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Rejected Submission (SAOY/Project THOUGHT) Type 39 Link Ring


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Multi-purpose Small Gate-type Wormhole Generator
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:type_39_link_ring

Faction: Yamatai
FM Approved Yet? No
Faction requires art? Yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: This is a very important one to get right. As such, there are both heavy IC and OOC restrictions on its use. This is a successor to the "Micro Link Device" in the Type 30 Link Siphon, which is meant to follow the spirit of no FTL in a star system (with the exception of evacuation of personnel) and allow the concept of a Link Siphon to function without leaving as many loopholes open for abuse.

It is generally intended for power, mining, plasma generation for a main gun, scientific analysis, and escape from a vessel in imminent danger of destruction (increased survivability), though it can also be used for the deployment of probes or long range scans as long as it's done outside a star system/hill sphere. More creative ideas may manifest later for this system, so care must be taken in submissions that use it. It is intentionally engineered to be incapable of direct combat use within a star system, nor being able to transport something larger than 5 meters in diameter.

A previous discussion on this exists here, which has influenced this submission. https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum...nk-gate-tech-purposes-wormhole-aspects.59586/
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'm currently reading and re-reading the article since it's a lot to go through, but what I don't understand is how the ring is able to tap into the core of a star when both ends are supposed to be at gravitational equilibrium. Is it saying that the ring needs to be brought up to roughly the same gravitational crush levels as the core before the tap can begin?

On a side note, I can't help but think of this.
The "gravitational equilibrium" is referencing the idea that the other end of the wormhole can't manifest in an area where there's a lot of gravity pulling in a specific dominant direction. In the core of a celestial body like a star, the point isn't "above" any mass but is instead at the center where the gravity is pulling roughly evenly in all directions. In short, when you're at the center of a celestial body, the gravitational forces cancel each other out to a large degree.

It is at that "sweet spot" in the center of the dominant celestial body that the wormhole can go to because it emulates, at least in a gravitational sense, interstellar space.
Is there any way Yamatai would be able to protect its star against this thing?
Well, if you absolutely had to, I suppose aiming a graviton beam at the center of the star of a sufficient strength could disrupt the wormhole's formation prerequisites without hurting the star. Of course, it'd have to be a notable strength and/or close proximity. Greater relative force on the star than the orbiting planets alone would typically provide. Thing is, I don't see the need.

These devices are a maximum of 5 meters in size across. I don't think even a million of them would cause the star to vent enough matter to be notable over geological time scales. I also think there are a limited number of wormholes one could aim at the center of a single star due to the gravitational constraint only applying within a certain small volume of the star. No aiming billions or trillions of them at a star's core to use them as a weapon.

Proxima Jiyuu is a red dwarf that has had 6000 of the older Type 30 Link Siphons aimed at it constantly for years. It has had no noteworthy effects even on that small star. The warning on the Link Siphons about not pointing it at stars with habitable worlds is a precaution mixed with good sense rather than a warning of impending doom.
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So, basically, it's mostly what our Aether generators are doing to another universe (sapping power from primordial matter over there), but end up tapping in our own primordial energy sources (the core of a star)?
Pretty much, when used in that capacity. There's just not antimatter involved. Aether is to matter/antimatter tech what this is to plasma tech. It's just got additional applications for evacuation, long-range probe deployment, and long range scans. Also, didn't see your post before editing my own, sorry.
I would like to approve this, but given that this is some very capable technology, I think we need to take another approach. Wes is on to something though; in what ways can this be weaponized or abused? Once we figure that out, we can make what alternations would be needed to prevent it being used outside of its spirit of use.
The article and technology is intentionally written in such a way as to avoid weaponization and abuse from the onset, with further input by the community which toned it down further. The current facts exist.

1. One end with the Link Ring has to be equipped in a vessel and shielded with a stabilizer.
2. The other end can only be in the core of the dominant celestial body of the area, within the same vessel, or interstellar space.
3. The diameter cannot exceed 5 meters.
4. The wormhole cannot bypass shielding or distortions caused by CFD/CDD travel, even at STL speeds, except for that made by the whip in which the Ling Ring is installed.

The following are the ways I can see it potentially weaponized, but most come with issues.
1. Plasma is taken from a star and fired as a normal plasma-based weapon originating from a system hard-mounted inside a vessel. (Indirect, functionally just a high-yield main gun, acceptable)
2. Some small craft (missile or some automated drone) is used to make wormholes for attack purposes to a planet or enemy unit (impractical due to size of Link Ring, but perhaps language can still be added?)
3. Link Device-like wormhole use in interstellar space. (Most combat doesn't happen in interstellar space anyway)
4. Depleting a star's core faster (impractical, likely takes millions or billions of years. Some stars might even live a little LONGER due to the reduction of mass, I am not sure)
5. Directing a Gamma Ray Burst at a target (impractical, gamma ray bursts are brief in a star's life and too rare to take advantage of, plus the 5 meter diameter constraint. Aether probably more practical a weapon.)
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So far, what you've said looks good. However, I know Wes is worried about something in particular, though I can't figure out how to prevent whatever it is until he states it directly.
If Wes thinks that it's not a match for his faction for some reason, even if all the objections are cleared up, Yai would still like to work on it and explore it on his own...
After talking with Toshiro, he's decided to withdraw the submission for the time being, rendering it rejected.
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