Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP (non-canon) SARPG!

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Inactive Member
Yus, Star army (the) Roleplaying game!

ITT we develop a single character (Of our own) into a turn based RPG character using stats (HP, MP, and skillz)!

And make dream parties.

If we get liek two parties worth we might have a battle of sorts.

So no godmodding charries.

Yar! A random idea spawned by IRC!

[b]HP[/b] / [b]MP[/b] /


[b]MP Cost:[/b]

(Repeat as necessary) 

[b]Ring 1[/b]
[b]Ring 2[/b]

(Repeat weapon as needed. Limit to 3.)


The fact that I carried that out scares me.
Damn good template though.

William Howard Harrison

HP 140/ MP /20


Name: Sharpshooter
MP Cost: 15
Effect/Desc.: Crossbow bolts fired double in accuracy for [3] turns.

Name: Templar's Platemail Cuisse
Effect/Desc.: Armless metal platebody capable of deflecting light arrows and several types of melee without limiting maneuverability.

Name: Templar's Gauntlets
Effect/Desc.: Studded leather gauntlets used to guard against hand-to-hand combatants.

Name: Templar's Pauldrons
Effect/Desc.: Mid-sized silver pauldrons used to guard shoulders.

Name: Black Jerkin
Effect/Desc.: Black leather jerkin worn beneath the cuisse.

Name: Shredded Templar's Cape
Effect/Desc.: What was once a cape worn by the Templar Knights of the Order of the Silver Blade. Mostly fireproof.

Name: Winged Templar Helm
Effect/Desc.: Helmet with small wings on the side, tapering towards the back of the helmet.
Name: Hunting Pants
Effect/Desc.: Black leather hunting pants.

Name: Templar's Armored Leggings
Effect/Desc.: Heavy metal leggings that complete the set of armor worn by Templar Knights from the Order of the Silver Blade.

Name: Templar's Greaves
Effect/Desc.: Shinguards worn by the Templar Knights from the Order of the Silver Blade
Ring 1
Name: Templar's Seal
Effect/Desc.: Ring with the Templar Knights coat of arms emblazoned on it. 24 carat gold with an imbedded ruby.

Name: Boar's Tooth Amulet
Effect/Desc.: Hunter's Amulet
Name: Templar's Guard
Effect/Desc.: Large rectangular shield with an embossed center.

Name: Arm Guard
Effect/Desc.: A custom-made shield worn attached to the arm.

Name: Great Maul
Effect/Desc.: A large hammer. Good for smashing stuff.

Name: Templar Crossbow
Effect/Desc.: A crossbow emblazoned with the Templar Knights' coat of arms on the stock. Can be fired one-handed.

Name: Templar's Edge
Effect/Desc.: Super-sharp blade made of pure white steel. Gilded iron guard; elm handle wrapped in cured leather.


"I won't fall today."

"You call THAT a hit?"

"They aren't paying me enough to do this..."
hope he isn't too Haxx...

Kai Nakamura

HP /110 MP /110
Class:Magic knight


Name:Protective mist
MP Cost:5 MP for sheild, 10 MP for an attack
Effect/Desc.:A mist that swirls around low to the ground

during battle or at times of need. can be instantaneously

made into a sheild OR used to attack (weak attack)

MP Cost:55
Effect/Desc.: Powerful attack summoning large ice

crystals which are hurled at the foe, simultaneously

freezing it and pinning it to the ground.

Name:Ice blade
MP Cost:10
Effect/Desc.:coats sword in razor-sharp ice,

strengthening and sharpening it, also does ice-based melee


Name:Fozen kunai
MP Cost:5
Effect/Desc.:an immensely weaker version of


MP Cost:2
Effect/Desc.: Makes a snowman. what?

Name:Frozen corpse
MP Cost:100
Effect/Desc.: Freezes an opponent's blood. it takes a

while, and may easily miss

Name:Armor of the North
MP Cost:25
Effect/Desc.: Creates a suit of armour entirely from

ice, for a duration of 10 minutes.

Name: Winds of Destruction
MP Cost:30
Effect/Desc.: Summons a blizzard

MP Cost:

Name:Violent Storm
MP Cost:15
Effect/Desc.: Magically enhances self to be able to

weild a large axe as if it were a feather. Ensuing flurry

of attacks is utter destruction on one opponent.

Name:Calamity Drive
MP Cost:25
Effect/Desc.: Similar to Violent storm, but more


Effect/Desc.: A heavy leather cuirass, strong but flexible.

has plate mail in between the layers for extra durability

Name:Hunting shirt
Effect/Desc: A green shirt, great camuflauge in the woods.

Name:Holocaust cloak
Effect/Desc: A good sized, green cloak. used for protection

against the elements, and Camoflauge.

Name:Thick pants
Effect/Desc.:Thick green pants, good camoflauge in the

forst, still flexible enough for rapid movement.

Name: Beth and Gloria
Effect/Desc.: Well worn, but sturdy pair of boots. They

cost a lot. Nice and flexible for quick movement.

Name:Adonic ring
Effect/Desc.:Silver ring with an emerald in it. Said to

hold magic power, but it really doesn't.

Name:metal armlet
Effect/Desc.: A small silver armlet. Not much use, really.

Name: Light Saber
Effect/Desc.: A lightweight saber. Nice and sharp, though.

works decently against both rapiers and longswords.

Name: Axe of the slaughter
Effect/Desc.: a HUGE axe, much skill is needed to weild it.

it makes short work of most armour. the haft is 6 feet

long, so the thing can be clumsy at times.

Name: Longbow
Effect/Desc.: Your basic longbow. The arrows, however, are

magically enhanced to be extra accurate.


"oh, come on, it can't be that bad"


"you have my bow, and my sword, and my axe- woah, deja-vu,


Note: he doesn't have enough MP to do all his spells, and some cause him to collapse from the sudden drainage of power.
Camellia Sarri

HP 230/230 MP 80/80
Class: Rogue


MP Cost: 0
Effect/Desc.: Using her dexterous hands, Camellia relives her opponent of one item, as well as sneaking in an attack that deals 1/2 standard damage.

Name: Shadow Stitch
MP Cost: 10
Other Cost: One throwing knife.
Effect/Desc.: Using a throwing knife, Camellia aims for her enemy's shadow. Upon a successful hit, they are paralyzed for a turn. After the effect ends, the thrown knife corrodes to dust.

Name: Ditch
MP Cost: 15 initally and 5 every post the ability is active.
Effect/Desc.: Shadows from around collect and form around Camellia, rendering her nearly invisible in daylight, and completely invisible at night.

Name: Flying Wasps
MP Cost: 20
Other Cost: Three throwing Knives
Effect/Desc.: Camellia throws three throwing knives at her enemy, but, instead of directly flying at them in a direct line, the knives all split up one going left, one going right and one going straight up, they then arc and converge on the target. Aside from the Mana cost, the knives stay in play for three posts, flying around trying to attack from various angles. Afterwards, they all fall to the ground and corrode to dust.

Name: Flight of the Deadly Bees
MP Cost: 30
Other Cost: All of Camellia's remaining throwing knives
Effect/Desc.: Flipping backwards, Camellia wraps her arms around her torso, she then lands on her feet, crouched and curled over. Raising a steady gaze to her enemy, she slides a foot back and then, drawing both arms out and up, each clutching a handful of knives, she arches her back and lets out a cry, before throwing four handful in succession. These knives fly all around the area, randomly attacking her enemy(s) for five turns. When the time ends, they all fly back to her and re-sheath themselves.

Name: Feint
MP Cost: 0
Requirement: Camellia wearing "Rogue Doublet"
Effect/Desc.: Using a skilled fake-out, Camellia causes her enemy to misstep and leave themselves open. The enemy is staggered for one post and cannot effectively counter attack and must defend the next attack Camellia makes.
Restriction: Camellia can only use this ability once every five combined posts (so ever 10 total).


Name: Rogue Doublet
Effect/Desc.: A solid black short sleeved jacket of sorts, it comes with elbow pads.
Effect: Camellia gains the use of "Feint" once every five posts

Name: Rogue Circlet
Effect/Desc.: A black dorag that Camellia has tied over her hair, it's tied snuggly and doesn't shift if she's upside down either.
Effect: Mug deals half again more damage. (.75 standard)

Name: Rogue Slacks
Effect/Desc.: A pair of solid black leather slacks that Camellia wears over her legs. They're snug enough to prevent snags, but also loose enough to allow free movement.
Effect: Camellia's Dexterity is considered 5 points higher when evading ranged attacks.

Name: Rogue Gaiters
Effect/Desc.: A pair of black leather boots with an additional leather cuff over the laces. The soles are made of worked doe skin and thus are very good for sneaking around with.
Effect: Camellia gains +10 to running speed.

Name: Rogue Cuffs
Effect/Desc.: A pair of solid black gloves Camellia wears on her hands. As like her slacks, they're tight enough to not get caught on things, but loose enough to let her fingers move freely.
Effect: Shadow Stitch has the possibility to stay active for another post (75% chance of failure)

Ring 1
Name: Rogue Ring
Effect/Desc.: A black steel ring with a cut jet set in a thin wire cage.
Effect: Camellia gains +5 for her ranged to hit and damage mods.

Ring 2
Name: Rogue Ring
Effect/Desc.: A black steel ring with a cut jet set in a thin wire cage.
Effect: Camellia gains +5 for her ranged to hit and damage mods.

Name: Rogue Amulet
Effect/Desc.: An Opal gem set in a black steel cage on a thin black steel necklace.
Effect: Grants Camellia partial resistance from Paralysis, Fear, Poison, Bind, and confusion.

Name: Icewind Dale
Effect/Desc.: A twelve inch long ice blue double edged dagger Camellia holds reversed on her off hand (her right), the blade's tip curving up slightly. It has the blessings of the North Wind inscribed on the left side of the blade, resulting in half again ice damage. (as in 0.5 extra damage of Ice element.)

Name: Molten Core
Effect/Desc.: A cruelly toothed short sword made from what appears to be solid magma that Camellia holds in her main hand (her left). The weapon was made from the still hot remains of a Lava elemental and as such deals twiced fire damage. (As in 1x extra damage of fire element.)

Name: Dirk Belts
Effect/Desc.: Camellia wears strapped to her chest, two sets of twelve throwing knives in leather belts.


Preparing: "My, my, in a hurry are we?"

Idle: *Yawns.*"This is making me bored..."

Attacking (with Icewind Dale): "The Northwind blows!"

Attacking (with Molten Core): "Taste the fury of Flames!"

Mug: 'I'll take that!"

Shadow Stitch: "Stay still!"

Ditch: "I'm outta here!"

Flying Wasps: "Stinging Hell!"

Flight of the Deadly Bees: "Fly! My deadly swarm!"

Victory: *Sigh* "Sometimes I wish I had to fight for my victories."

Defeat: "Damnit! Is this the end of the great Camellia!?"

HP 110/110 MP 180/180
Class: Spacer Techie


Name: Spacer's chance
MP Cost: 30
Effect/Desc.: +20 stat boost. People get lucky! "Ah... Those lucky Spacers. They go through hell and back in the most dangerous of places without a sweat... But they always seem to come out with a smile. Usually a witty remark, too. Bugger."

MP Cost: 10
Effect/Desc.: Using her techie skillz she repairs that shit. Heals mechanical stuff +40. "She does a lot of things with that wrench."

Name: Summon: Kerigan
MP Cost: 80
Effect/Desc.: Summons her dear sister, Kerigan! "I swear together they are one of those unstoppable teams. Runs in the family, I bet."

Name: Summon: James
MP Cost: 70
Effect/Desc.: Summons the "dread" pirate, James! "Well I can't leave her all on her lonesome."

Name: Summon: Nebula
MP Cost: 100
Effect/Desc.: Summons a large nebula onto the scene. It then explodes. "Coincidently she always freezes up and starts shaking whenever this happens."

Name: Star Army Jumpsuit uniform
Effect/Desc.: A simple uniform with the ability to deflect MIND bullets. "She gets to show off her own suit. Psh."
Name: Hardhat
Effect/Desc.: Given to her by 'Tenshi to protect her noggin. "Hits her head constantly, I swear..."
Name: Short shorts
Effect/Desc.: What the-- "WHO WHARS SHORT SHORTS?!"
Name: Boots
Effect/Desc.: They were made for walking. "And thats just what they'll do."
Ring 1
Name: +6 shirt
Effect/Desc.: A +6 shirt! "How she uses it as a ring is beyond me."
Ring 2
Name: Dance of the submissive
Effect/Desc.: Wills her on via command. "You must whip it~."
Name: Family amulet
Effect/Desc.: A amulet with pictures of her nuclear family. "Always need something yearning you on."
Name: Waffle
Effect/Desc.: ... Tis a waffle. "She likes waffles... I 'unno why."
Name: Kung fu fighting
Effect/Desc.: Brings out her HO HAW skillz "She is pretty good for her size... But everyone always starts Kung fu fightin' when she does it. Fast as lightning... Its kind of frightening. Its like a funky China man in a funky China town... Not sure what China is, though. Came in my head."


"YOU ARE A EVIL PERSON!" - In reference to Datenshi.

"No, I did not go in the back and make out with my sister." - A lie.

"What does that button do? I'll tell you. It sets up a instant self-destruction system made to kill all the PCs upon hitting that red button. So... PRESS DA BUTTON!" - Kessah as she broke down the 4rth wall like it was a cracker.

"... Crap, I'm about to be quoted by someone.. Um... NO ONE EXPECTS THE SPACER INQUISITION!" - Kessah as she was being quoted by someone.

Random quotes, yus, but other than the first one I couldn't think of anything Kessie has said.
Luca Pavone
HP 200/200 MP 70/70
Class: Puncher


Name: Taunt
MP Cost: 0
Effect/Desc.: One foe pays attention to Luca rather than anyone else
Name: Haymaker of God
MP Cost: 30
Effect/Desc.: One of the most powerful damn punches you've seen. Knocks a foe back 20 feet on a successful hit, and 60 feet on a critical hit
Name: Flurry of Blows
MP Cost: 15
Effect/Desc.: Luca has double the normal amount of attacks, but his accuracy decreases.
Name: "To the Moon" Drop
MP Cost: 20
Effect/Desc.: A leaping, spinning, suplex of doom.

Name: Karate Gi
Effect/Desc.: Tough, durable cotton/polyester clothing with a blue belt wrapped around it. Has a blue trim too.
Name: Green Headband
Effect/Desc.: Keeps the sweat out of your face and keeps your head cool.
Name: Karate Gi Pants
Effect/Desc.: Tough, durable cotton pants.
Name: Foot Wraps
Effect/Desc.: Better than nothing at all.

Name: Opal Necklace
Effect/Desc.: Shiney!

Name: Fists
Effect/Desc.: ORA!
Name: Feet
Effect/Desc.: ORA!

On Taunt: "You're as weak as a baby fart." "Boooring." "Time to have some fun."
On Haymaker of God: "Aahhh - HAAAH!!"
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