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SARP D&D 3.5 Game


Inactive Member
Came to me in a dream, Yeaah. Anyone up for a game of 3.5 DnD played over IRC should sign up in this thread.

We still need a DM though.
Generally speaking, Five.

The one who suggests the game, is the one who runs it.
aye, that be the truth my brethern in the ultimate of nerd RPing. That being the dark and deliciously evil idea for DnD that I've been cooking up but hadn't quite figured out. I wanted to make a campaign where there were two sides to a major conflict and the players could lean the tide of the battle one way or an other. And an IRC would do it nicely. I still have to work out a few kinks but it might just work.
Actually, this talk of Tabletop RPG's prompted me to write a GURPS character sheet for Luca out of boredom. I think I'll post it here. The thought had occurred to me to see if the SARPG could be a Point Buy system. I didn't apply Tech Level or Reaction modifiers to points.

Aye, you'd be better off running something universal like GURPS or using the D20Modern version of the D20 D&D rules. I've got the corebook and urban arcana (some useful feats and classes for universal use, some with slight modification) as PDF files with their WEs integrated and D20 future as a series of Word (.doc) files.

You can use all the SI equipment as examples to write up 'verse-specific items, weapons, and vehicles for the PnP SARP.

Though GURPS will probably be the most flexible, I wouldn't know cause I haven't actually played with the system, but from my passing readings of the Traveller rulebook, it looks like it's pretty expansive and solid.
I'm willing to DM just about anything you want. Lots of experience at DMing.

I'd rather GURPS than D&D, though.
I can dig that. GURPS will probably work better for SARP since it's flexible enough to fold it in half, fold it again, then fold it into itself.
I've actually been postulating a 3.5 campaign thanks to the Elder Evils book. I'll get a story and general world dynamic worked on and get back to everyone after I get some of it done.
I have a 3.5 D&D campaign I'm about to start up IRL. It takes place after the God Wars, when a lot of the major gods have been killed. It involves the characters starting out as abducted test subjects that have been discarded, and have no recollection of the experience. They have unique curse marks, which were an attempt at fabricating them into demigods. It's interesting.
That's an interesting Idea. I'd join, but Idk where you live, how far it is from me, and if i'd be able to get home b4 dinner.
I am not going to join, though I'll help just a bit.

One thing I have noticed in doing DnD games over zee internets is it is very prone to failure in the first three sessions. This is simply because another game isn't done after the first, really. Might not be much of a problem with the SARP peeps, with JPs and all being semi-common. So do try to push this scheduled event down your players throats.

Second: Hypertext SRD. http://www.d20srd.org/

Makes it alllll easy.
Nice find. I'm down for that. It's been ages since I've played 3.5. 4th is fun, but does lack a bit of depth and seems a bit too overly structured.

I'll play as a Thug. Harry Daniels. (Fighter Variant Class in Unearthed Arcana)
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