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Approved Character Saromi Hiro (+troops)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anonymous
  • Start date Start date


Character Name: Saromi Hiro

Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Creator/Parents: Akio Saromi(deceased) / Chiyo Saromi(deceased)
Sibling(s): Saromi Rikyu

Faction: Independant
Occupation: Command
Rank: Commander
Current Assignment: Get hired

Hair color and Style: Gray / short cropped military style
Build and Skin Color: Average height / Muscular / Caucasian
Face and Eye Color: handsome face with a slightly jutting chin and stubble. / gray-blue
Distinguishing features: large scar across right jaw/cheek

Personality: Independant / charismatic / slight tendancy toward xenophobia / always wears a small silver locket (all he has to remember his parents by) that is identical to his brothers

Likes: Combat
Dislikes: Losing
Goals: none

Class: Berserker
Skills: Bodyguard

Language: Geshrin (5) +2

Berserker Frenzy (3) +2
Rapid Healing (3) +2
Augmented Constitution (3) +2

Detect Ambush (4) +2
Detect Concealment (4) +2
Disguise (4) +2
First Aid (4) +2
Hand-to-Hand Combat (4) +2
Weapon: All Rifles (4) +2

Cooking (3) +2
Land Navigation (3) +2
Computer Operation (3) +2

History: Born on Neplesia, Hiro's life was thrown into chaos when his parents were killed by stray fire from a gang turf war. Growing up the hard way with his brother at his side, Hiro became the leader of a small band of mercenaries at 19, earning money from guarding minor dignitaries and celebrities. Eventually, Hiro's band earned enough money to buy an old Ki-F5 transport and quickly got off planet. Now Hiro leads his 9-strong group in search of adventure and riches.


GP-2b (10)
GP-11 (2)
GP-12a Heavy (10)

TA-4g (10)
TA-19 (10)
TA-7 (10)
TA-5 (10)
TA-6 (10)
TA-3 (10)
TA-12 (10)
TA-13 (10)
TA-11 (10)
TA-17 (10)
TA-18 (10)
TA-2 (10)

BU-P10r (20)
AP-1a200 (10)
GG-4f (50)
BU-P50r (20)

(*note* this is a total for all of the mercenaries - ships supplies and armoury stock)

(*note* group size and equipment changed, sibling added)
Your character and his NPC faction is approved.

Please edit your bio to provide more detail on his looks ("caucasian" is not very descriptive. Remember we're going to have artwork based on the description at some point).

Really, owning a starship shouldn't be something one should do in a new bio, but I'm going to make an exception for you. There's only so many of the Ki-F5 starships around...it had to come from somewhere. I'll give you the YSS Hayashi (YF-46), which was for sale.

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