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RP: Lorath Satin Sheets and Star Ships


Inactive Member
Nyli III, Princess Obelisk's Bedchamber

The bedchamber of the Fyunnen princess were not how one would expect a princess' bedroom to be. Spartan and rather bare, she made sure not to seem to far apart from those she was to rule. The walls held a few blades, and in the corner of her room two stands stood with both of her suits of armor, both battle and ceremonial. She sat as always on her nights off, cross legged on the bed with her blade in her lap, sharpening it with her wet stone.

Of course, as always on her nights off as of late, around the same time each night, there was a knock upon her door which announced the presence of a visitor.

The knock at the door did not go unnoticed again as Lrnec'Cdyn's ears twitched. Looking up from her sword she let out a small sigh and nodded. "Enter"

As usual, the door opened to reveal a leather-clad Fyunnen woman,
Lrnec'Cdyn's friend and lover, the gunslinger Korr'ih. "Good eve my princess, how are you tonight?" She asked as she stepped in, and closed the door behind her. When the door was closed she parted her lips in a much more relaxed smile now that the
two were on their own without prying eyes to judge and watch.

Lrenc'Cdyn just rolled her eyes at the honorific that Korr'ih always seemed to need to bestow. "You love calling me that don't you?" She asked.

"Only when people are watching, it makes them wonder how close we are." Korr'ih strode over to Lrnec'Cdyn's bed and knelt down before she crept into it. She sat down beside her and smiled softly. "That poor blade never does get to rest, does it? Always being slowly scraped away."

"If I do not keep myself occupied, Lady Sen'Ythy will toss me into the wilderness again. Last time she did it naked." Lrenc'Cdyn shivered a little, remembering the last run into the wilderness.

"She was naked or you were? I always wondered what she looked like beneath her armor." Korr'ih said with a laugh before she put her arm around her lover's shoulders. "Anyway, if you were to get tossed in the wilderness naked, I assure you I'll come and find you, and I'll keep you more occupied than Lady Sen'Ythy ever could want you to be."

Lrenc'Cdyn winced a little at the arm before she jabbed her lover in the side. "She looks just like the rest of us, and I was naked."

Korr'ih laughed when she was jabbed and smiled widely. "Just teasing you know... But I do wonder how many scars she has. She must have many..." Korr'ih looked thoughtful, it was the sort of thoughtful expression of admiration, soon though she snapped out of it. "Speaking of scars, I have news that may earn us a few to show off."

"And that is?" Lrenc'Cdyn rolled her eyes a little. Korr'ih seemed to never notice her scars, even though the princess had her fair share from her spars with her overzealous sister.

Korr'ih reached into a pocket on the front of the leather sort of shawl which was draped over her shoulders. She pulled out a data pad and held it in front of Lrnec'Cdyn's gaze. "I was told to bring you this, information about ships available for command. The shipyards have been busy, so there is a need for fresh blood to fill these ships."

"I see. Then let us take a look." Lrenc'Cdyn snagged the data pad from Korr'ih and began to look through them, wondering just what ships were ready
and available.

On the data pad was a long listing of ship registry numbers, class of ship, if the ships were already named there were names listed, and there was small-text indicating the load outs of each ship in regard to weapon loads. The primary ships available however were Broadsides-Class and Zahl Type 02 units. However, near the tail-end of the list there were headings indicating that there were ships in development which would be ready for trial-runs soon.

Lrenc'Cdyn began to look through the trial-run ships, running through the different specs and the such on the ships.

Korr'ih meanwhile leaned her head upon Lrnec'Cdyn's shoulder and looked upon the display of the data pad. Curious as to what kind of ships caught the Princess' eye.

"How about this one then?" Lrenc'Cdyn asked as she pointed out the Broadsides-class Cruiser.

Korr'ih tilted her head. "Those are so common with the top-brass, no unique honor to be gained." She commented before she turned her head so she could nip her lover's ear.

Lrenc'Cdyn frowned a little, looking at her lover as if she were daft before flicking her off her ear and looking through the others. "What about the Strike Force Battleships?" She asked this time.

"Outdated according to my studies... Its too slow, and it lacks effective firepower, more so since it utilizes aetheric energy for the energy-beam function... We're phasing out aetheric technology due to Matriarchy mandate ever since that incident with Melisson during that conference. The white beams on the Zahl-Class are even detachable to allow for use to be discontinued before the deadline hits."

"But they are so common..." Lrenc'Cdyn frowned a little and sighed. Tilting her head a little she flipped through the specs of the ship.

"Mmm, I personally had my eye on the R&D department's efforts regarding scout ships... however, they have been a bit slow since they've been focusing on mechanized unit development. However, a little nudge from a princess could put them on the right track." Korr'ih suggested.

"You want me to abuse my power so you can ride on a new R&D Ship?" Lrenc'Cdyn asked, sounding completely taken back as she stared at Korr'ih.

"No, I want you to use your power to get a ship which fits your individual needs. You don't strike me as the sort for these massive battleships, the Goddess forsaken things damn near fly themselves." Korr'ih lifted her head from her lover's shoulder as she explained her statement.

"I was just kidding you know..." Lrenc'Cdyn laughed and pecked her lover on the lips before keying up a line to the R&D Section.

After the kiss, Korr'ih released a soft sigh. The last thing she wanted was to insult her lover and princess. "You're terrible..." She said as she wore a blush.

"You still love me. Lrenc'Cdyn laughed a little and smirked before she sighed. "You hear that alien ship is back?" She asked Korr'ih

"Yes, and I've been looking over the data that has been added to the network on the ship and it's added components which they borrowed from the Freestate. Lovely information there." Korr'ih replied as she scooted behind her lover and put her arms around her waist.

"I wonder if they are busy or something..." Lrenc'Cdyn said to herself as she let herself lean back into Korr'ih.

"Who?" Korr'ih asked as she held her lover against her. She kissed the top of Lrnec'Cdyn's head affectionately as she smiled softly.

"The R&D Division. They have yet to respond." The princess replied.

"It is late, I assume they're at home with their loved ones." Korr'ih stated, however she was contradicted by a face which appeared on the monitor.

On the data pad, the face of a sky-blue haired Lorath male was visible, and behind him was an armored window... Due to the small resolution of the picture, it could only be barely seen that a number of yellow-suited individuals were scurrying about around some sort of glowing mass.

"Yes, this is R&D division, how ca--- Oh, Princess of the Fyunnen, what can I do for you?" The male asked as he bowed his head softly.

"Greetings! I was just wondering how soon you all will be finished with some of these prototype star ships? I was looking into possibly using one as a ship of my own." Lrenc'Cdyn smiled warmly.

"Princess, since you are calling this line, I would assume you're referring to our light-end starship program. We have put it on hold to study components from the Sourcian ship, however, we could easily resume our efforts if you desire such." The man spoke as he began to key in instructions to the department managers.

"If you have the additional manpower, of course I would deeply appreciate it. And if possible, may I possibly come down and view the ship?" Lrenc'Cdyn asked.

"Mmm, it is merely in the theoretical stages at this time. We're completing the blueprint and simulation testing. Once that is complete, we construct the prototype through our newer nanoconstruction technology. So at this time, there is no solid ship to speak of, I apologize Princess. However, I can send you the specifications which we have available at this time, and you will be updated with future developments. Also, we would be thankful for your input in regard to the design." Came the reply from the Lorath man on the other end of the line.

"That is fine." Lrenc'Cdyn shrugged a little and nodded to the last bit. "It would be a pleasure to aid you. As to the Sourcian ship, would it be alright if I visited?"

"It is far too dangerous at this time." As the Lorath man said that, he stepped aside and the camera zoomed in to indicate the Maras itself seated upon a landing pad... With molten metal leaking from the hull. "The Freespacers installed some reactors aboard the ship, which have inconveniently decided to go critical in a daisy-chain reaction of sorts. We're having to wait out the situation until the reactors cool down. Do not worry though, the Maras itself is safe and can be viewed by you at a later time, Princess." The man explained before he stepped back into the frame.

"Very well, when the reactors cool down and everything settles, please notify me. I would like to meet the crew and the ship itself." Lrenc'Cdyn said with a nod of the head as she smiled. "As to ship designs and any input, call anytime you think would be good, I am sure you know common Fyunnen schedules."

The man softly nodded. "I think I do, however I will look up available scheduling as soon as I can. Thank you for investing interest Princess."

"Not a problem. Anything to help." Lrenc'Cdyn nodded and smiled before giving a small wave. "See you soon hopefully."

"See you soon, Princess." The man waited for her to close the channel, however he did offer a wave in return.

Lrenc'Cdyn nodded before cutting the channel. As she did she grinned and turned to Korr'ih with a playful glint in her eye.

"That went well." Korr'ih replied as she grinned to Lrenc'Cdyn in return. "I don't think he could have groveled much more."

"You know it's been a while since you groveled to me." Lrenc'Cdyn grinned all the more now as she began to crawl up Korr'ih's body.

"Would you like it if I did, O' Princess?" Korr'ih replied as she followed Lrnec'Cdyn's eyes with her own as she continued to grin.

"My yes. I think you should grovel and worship me some."
Lrenc'Cdyn nodded and leaned in, licking Korr'Ih's neck a little, before whispering into her ear. "I want you to grovel and worship by screaming my name."

"My... That would be a wonderful way to worship you, my beloved Princess. But you do hate the title of Princess, what should I call you when I grovel? Simply Lrenc'Cdyn is hardly groveling... too informal." Korr'ih spoke as she breathed heavily, letting Lrenc'Cdyn take control of the moment as she apparently desired to do.
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