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SARPY Awards: Best Game Master of 2024


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Star Army has some great game masters who pour their effort into leading groups of players on adventures in the SARPiverse.

A great GM has:
  • a sense of story
  • knowledge of the lore
  • treats players with respect and care
  • makes everyone feel involved and important, and
  • guides the game in a fun direction.
Do you have someone who you appreciate being your Game Master and want to nominate? Post below and/or vote on the responses below and we'll award the most upvoted response with the title of Best Game Master of 2024! This is a great way to show your GM that they're doing a great job.
I am going to nominate @Wes for the YSS Resurgence Plot

Why: I've sat in on many of the weekly JPs. Wes leads his players through various missions with a real sense of fun. It truly is part of what makes Yamatai such a wonderful faction. I also have enjoyed the cross-overs we have done, like the "Other Side of Hope" open RP.
Upvote 5
Sorry, but I can't nominate just one person for this particular Award. They are in no particular order,

• Andrew
• Char
• Comissar Farzi
• Damaske
• Gunhand
• Wes
• Yuuki
• Ame

Why: All of those I have mentioned deserve the award in their own way, both for in character reasons, as those mentioned in Wes’s post but for ooc reasons as well. I added Ame in the list because I was happy she returned, and didn’t remember if I nominated her the last time.

Wes, Char and Farzi because of how patient they were in letting me play characters in their plot, and not calling me a idiot for playing something outside the norm (Important note: no one has called me a idiot yet except myself in the past)

Andrew, I listed because no only has he faced death and lived, but he invited me to play a Norian character, which became Illae, and let me play characters related to his other characters.

Gunhand, Damaske, Char and Yuuki, for taking the plunge, to GM a plot, something new, and amazing too.
Upvote 1
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