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[SASI] Shaklite Portable Worklamp


Lover of Purple
Inactive Member
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=sh ... e_worklamp

A small product for SASI, I was hoping to work on it more after posting it up, but haven't gotten around to it.

It's a small, light emitter similar to a glowstick, but rather than using a chemical reaction, it's electric and is charged by vigourously shaking the unit for a few seconds. Designed for those "Oh snap!" moments, it fits into most normal pockets, and isn't at all heavy, rather cheap to build too.

I'm mainly looking for ways to improve both the article and the item itself, not as in performance, but in look, feel, and use. I'm hoping to use this exercise as a learning step for any future submissions I might submit.
Okay, a few things are definitely needed. This is basically an induction flashlight, probably should say that somewhere to explain how it charges.

You misspelled the product name Shaklike in the middle of the text.

Need the following:
- A general topic sentence under the title header
- The in-character year of creation/manufacture
- Wikified (Nowhere do you link to manufacturer
- The Standard Product Nomenclature System
- Details
- Dimensions of the item.
- How long do you have to shake it, and how long will it run on a full charge.
- A physical description to explain what it looks like, since you state it is not a torch,
- How can you hang it or make it stand? Does it have a built in hook, is it flat on the base...
"You" or "your" should not be used in tech articles.
I assumed that the item was a small enough that it wouldn't require a fully formatted tech article, but if you still need one I can start it maybe around the middle of the week. I also left it vague because I was looking for people to pitch in their own ideas of what it would look like before I laid the cement, but my own impression is that would resemble a smaller version of the little lights that emergency workers and airport personnel use to guide vehicles and aircraft around at night.

The original idea for a glow stick-like device that would be reusable, thus the shaking, so yes, an induction flashlight, thank you for that. Currently to power it initially requires at least a few seconds shaking, after that...(I presume the user could RP it failing in a plot-driven manner).

The original plan was for me to layout the basic idea, and then have people pelt me with suggestions, an approach popular (and often successful) at another forum I frequent, obviously not so here. Anyway, I've fixed up the spelling and you/your problems, and added a changelog in case anyone else has a problem with it that they feel like fixing (will be removed on finalisation).

All other changes will have to wait till around middle week, but here's just a few other points that I've missed, or couldn't understand.

Nashoba said:
- Wikified (Nowhere do you link to manufacturer
Assumed it would link from the manufacturer, will fix.

Nashoba said:
- The Standard Product Nomenclature System
SASI is not listed on the SPNS, this is easily corrected, but the product itself does not easily quantify under this system, would M for Misc work as type?

Nashoba said:
- How can you hang it or make it stand? Does it have a built in hook, is it flat on the base...
Hook is based around most IRL worklamps, a small usually plastic hook at the end of the handle, best for hooking around a wire, or some form of nail/screw. Could be removed as appearance finalises.
Hey, first off, sorry if parts of my last post seemed...snappish. Guess I just felt like I was trying to get through beaucratic tape, but after a quick breather I realised the task wasn't as big as I thought, and began planning while I was working on college stuff.

Anyway, after ruthlessly plagiarising another page (ten points for whoever guesses which) I've cobbled together a format that loosely follow the guidelines set. If there's anything I've missed feel free to point out.
Hi Jimmy,

I put some Wiki links in and added the Nomenclature SA-G1-1a

G for Personal Gear.

And added SASI to the SPNS page.

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