" She asked, holding her hand out.

"Uh yeah." Rubi said, reaching into her satchel and handing over Ace's datapad she was given. "Just be careful with it, please. Still figuring everything out about it."

Zahen looked it over, before holding it so that Rubi could see it. "Well, here is the contact list. This is how you add a number" She explained, adding her own number to the datapad list. "Then my name will appear whenever you open it up. Just click my name" She said, tapping it. A few moments later, her own datapad started to make an irritating mosquito sound. "I get the call" She smiled, ignoring the call on her phone.

"Huh..." Rubi muttered, scratching her head as she watched the lizard work. "I guess that makes it a lot more easier to contact people than guessing numbers..."

"Yep. Anyway, should you ever need me, or need a comfortable place to sleep, I think I can do something up for you. Just give me a call whenever and I'll let you know if I can help alright?" Zahen asked.

"Will do." Rubi said, taking her datapad back from Zahen.