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[SAOY] - Type 32 Remote Backup Unit


SARPaholic & Admin
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An item I've been turning in my mind after several discussions with Wes over the past year.

Type 32 Remote Backup Unit

And because more and more of the crews are not Neko's a way for the RBU to be used by others.

SPINE Augmentation Implant - Removed
I can sort of relate why some GMs would prefer skipping over the ST backup process. Seeing it's supposed to be mostly data, electric impulses and such, I can sort of relate with it being provided to be a 'quick update' of already stored ST data.

Meaning that I'd see the remote backup unit as something which would update information that was already obtained via the usual ST backup session.

Note: I understand the impetus behind automating medlabs because it's hard for medical personnel to find things to do... but it is with increasing alarm that I realize that the more and more submissions around that that Nashoba makes, the less and less there is for a medical career character to do within that environment. I sort of agreed with facilitating things in this regard along with providing more tools for the players, but it's my concern that things might be going overboard.

ST backups for KFY are pretty much a staple - one of the few reasons a nekovalkyrja could drop back to the medlab and have a medical examination, inspection and some maintenance done.

It is a hassle to think of it everytime before a mission. Sometimes, it may be forgotten. In that case, the remote unit can have some uses, I agree. However, this is one point where the convenience of this leaves me very ambivalent on the matter.

* * *

Also, I am quite opposed to the SPINE augmentation implant. It's simply not the way it works. That thing is effectively all the NH-29 nekovalkyrja's spinal column and surrounding tissues. Unless you want to make a humpback, you can't go and add implants in that place. Otherwise, you're talking about an operation which practically removes all the subject's spinal column and surounding tissues and replace that with something else.

KFY/KZ would never support that. The Star Army wouldn't either. None of them would have a versed interest into supporting measures to make civilian Yamataian bodies able to better control military hardware that way.

It'd hardly be worth the bother anyhow. Yamatai's culture doesn't support civilians modifying themselves like that. The idea is that if you need to be better suited for the military, along with packing the advantages to operate man-to-machine interfaces (or get ST updates done via it) - then you soul transfer into a neko.

If you're a Yamataian enlisting in the military, then you enlist knowing you'll be limited and you'll have to live with it.

If you're a Geshrin wanting to be in the military... why should the Star Army even bother with you doing such a procedure when you've never even bothered to become a Yamataian?

The only people I'd see being more inclined to this are Nepleslians, because using that augmentation implant would be a very Nepleslian thing to do.
Well Fred,
I never said that the RBU was supposed to be a fancy new thing, and it actually still needs the medical person to monitor. It reduces the line of crew members waiting to get into medical. As new crew members still have to use the medbay, etc.

As for the implant. Its an separate option, as for the feasibility, I could easily argue that given the NH-22C is very similiar to the NH-29, adding the additional neural connections would be cheaper than designing an entire new species. But to be honest, if the implant goes down in flames I won't loose any sleep.
The implant: Rather than use an implant, couldn't a Yamataian just get a DNA module for it? The Yamataian is the most customizable body in the setting and was designed so civilians could add features (wings, special skin, etc) to it.

RBU: Several Neko type and character have already done streaming backup updates via telepathy. I see this submission as just making it official.
For the implant thing, I'd like to note that NH-27 did not come with SPINE when the NH-29 rolled out. A 'customization patch' was later released so to allow NH-27s to hop into a hemosynthetic tank to have the nanomachine-rich hemosynth tank disassemble their SLICS shoulder ports and then reconstructed their spinal column and surrounding tissues to match the NH-29 SPINE system.

Kosuka was the first recipient of that patch, just after the PNUgen mission in the YSS Sakura plot.

The above approach was promoted by Wes, because he justified it in that the NH-27 a versatile nanotech composition that would make that doable.

However, the Yamataian was a try at a normal body. It is not as you just said it was in the post you just made, Wes. You're making that up and contradicting things you've said before.

Besides that, my big beef with the implant thing is that its a very Nepleslian thing to do. Nepleslians add cybernetics or additions to their bodies to improve themselves - not the Yamataian culture. The Yamataians dunk in HS tanks and reconstruct, or soul transfer, or adapt if the bodies in question have strong nanomachine capabilities.

I cannot help but feel that this is yet another instance of a Yamataian/human character trying to upgrade himself to attain nekovalkyrja-only qualities. If Miles Gunn would've been the character trying to do that, I doubt you would ever have accepted it. Where a Nepleslian would have gone for a cybernetic prosthetic, in this case it's be a bio-engineered graft - I find equal prospects equally appalling in the face of what you previously established, Wes.

Yamataians are civilian bodies that serve in the Star Army at the sufferance of the Nekovalkyrja majority. It's also very clear that Yui has shown disapproval in allowing civilian bodies to sport military functionality. Military functionality belongs to military bodies. You set the trend; now you need to uphold it. Otherwise, you threaten the foundation of your faction's credibility.

If you want to change that, implants are not the way to do it - not the Yamataian way of doing it. Creating a new bodytype could be - one that would blur the lines between civilian and military and perhaps adapt to either setting while being controllable. A new policy establish by Himiko to supercede Yui's very opinionated stance would be another. Both combined would likely be best.
Sorry Fred, but in this case off the mark.

Sune has no intention of upgrading his current body in any fashion, nor will he upgrade to a newer design down the road.
Nashoba said:
Sorry Fred, but in this case off the mark.

Sune has no intention of upgrading his current body in any fashion, nor will he upgrade to a newer design down the road.

I meant it reminded me of it, and it's close enough for me not to like it and what it represents in my eyes.

Now, you and Wes are admins. Perhaps you've both spent time talking on IRC with each other discussing of things you wanted to see happening. If so, I don't know about it... I'm oblivious to whatever plans you and Wes might have that you may both find very good; and I see it as very probable that Wes will back this idea up anyways Nashoba. I remember being once an admin and closely sharing ideas and plans with Wes so I've been there and I've an idea of how it goes.

This isn't an argument. I'm not making this an argument. I've aired my opinions and my concerns on the matter. I did so to better promote what I feel Wes is trying to make of SARP and his Yamatai faction - especially in case he's forgotten about some details. I happen to really pride myself on my memory, so if I can remind him things that will avoid people tripping in the future, I will.

Now, it's up to you guys to decide if you want SARP/Yamatai to go that way, or not. My stance on it is made and I won't repeat myself to win an argument out of endurance.

Thank you.
As I said earlier, the implant was not the biggie, the rationale for me to consider making it something for others was actually for a player.

The Aeon has a Nepleslian Starship operator. He was looking for an implant to give him capabilities similar to the SPINE. But there is nothing in the wiki for that. So I figured kill two birds with one stone.

As for Wes and I discussing, the only thing we discussed was the idea of making a way to use SPINE to do backups. And I limited the RBU to only making updates to existing backups
I know I'm just the perma noob, but how about giving a another disincentive to using the RBU commonly? Apart from the fact it only does incremental backups, maybe it's very painful to use, or it makes the user have extreme difficulty with whatever they're doing while its operational. Maybe make it a triage tool, for the poor souls who aren't going to get seen by the surgeon?
I don't think it should be painful.

As for Nepleslian crew members, in the past we've used special headbands to help them connect to the ship. I don't think they've been written up though. Maybe they could be used in lieu of the implant?

And then instead of a remote backup unit soldiers could just use an encoded telepathic transmission. Maybe instead of a physical RBU, the RBU should be a software program recently released for Nekos and Yamataians, and also able to be installed in those headbands.
But not every Yamataian learns Telepathy, although by the Wiki there is no reason they can't. And would the telepathy be faster or slower than the transfer speed of SPINE?
If telepathy is inherently more effective at doing pretty much everything than SPINE, then SPINE ends up being uselessly redundant.

Tomoe once mentioned that sPINE might have the advantage of providing a secure connection that can't be scrambled... but that's pretty weak considering how it was designed - like SLICS, to be the supposedly superior nekovalkyrja man-machine interface to help run things like Mindy power armors as if they were their own bodies.
I don't see any problem with this. Science marches on, afterall.

I recommend it for approval.