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Schwert-class Korvetten

Abwehran Commander

Inactive Member
Abwehran Imperial Yards
Schwert-class Korvetten

Table of Contents
  • About the Schwert
    History and Background
    Dimensions and Crew Compliment
    Performance Statistics
    Inside the Schwert
    Ship Systems
    • Armored Hull and Hull-Integrated Systems
      Environmental Systems
      Sensor, Communication, and Computer Systems
      Other Non-Combat Systems
      Weapons Systems

    Vehicle Compliment

1. About the Schwert

One of the first space warships of the new Abwehran Weltraumflotte, the Schwert-class Korvetten is a small maneuverable warship designed mostly for anti-fighter and anti-missile roles in fleet taskforces operations. Currently though, they are being used as system patrol craft. Since they are weak alone, Schwert Korvetten are usually grouped into squadrons of five in order to survive. Though orders are for them to retreat if they encounter large warships due to the number of them available at the moment.

2. History and Background
In the year 02 AF, a massive project of building a space fleet began to be put into motion. This huge undertaking would be thought to be insane for the first few years. But with the design of the first viable warship, the Schwert, completed in just two years from the start, that insane dream seemed more plausible.

Unfortunately, it took ten years to build the prototype of the Korvetten. Testing was done in both air, sea, and space. Luckily enough, it was a resounding success and would set the stage for even better and more powerful vessels in time.

It wouldn't be until five years later when it would become proven in combat. A full squadron of Korvetten was able to pin down a small flotilla of pirates in orbit around Jaspis III until a true anti-pirate vessel, the Tempelritter-class Fregatten, could arrive. This not only gave the ship a true sense of being a warship, it also set up standard anti-pirating doctrine in the Weltraumflotte.

3. Dimensions and Crew Compliment
Organizations Using This Vessel:
  • Abwehran Weltraumflotte
Type: Anti-fighter/Anti-missile Escort, Secondary System Patrol craft
Class: Ay-S1-1a
Designer:Kaizerlich F+E
Manufacturer: Abwehran Imperial Yards
Production: Mass-Produced

Crew: 19
Maximum Capacity: 25
Appearance: Detailed description of what the vessel looks like.

Length: 80 meters
Width/Beam: 30 meters
Height/Draft: 15 meters
Decks: 3
Mass: N/A

4. Performance Statistics
Speed (STND): .70 c
Speed (FTL): N/A
Speed (Aerial): Mach 12
Speed (Water): 15 knots

Range (Distance): In-system
Range (Support): Three months
Lifespan: 30 years constant use
Refit Cycle: Unknown

5. Inside the Schwert

Bridge: Compact and cramped, the bridge of the Schwerts is only large enough for three individuals: the Captain, the pilot, and the Communications/Sensors Officer. The Captain sits in the center of the bridge with the pilot station within arms-length in front of him and the Comm. station an arms-length to the right. The bridge of the Schwerts Korvetten is not for the claustraphobic.

Living Quarters: Officers and Enlisted men alike live in a barracks-style living space on the third deck of the Korvetten. Bunk beds line the walls with dual lockers beside them to store personal items. The only officer with their own room is the Captain himself. Neither living space has a restroom facility built into it. There is a gym-style restroom area at the rear of the ship that houses showers and toliets. A small medical station also resides in the crew living quarters. This is a basic medical station with no ability to really perform difficult surgeries. In the event of an emergency, crew and captain's quarters can be used as one large escape pod due to its ability to be jettisoned from the ship.

Galley/Lounge: The most comfortable place on the ship, the Galley and Lounge are combined to create a relaxing environment to eat in. Though just as cramped as the rest of the ship, the coziness of the decor allows the crew a relaxed setting. The kitchen is more like a small kitchenette that still allows the crew the necessities of good, well-cooked food.

Recreational Room: Basically small gym to keep physically fit, the Rec Room is only open to those not on duty. This usually means the gunnery crews for the most part, but the other crewmen can use it when gunnery crews take over the usual stations for a while.

Engineering: The area located on the second deck in between the two ion engines of the Korvetten, this area holds the Fusion/Fission reactor of the ship. Producing power to the entire ship, Engineering could be called the heart of the ship as the Bridge is called the brain. A three-man team usually mans this station in order to keep it well-maintained and under control.

6. Ship Systems
Hull: The hull of the Schwerts is a mere starship version of the type of armor used on the Infantry Powered Armor. This basically means it is a multi-layered armor that is a full meter thick, compared to just the few centimeters thick version of the Powered Armor. The first and most outer layer is an ablative layer to dampen energy weapons such as lasers. Next comes a layer of high-tensile titanium with a layer of a heat-absorbing composite of ceramic and tungsten. The final layer that normally would have been kevlar to protect against projectiles is replaced with another layer of high-tensile titanium.

Airlock System: Though there is not a separate room for a docking system, there is an airlock connected directly to the Galley. This enables not only the Korvetten to have an airlock, but the escape pod to have one as well.

Environmental Systems: A self-sufficient system created to keep the inhabitants comfortable from the harsh conditions of outer space. This includes the recycling of water and air as well as heating.

Sensor, Communication, and Computer Systems:
CU-23 Multipurpose Computer System: A powerful and robust computer system processing information at nearly 900 terrahertz per second, the CU-23 provides the crew with all the data they need to keep the ship running. This includes diagnostic or critical systems, targeting data for gunnery crews, navigation data for pilots, and everything else needed. Back-ups of data are stored in triplicate and a virus program is stored in case a crew needs to destroy their data files.

Gravatronic Radar: Brand new to the Abwehran people, a gravatronic radar uses specialized sensor arrays to pick up the gravity waves emitted by everything larger than 1 meter. Blackholes and other gravitational anomolies have been theorized to disrupt the Radar.

Infared Spectrometer: A better and much more pinpoint detection system than the Gravatronic Radar, the Infared Spectrometer uses the heat put out by a ship or missile to target it.

Laser Communication: Using a weak laser, a transmission is beamed directly to another ship or location. It is a very good way to transmit encrypted data, but can only travel at the speed of light.

Radio: Ancient, yet still useful, this form of communication is still used by the Abwehrans and is decent for basic ship to ship communication. Unfortunately, it too can only travel at the speed of light.

Other Non-Combat Systems:
Ion Engines: The most advanced propulsion system in the Abwehran Empire, the Ion Engine uses a specialized coil on the front end to gather hydrogen molecules from the air and water on a planet as well as the gases from nebula. Breaking it down atomically and charging them, the engine then pushes the hydrogen atoms out the exhaust ports of the engine to create thrust. A single coil in an Ion Engine can gather enough hydrogen to power a Korvetten for up to three months of constant use.

Fission/Fusion Reactor: A combination of Fusion and Fission processes using Heavy Water (water with an extra hydrogen atom); this is a powerful and long-lasting energy source that lasts until the Heavy Water looses potency. It can never run out of fuel due to the constant splitting and fusing of atoms, but after a while it looses the amount of the power released after a couple of decades. In most ships, the reactor is specialized so it runs on fuel cells called fusion bottles. Fusion bottles are easily to insert into the ship reactor and decrease time needed in the re-fueling process.

Hazard Shield: A specialized energy field generated directly on the hull that protects the crew from radiation normally found in space. This field bends and deflects radiation from the ship itself and can sometimes give the ship a reddish glow if it should encounter a high amount of radiation.

1x2 80mm Laser Cannon: The Laser produces an intense beam of light and plasma that can puncture through any unshielded vessel's hull with relative ease.

  • Location: Fore area of Korvetten
    Primary Purpose: Anti-ship Battery
    Secondary Purpose: Clearing hazardous obstacles
    Damage: Serious damage potential against Frigate-class vessels and smaller. Damage can be reduced drastically via shielding.
    Range: 1 AU
    Rate of Fire: One pulse per second
    Payload: Limitless as long as the reactor can provide power.

10x8 Gatling Laser Cannons: Basically the same concept as a standard laser cannon only using a system of eight barrels spinning to create a rapid fire effect.

  • Location: Four Ventral, Four Dorsal, and two directly under the Laser Cannon
    Primary Purpose: Anti-Fighter Battery
    Secondary Purpose: Secondary Anti-missile
    Damage: Serious Damage against strike craft of various types. Damage can be reduced drastically via shielding.
    Range: 180,000,000 Km.
    Rate of Fire: 64 pulses per second
    Payload: Limitless as long as the reactor can provide power.

Anti-Missile Laser Emitters: Unlike the other two types of laser cannons, an Anti-Missile Laser is fired via a specialized emitter to create a sustained stream effect that can be swept back and forth for a short period of time.

  • Location: One Dorsal-Rear and One Ventral Rear.
    Primary Purpose: Anti-Missile Battery
    Secondary Purpose: Pin-Point Cutting
    Damage: Serious Damage to missiles while excellent for pin-point cutting. Damage can be reduced drastically via shielding.
    Range: 4,000,000 Km.
    Rate of Fire: One five-minute stream per 10 seconds
    Payload: Limitless as long as the reactor can provide power.

2x2 Short-ranged Anti-Fighter Missile Launchers:
  • (When not in use, the missiles are protected by launcher covers.)

  • Warhead: Laser - Laser Warheads a specialized devices that don't explode like most warheads. Instead, the warhead plating peels off near a target squadron to allow an emitter to fire hundreds of laser pulses in all directions for a span of two minutes.
    • Purpose: Anti-Fighter / Mine Clearing
      Damage: Serious damage to strike craft of various size, no matter if they are shielded.
      Range: 3,000,000 Km.
      Rate of Fire: Depends on the amount of tubes per Launcher (2)
      Payload: 200

    Warhead: Fission - Your basic nuclear warhead, this is normally used to attack capital ships since it is considered overkill for fighter craft.<br>
    • Purpose: Anti-Ship
      Damage: 600 megaton detonation
      Range: 3,000,000 Km.
      Rate of Fire: Depends on the amount of tubes per Launcher (2)
      Payload: 50

7. Vehicle Compliment

  • None
Approved, by the way. ^_^