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SARPY Awards: Best AI Artwork of 2023

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AI artwork has been a huge blessing to roleplay sites like ours and has allowed us to explore looks for characters and make lots of art for items and other things we wouldn't necessarily commission or make art for before. It's great to use as references for human artists, too. I have also used AI art as a starting place to create customized edits for my characters.

This category is for artwork that was generated by AI tools or based on AI-generated art. Post an artwork as a reply below and/or vote on the submitted ones and we'll see which one is the most liked!
Here's a nomination: Poppy in her Spacesuit by me! I generated the original on Midjourney and heavily edited it to make the spacesuit into a Star Army one, completely re-doing the colors, adding patches, and fixing her hair and eyes.

Upvote 3
Here's another AI art that turned out great: The EUNA power armor!

Upvote 5
I've got two. After seeing all the amazing pictures Wes was making I had to try it out myself. I've absolutely loved making images but two have become my base that I make all images from. First is Setsunu, who I have probably make more images of than anyone else because she was so elusive for so long until I finally got it.

Reactions: Wes
Upvote 2
And then of course is my beloved Sanda. She's been a ton of fun to make images of and I've got so many but for me it's got to be this one.
Reactions: Wes
Upvote 3
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