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Approved Submission [SAoY] Fuji-class Expeditionary Gunship


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
πŸŽ–οΈ Game Master
Submission Type: Starship
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:starships:fuji-class_expeditionary_gunship

Faction: Yamatai
FM Approved Yet? No @Wes
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes Thank you @Gunsight1!!
Previously Submitted? No

I'd like to thank @Fred for making the Himiko-class, which this ship borrows several interiors from. I did get his blessing and also had him and others look over this ship. To everyone that helped out with it, thank you. It will be getting updated art soon from Gunsight and a DA artist, but I need this in RP sooner rather than later.
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Fixed a number of typos.
Overall I like the design, but I have a problem with something that is in the Cruiser size being called a Gunship.

Its very similar in capability as the Urufu-Class Light Cruiser, except that the Urufu-Class has a greater torpedo capability.
I noticed you changed multi-function bay from multifunction and I actually went back and took out the muti-function bay and put two separate bays instead.

Sorry for the typos.
I'm so excited, wow. Awesome ship!

Really like the idea of an "expeditionary gunship." It's essentially a sized-up Plumeria that better fulfills the independent strike craft role that they end up falling into, right?

Some critiques:
  • Break up the text in the "History and Background" section into paragraphs.
  • I would move the table under "Passengers" below the "Maximum Capacity" section so that all the standard essential information is up top.
  • Text under each "Deck" header describing a little about the deck's general theme.
    • This may not be actually necessary, because other ships break the "text under header" rule, but more a suggestion.
  • I know you wrote a lot for each room, but the XO's cabin is kinda sparse and I wanna know more.
    • What do the walls look like? Does it come with a picture or some kind of potted plant? Does it have carpet? Is there a lamp on the desk?
  • Same with the Medical Center. I wanna know what's special about the Fuji's med center and what it looks like.
    • Maybe even make it double-sized from the standard Sakura-type. With accommodations for 100, are 3 beds really enough?
  • Describe what the cargo lift looks like! What kind of floor does it have? Does it have any specialized equipment integrated for logistics personnel to use?
  • A bit of text with the CFS link. The Plumeria has something basic with the link describing that it's the ship's primary mode of travel, for example
  • Same with the MEGAMI part. Add some text instead of just a link.
Anyway, those are the things that I wanted to know more about as a future player on this ship. Can't wait to see it in RP!
Can't give a full review now but two things:
  • Neko nests are big, fit 3+ nekos
    • Can't fit 4 of them in the space of 4 bunks.
  • No need to support old M7 SARAH
Thanks @Arbitrated for reminding me about standard showers and so I added a section for them and a launndry room underneath miscellaneous.

I made there room for two nests in each room. Or should it be one?

Took off the room for M7 SARAH in the PA Bay section but left it in history as that was one of Eden's concerns while designing it. I can take that out, too, though.
One nest should be enough for everyone in the room.
I think the ship is approvable but Nashoba's concern hasn't been responded to.
It's a large gunship meant to fill that role of a gunship, whereas a cruiser's role is a 'ship of the line', which this is not.

I may also add that they usually work alone or in squadrons, now that I hear myself say that [figuratively] out loud. Much akin to what the Plumeria article says.
I may also add that they usually work alone or in squadrons, now that I hear myself say that [figuratively] out loud. Much akin to what the Plumeria article says.
Isn't "operating alone as a powerful strike craft" the role that this is designed to fulfill? There have been a lot of discussions, but for some reason this memory sticks out to me. Plumeria weren't designed to operate alone, but often do even with their small PA complement. This addresses that while still maintaining the "gunship" doctrine, right?
The Urufu-class does the same thing, but is a cruiser. "Expeditionary gunship" seems to be a phrasing that's meant to evoke the Plumeria-class, like Raz says, but make clear that unlike the original, this ship is meant to go off on its own and do the big booms. The Plumeria gets used that way because of Hanako, but it wasn't designed with that in mind. The Urufu can do that too, but it's designed for assisting with planetary operations.

I'd expect to see far fewer of these than the Urufu, as it appears less modular and has no civilian counterpart. However, if it's going to be a gunship, I'd call it a heavy one, as the Plumeria is considered "medium." Hell, drop "medium" or "heavy" altogether and just call the class "Nekovalkyrja expeditionary gunship". There's no question a vessel like this is unique to the Star Army of Yamatai; might as well classify it as such.
I'd also like to point out that, much like a Plumeria or Sakura, at least a third of this ship's total length is just its huge f-off Main Weapon Array.

Which brings me to another thought: is this the first instance where the Ke-S3-W3020 has been detailed in DRv3? And, if so, is Tier 13 appropriate?
That is correct. Most of the Plumeria's weapons were used as the initial benchmark to demonstrate DRv3. Most of them figure in the examples.

Furthermore, historically, Gunships within the Urufu's general size (light cruiser) have been called "Heavy gunships". The most recent example of that is the Irim-class.
I've nothing against it. I'm just stating what the 'nearest analog' was termed as. Considering how the Irim was more heavily armed/semi-carrier while the Fuji is bigger mostly for extra QoL accomodations, I can relate with your point of view.

...and why are you calling me 'fam'?
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