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Approved Submission [SAoY] Fuji-class Expeditionary Gunship


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
πŸŽ–οΈ Game Master
Submission Type: Starship
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:starships:fuji-class_expeditionary_gunship

Faction: Yamatai
FM Approved Yet? No @Wes
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes Thank you @Gunsight1!!
Previously Submitted? No

I'd like to thank @Fred for making the Himiko-class, which this ship borrows several interiors from. I did get his blessing and also had him and others look over this ship. To everyone that helped out with it, thank you. It will be getting updated art soon from Gunsight and a DA artist, but I need this in RP sooner rather than later.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I don't believe this requires re-approval for the ship article.

My only intention was to help with the article's polish. Some of this I should have noticed on the first readthrough... but it was in the wee hours of the morning and I missed it. x_x
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I getcha. I think it's all good now, though, and I'm really appreciative to get all of the kinks ironed out now rather than me or other GMs having to hiccup or falter as we're trying to use this ship!
I have a minor question.

The Rollar bar option. That's a good chunk of material. Would it change the ships performance in terms of speed and maneuverability due to the added mass?
The ship has two aether generators in comparison to the Plumeria's one. It'll be fine.
Well it would always be fine, it isn't a matter of being better or worse. I don't really think of things in absolutes.

But with a second rather generator you could probably develop all kinds of different variants. But I take your answer as a "no significant change"

But with the added generator, how does it feature additional head compensators?

APologies for being annoying, I just really like the ship, and naturally that makes me curious.
A Star Army vessel uses its CFS to do a lot of its maneuvering tricks. The added mass (and in an atmosphere, drag) makes no difference as long as it is using its CFS.

Turned off, it just means the ship is pushing harder. SAoY vessels can compensate.
Say, uh, what happened to those cool interior maps I saw floating around in the chat?
Well there are two versions. You said that you liked the version Gunny put together, which are not canonicly correct but can be edited as he gave me the files and we both use the same drawing program (thankfully). I'll post in this thread when I've updated them to the page. Shouldn't be too long.
For some reason I didn't update the class to "heavy" as Fred suggested. I recently edited it to reflect the class as being "expeditionary" not "medium".

Also moved the weapons positioning around as they didn't reflect the art to a T (I think that's the phrase?).
I know it's a bit late but can you guys create a civilian starship that we can use as the pair for this? Maybe a cargo liner or a mining ship?
lol, are those rules still enforced? Because if so you'll probably have to examine every faction's starship submissions.

I'm fairly sure Nepleslia has chew'd through all of my old civillian ship designs, and I'm not sure we've even mentioned it to new factions like the I'ee.

We may want to either drop those rules, or review and reintroduce them.
Seeing as how I've created all of the following for two enemy factions I don't know if this pertains.

Alternatively, Instead of the normal civilian ship required with each military ship submission, you also have the option of submitting a ship or piece of useful equipment for an β€œenemy” faction.
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