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Scalable Graviton Beam Projector Array

Grabbing and manipulating unshielded hostile targets such as some missiles, the NMX Battlepod (Type 30A), and the NMX Bomber Pod (Type 31A)

The last use is especially notable because it can both point the enemy craft's main weapons away from the defending ship, and hold them in place briefly so point defense can be more effective.

This is the bit I have a problem with. Tractor/gravity/whatever breams are not going to be able to grab and hold anything without catastrophic damage both the target and the emitter array as this would impart the same forces on both as a ramming speed action. Turning an object is also going to be extremely difficult and would require such precision that small maneuvers by the battlepod or whatever is going to throw off your ability to precisely pushed and pull on the exact parts required to spin something.

Then there is the question of how powerful these emitters are. All you’re really going to be able to do is push or pull, but at what level of acceleration? To be able to effectively ‘grab’ a battlepod you’d need to be able to put out the same amount of energy as their engines do (which is a lot) and once you get the battlepod within the beam the same acceleration energy it experiences will also be experienced by the emitter (which is likely to rip it off the ship entirely). Of course being able to entirely negate the acceleration of a battlepod is going to be extremely lethal for the surprised battlepod which would make this a weapon which would in turn require a DR raiting.

Just a tractor beam for towing and moving about objects close to the ship in a non threatening way is one thing but when you are talking about being able to affect other combat ships some DR/Acceleration/Speed stats are going to be required for approval.