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School Days? In my SARP, it's more likely then you think


Well-Known Member
So the thought just occurred to me when the Great and Powerful Wes posted this on the IRC room: Hot chick in a skirt. And it dawned on me.

WE NEED TO MAKE A HIGHSCHOOL ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ROLEPLAY. Naturally that means the above link is the female student uniform.

Like seriously, it'd be funny as hell, since we can explore the socio-political atmosphere of the SARP without super weapons. Now naturally this will mean we need to set up some ground rules.

1) Characters that exist in the SARP roleplay must be brought over to this, that means player characters who have profiles on the wiki. You can make a new sheet if you feel so inclined. They're normal humans, even if they're of a non-human species, consider the school open to cosplayers.

2) No weapons, combat training (Unless amazingly justified) or superpowers allowed. You're high school kids, not super soldiers anymore.

3) Unless the character is apart of a factions government, they cannot be a member of the faculty staff unless they are ranked OF-2/Lanranr/Elite/Chusa or higher.

4) You can romance other players in the school, but no instant relationships. Unless detailed in backstory.

5) There are three class grades in the school. First-years, Freshmen and Upperclassmen. The Upperclassmen are the Third year students and are considered third in rank in the school hierarchy after the faculty and school staff. They are to be bowed to by underclassmen and cannot be talked back too. Freshmen, or middleclassmen , whom are second year students and are above underclassmen but under Upperclassmen. Characters joining are required to pick which year they are by denoting in their "position" section what class they are. Under, middle or upper.

With those aside, we need Faculty members. I'll open up the jobs on a first come first serve basis, but the character taking the job also need to be able to do it, and they are:

(Awesome) Principle: Robert Davis
School Councilor
School Nurse: Taken - Hakujou Hakushi
Grounds Keeper
(Hot) Librarian: Suzuka Yukari
Cafeteria supervisor
HOTBLOODED PE Teacher: Luca Pavone
Composition Teacher
History Teacher
Mathematics Teacher
Political Science/Social Studies teacher
(Absent Minded) General Sciences Teacher: Miss Verdandi "Tweak" Tsukino
(Classy as fuck) Music Teacher: Kokuten Gaiasis Chiaki the 5th
Geography Teacher
English/Foreign Language Teacher
Computer sciences Teacher
(eccentric) Theoretical Physics Teacher: Rebeka Retena
Special Interest Teacher (4 slots. This role is for any non-standerd class curricula, you need to denote what this class is about and a basic idea of the curricula it will teach.)

Luca Pavone for Groundskeeper.

Best. Groundskeeper. Ever.

Cora suggests Luca for P.E. Teacher.

Prepare to Bullet Time dodge those balls.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, your music teacher. Kokuten Gaiasis Chiaki the 5th.

I want to put in for a first year student. not sure which of my characters I want to use as of yet but diffidently I want in.
Upperclassman kendo club leader, Nell "Belle" Rana. Not hot-blooded by any means, Nell is precise in how she directs her underlings and methodical in her interactions with others. Registered as an upperclassman despite being as old as a freshman, Nell was pushed forward a few grades as an advanced student (think Chiyo from Azumanga Daioh except not elementary-aged; Nell is just much younger than her bio page pictures).

She is a transfer student from who-knows-where, new as of the current school year. A few weeks after arriving, Nell was insulted by the previous kendo club leader and challenged him. After two bouts, she beat him in the third and never lost to him again afterward. Apparently she rarely loses again after fighting anyone at least twice (though sometimes takes as many as five bouts to learn what she needs to know about her opponent). The club started to claim her as their mascot, but she quickly voiced her dislike for the idea. Likewise with their tendencies to "protect her honor" by acting aggressively toward anyone who appears to slight her. Instead, the club voted her the leader and she fights her own battles, yet chooses them carefully. As a result, the kendo team is well-respected, but not feared, around the school, even sticking up for classmates being bullied outside the grounds by rival schools.

Her nickname is a two-fold pun: First, her name sounds similar to "knell", a sound made by a bell, particularly in announcing a death. Someone then twisted "bell" into "belle", using the term ironically since Nell has a rather plain appearance. Nell tolerates it, but few will use it as an insult and no one uses it as an insult to her twice. At least one person uses the term "Knell Belle" as a pet name for her, but again, it is only tolerated, not approved. (Yet?)

Also offering Miss Verdandi "Tweak" Tsukino as a first-year General Sciences teacher. Fresh out of college, definitely unusual, and absent-minded about day-to-day things but sharp and intelligent when dealing with anything in her field of expertise, Miss Tweak is still considered a social disaster and a target for a few of her students. Some treat her with kid gloves while others taunt her behind her back and play pranks on her, and the faculty probably only accepts her quirks due to her exceptional scores and recommendations. As a newbie teacher, she just hopes to get through this first year without getting fired or mentally scarred...

Her nickname is derived from Tweak's persistence in "tweaking" and modifying things...anything, actually. Also, behind her back, students whisper that it's because she's slightly "tweaked in the head", or crazy. She uses the nickname as her actual name because it's easier to say "Tweak" than to try teaching how to pronounce or spell her real name every time.

EDIT: Several times to clarify Nell's nickname background and definitions. It was poorly-worded the first time through. Another edit to switch her from "science club" to "chess club".
Question: Is it limited to human-type only, or are Nekos (Minus, say, everything that makes them a super soldier) allowed too? Because you know, high school without cat ears is just WEIRD!
Moogle said:
Question: Is it limited to human-type only, or are Nekos (Minus, say, everything that makes them a super soldier) allowed too? Because you know, high school without cat ears is just WEIRD!

1) Characters that exist in the SARP roleplay must be brought over to this, that means player characters who have profiles on the wiki. You can make a new sheet if you feel so inclined. They're normal humans, even if they're of a non-human species, consider the school open to cosplayers.
Now presenting the all-star hitter for the Baseball Club, self-proclaimed Badass and high-boss of the high school, the champion delinquent, the sultan of skirt-flipping, the king of lady-killers, the duke of delinquents(and detention), the czar of C+, the president of panty-theft, and that guy your parents just plain warn you about hanging around.

Middle-Classman Rolf Eastwood.

OK, since things have started slowing down, I'll allow student submissions.

Current clubs that can be joined:
Kendo Club
Karate Club
Tennis Team (girls only)
Vollyball team (girls only)
Basketball Team (Boys only)
Swim team (gender segregated)
American style Football (boys only)
Chess Club
Student committee
Tea ceremony club
Calligraphy club
Computer club
Going Home Club
Library Club
School Band
Science Club
Basball/softball team (Baseball for boys, softball for girls.)
Rebeka Retena once had a shot at the big time with a small startup producing what could only be described as a box-shaped life-saving device. Unfortunately, she couldn't find funding, since the mechanism required a live cat which wouldn't be alive (or dead) for much longer.

Consequently, while she gets back on her feet, she has applied for a position in the science staff, specifically physics -- though she does possess some knowledge of biology (how else could she tell if that pesky cat were alive or dead? ... Thinking about it, that's actually more a matter of physics anyway) and as such, tends to fill in for some biology classes.

She tends to speak in a thick and almost unrecognisable (Lorath) accent unless she speaks quite slowly and clearly - often making her appear quite condescending to those around her - to which she feels entitled, believing herself to be over-qualified, though what she won't admit is she's already been fired from a university in the area.

Consequently, she can be quite callous and is a big fan of making examples of her students in class and has an extensive list of memorised pet-names - though their test-scores seem to make up for it. The students pay attention yet she can't quite fathom why.

When she isn't sneaking sly drinks from a flask ever-present in the pockets of her lab-coat in memory of her start-up, or assembling a rube-goldberg machine with school resources, she seems to be exploiting her students for potential funding in pundit schemes. Note-worthy is the fact she seems to frequently outsource the marking of various papers and assignments.

Unfortunately, she seems to be something of a hypochondriac - going as far as to refuse making direct-contact with another person without a handy bottle of alcohol based cleanser or a pair of latex lab gloves. As a consequence, she seems to spend a lot of time (arguing) with the nurse, something she doesn't seem to object with.

From her pale complexion, she seems not to be a fan of sunlight. She seems to have a fondness for old teaching videos which she shows students regularly.
The club you permanently join when your ass is expelled.

But seriously, I think it's like a walking-home-together thing for safety reasons, if I had to hazard a guess.
If that's the case, and since there is no baseball club, Rolf will be in charge of the going home club! WHAT COULD GO WRONG?
Doshii: Only one club per student, as per Traditional Japanese high school guidelines.

And The Going Home Club is basically a sarcastic title for students who don't join any clubs and just leave school after helping clean it up.
Negative, Rolf will do no such thing as cleaning up. I guess he will join the football team... But he's a tad short to be effective at football... or basketball...

Also, y no music club?
Edited to have Nimura in just Karate Club. She will break your face.

This post has been edited to remove content (the word "bitch") that violated the Star Army community guidelines ~~Admin Wes (Edited by Doshii Jun to include the offended word)
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