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Sarp Crashcourse Guide: Need input!


Inactive Member
During the discussion in IRC tonight, I volunteered to at least start work on something of a crash course to the setting of SARP, a single wiki page new players could visit and after reading through it should be armed to play in the major factions.

This is what I have so far: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=us ... _s_sandbox

EDIT: New page address here.

Of course, I'm not done yet (and won't be for awhile), but I wanted some input on what you guys think are important things for new players to know about the setting. In particular, I'm looking for the little things, the stuff that might not be immediately obvious on the wiki but which are important to know.

For example: Wes brought up that Nekos can float, and I've already tried to make it clear that the Yamataians are synthetic life forms.
I added a brief of notable sci-fi technologies present in the SARP.
Thanks Wes. After recovering from a party for nearly all of yesterday, I've added some more material to the page. I've fleshed out the Yamataian bodies section and have added a rough outline for a military/combat section. I haven't settled on how that section will look or be organized however, so as always, feedback is welcome.
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