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RP: 188604 Scouting the Doomfort

  • Thread starter Thread starter SirSPT
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Osman City, Palace

It had been a few weeks since Rubi had actually been back in the palace of city she tried to burn down. Lots of new faces from who-knows-where having been coming in and out, up and down, and out of almost every corner of the palace since the new "administration" set itself up in the wake of the first half-hearted rebellion. Now a second rebellion had loomed over the horizon, kicked in the door, and was promptly smacked back to the hills for now. All the remained was for a good old fashion siege of whatever hole they decided to call home.

Seeming to have a little too much free time on her hands, Rubi found herself called up to the office of the man who gave her the rank of major within the new regime. She still had the armor she was given and it still had some shine to it despite the inhospitable elements outside. Hopefully, this was going at least give her something to do besides chasing drunkard around...

As Rubi knocked on the door, Raphael called. "Come in." As she came in Raph stood and nodded. "Thanks for meeting me on such short notice Major." He said walking around to the front of the desk. He was decked out in his fatigues and a black duster.

Rubi returned the nod with a salute, seeing as she in his presence. She technically have never been a part of the army but things like this happen, right? "What's the situation, sir?" she asked, trying sound official.

Raphael smiled softly and returned her salute. "At ease Major, we have been asked by Ragnarock to perform a scouting run on Lewis's fort. The mission will be preformed via combat drop under the cover of night. I will personally accompany you in this operation. Are you in?" He asked

Rubi raised an eyebrow. "A combat drop? You mean we're flying in on this?" She sounded a little concerned at the notion before shaking it off. "I mean, yes. I will definitely be in on this. Been waiting to take out Louis since the last assault." The confidence tried to returning to her voice as she spoke.

Raphael walked forward and placed a hand on her shoulder. "That's the spirit Major. Follow me, let's get suited up." He said as he began walking towards the makeshift armory. "We are will be flying over the fort and will jump out. I will help you." He said as they walked. "Once we get there, you will sneak in while I provide sniper support." He said

Rubi followed after him, still somewhat contemplating the idea of getting into a flying metal box then jumping out of said box. "Uh, alright. Guess I won't be needing this armor for the mission?" She asked as looked over it for a moment, remembering the little encounter with Ronin a few days earlier. "Not that I'm getting attached to it or anything..."

"No, keep that armor on, I hope you won't need it, but if you do you will be glad you have it on." He replied as they walked into the armory. He grabbed extra rounds for his sniper rifle as well as it's suppressor and his pistol. He handed her a Zen Armaments .45. "Here." He said handing her the suppressor. "Screw that into the barrel." He said as he put his own Armor on his fatigues, then put his duster back on.

Taking a moment to look over the the little thing, she screwed it into the barrel of the pistol before holstering it. "So, I'm assuming that's the supresser I've heard about? Supposed to make shooting silent or something?" She said as she grabbed a couple of clips for it, or so she assumed. "Guess I'm ready when you are."

He nodded and slung his massive anti material rifle over his shoulder. "It nearly makes it silent. Not completely." He warned as he checked over her gear. "Alright. Let's get going." He said. He led her outside, where a Corona Heavy gunship was waiting. The crew chief saluted the pair. "Director, Major! Welcome aboard." He said as the two boarded the gunship and took their seats. "Settle in Major, gonna be a little while before we reach the target area." He said leaning back in his chair as the gunship took off. "Any questions about the operation?" He asked

Rubi took a few moments before stepping onto the gunship quickly trying to strap herself into a seat. After feeling like she was secure to her seat, she looked up Raph. "What happens if things get less than quiet?"

We will fall back to the evac point. It will be..." He had the gunship display a 3D layout of the base. "here." He pointed towards a clearing in the trees. "We will try to insert... here." he said pointing to the inner ring of the three walls."

Rubi looked over the 3D map, waving her hand through it to see if it was solid before a moment before shrugging. "Seems a bit... deep into the base to be jumping into. .. But I'm not the expert in the field of jumping out of flying things."

"From what intel we gather, we believe that the hostages are some where in there. We need to locate where they are being held so that when the raid comes we can make sure to keep them safe." He answered.

"Sirs! 5 minutes till we reach the drop point." The pilot said.

Raphael passed Rubi a comm device. "Here, put this in your ear." He said standing and flexing his wings.

Rubi took the device before plugging it into her ear. After a few moments of internal debating, she undid her straps and slowly stood up, trying to keep her footing. "You didn't say anything about hostages earlier."

"Yes, Cyrus is worried about civilian causalities. We are to go in, scout the area and find the hostages." He said moving to the ramp. As he walked the ramp opened and the air was sucked out. "Major come here." He said. "Hold on to me. We will glide in." He said with a dead serious expression.

Rubi shuffled her way over to the ramp, almost taking a peeking over the edge before stepping back a moment. With a deep breath, she stepped back over to Raph, wrapping her arms around him. "Just don't drop me..." she muttered as she held on.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He said as he wrapped her up in his arms. "Alright. On 3." He said

"1...2...3!" As soon as the word left his lips, he threw himself out the gunship, dragging Rubi along with him. He squeezed her tightly as they fell. "You okay?" He said into the comms, otherwise his words would have been lost to the wind rushing past them..

Rubi could be heard exhaling over the comms, trying to keep calm but more importantly, trying to keep some consciousness as they plummeted down towards the ground. Her grip around Raph would occasionally loosen before she woke herself back up and tighten her grip.

Raphael tightened his grip and held her tightly to him as they continued to fall. As they neared the ground he spread his wings and began gliding. He brought the two slowly down on top of one of the inner buildings and sat down with Rubi. "Come on Major, time to wake up." He said, as he quickly checked her pulse and breathing.

Rubi was barely awake as the duo descended upon on the rooftops. She could sense something solid underneath her as they landed, letting go of Raph before dropping down on the roof. Her head was still pounding and she felt like was hit by... something, but after a few moments of nausea, her eyes opened. "I'm up..." She let out in a some pain whisper. "Feeling someone hit me in face with a chair but up." She groggily brought herself up to her feet, rubbing her face to try and wake herself up some more.

He pulled her back down gently and carefully. "Stay down Major. We are in the lion's den..." He whispered softly. He brought out his anti material rifle and clicked on the scope, before screwing in the silencer.

It took her a moment but Rubi brought herself down to somewhat squatting/crouching pose to hide herself. "So, what's the plan here? Are supposed to be looking for something like a building?" She whispered.

Raphael pointed to a distant out cropping of buildings. "We are told that they are out in those buildings. I will guide you and provide overwatch, you start making your way out there. Stay low, just like in training." He said softly.

"Roger that." The major whispered before crawling her over to the ledge. Looking over, she saw a couple of balconies she could use to get down but the distance from the ground put her at quite a bit of unease. She wasn't used to being this high up most of the time...

With a deep breath, she dropped down of the ledge onto one the balconies leading with a bit of soft thud and stumble before stopping herself. Before jumped down towards the next balcony, she took a moment to try and examine the layout of the whatever the rebels decided to call a base.

The area was a laid out in a maze of buildings. The one they landed on was the tallest, in the center of them. As she climbed down, Raphael scanned the area and tagged the sentries. "There are more than ten on the wall. Keep the buildings between you and them. Start heading down that alley to your left." He said softly

Rubi took a moment to assess a possible before seeing on weaving through some of buildings that looked more like ramshackle barracks. "Will do." She said in a hushed tone before dropping off the balcony onto the one below, then to the ground. With a faint thud, she hit the ground with a bit of a roll before running low and towards the cover of the nearest building up front. As soon as she pressed herself up against the wall, she stopped and took a moment to try and listein in if there was any one patrolling nearby.

Raphael watched through his scope as Rubi moved. As she stopped and listened she could hear two sets of footsteps. As she waited, they walked by the entrance to the alley. Raphael watched the pair of guards walking by. However, they stopped and moved back to the alley and stood with their backs to it as they pulled out pulled out a flask and the two shared a drink.

Raph cursed. "Okay Major, your choice. Take them out, or wait and see if they leave on their own..." He said flipping the safety of on his weapon.

Rubil silently contemplated her options before inching out of cover enough to aim. Within seconds, the faint sound the suppressed pistol barely made much of any noise as she dropped both the guards fairly quickly a couple well placed shots aimed high. She quietly rushed out to grab both of their bodies to hide in the alley.

"Better to not have them around for the raid later." She said hushly over the comms. After a few moments of hiding bodies later, she made her to the alley entrance, taking a quick glance around before moving.

Raphael just grunted his assent as she took out the two guards and hid the bodies. "Alright, you are clear to move across the the street." He said as he sighted in his scope.

Rubi took another second to glance before darting across, trying to keep the noise from armor down.

Everything seemed to be okay as Rubi ran across. However, several guards appeared, looking alert. Rubi's shots were nearly silent. Three guards walked out with their makeshift weapons ready. Just as they were going to discover Rubi, Raphael fired off three quick shots. They all hit the men center mass. "Watch out Rubi. Hide their bodies."

It took her moment to realize what happened before Rubi heard Raph over the radio. With some haste, Rubi quickly tried to gather up the three bodies that dropped next to her and hide them behind some cover before advancing. "That was too close..." she muttered.

"Hurry and get out of that area, those shot's will be bringing them that way. Take the street on your right and hug the wall." Raph said as he looked on through his scope.

Rubi quickly hurried according to Raph's instructions, rushing across the street before leaning close against the wall, keeping the little silenced pistol out incase someone does come. "We still trying to be quite about this?"

"Yes, stick to the shadows Major." Raphael replied. "Take your next left." He added.

"Just making sure..." The thought to bring out the IAW was tempting to her but for now, she followed Raph's orders, taking the left as she moved.

Raphael looked down and tracked her progress. "The cluster of buildings coming up ahead of you. That should be our target." He said as a he heard footsteps behind him. He pulled out a combat knife and turned to find a guard, shocked to see him. He threw his combat knife and it slammed into the guards head. He lounged and made sure he was dead before he took up his overwatch position.

Rubi quickly hustled her way towards the buildings during the brief scuffle between Raph and the guard. As she took a position to observe whoever was around, she quietly radioed back. "So what do we do when we find the 'hostages?'"

"We can't easily evac all of them without getting caught. You need to alert them to stay together and stay down when the shooting starts." He said to Rubi. It was clear to the buildings and it was now or never

"So be it." She said to herself before sprinting across towards one of the buildings, quickly making her way inside before anyone could come around the corner.

As she entered the shack and she found three women all hustled around a stove. As she entered in her combat armor they all cowered from her and the eldest of the three, who was no more than 25, said. "Please don't hurt us. We are sorry for whatever we did..." she said trying to protect the other two.

Rubi simply raised a finger to her lips before quietly speaking. "Don't worry. Just stay down and listen to me if shooting starts..." She made her back to the entrance, radioing towards her overwatch. "Raph I've got three civvies, all women. These who you were looking for?"

The women did as they were told as Rubi spoke. Raphael voice crackled over comms. "It's not quite what I had in mind. But they will do. Explain what will happen. Tell them to inform the other slaves. They all need to seek shelter and stay together once the attack begins, and to make sure the guards don't hear. Tell them then move on to the next house and the next. Even if you are able to spread the word to 10 people then they will be able to get the word out to the others. Tell them they will all be free when it's over and it must stay a secret." He said as he scanned the area. There were no guards around the slave quarters... yet. "And get a move on. We have a window and I don't know how long until more guards show up." He added.

"Got it." The major responded before turning back to women. "Listen, you need inform the others beyond quickly. Tell them to gather up, take cover someplace, and stay away from guards. Move from house to house and let everyone know that freedom is coming soon, but don't let the guards hear you, alright?" She gave about a quarter of a second for them to respond before she made her way to entrance and waved them up. "Come on, let's get moving." She quickly exited the house before moving to the next to continue spreading the word.

The women looked baffled, but all three nodded tiredly and followed Rubi out of the building and they all quickly moved to tell the others. Rubi was able to get through to more shacks before Raphael called. However, when he called it was loud and urgent. "Major we need to go now! We been spotted!" This stammer was punctuated by the firing of his weapon. Four loud reports sounded. "Meet me at the wall, we have to go!" He called before alarms started sounding.

Rubi was exiting one of the building before Raph radioed her. It took her moment to unsling the IAW before she began sprinting to the meet-up point. "Will do!" She hollered over the radio as she dogged in between some of the buildings.

The sound of makeshift shotguns sounded all around. Pellets buried themselves into the building as Rubi ran. Over the radio the drops hip sounded. "This is Fenrir 2-2, in route to extraction point now. Eta. 3 mikes." The pilot called.

Two men darted out in front of Rubi's path raising their shotguns.

As soon as the two men appeared in front of her, Rubi was down on knees and sliding across ground, bringing the IAW up before quickly snapping off several shots on each of the baddies, quickly putting them down before scrambling up to her feet and continuing her run. "We really kicked the bees nest now! Don't let them bog you down!"

Raphael grunted in response as he fired off rounds from his sniper rifle. Rubi dropped her enemies. She raced to the wall avoiding bullets as she ran. She hit the wall and seemed to be at a dead end, when Raphael dropped in, and landed next to her. "Well, I've been in worse..." He said as he reloaded and squeezed off more rounds.

"Let's hope that flying box of yours can take some hits." She responded before joining Raph and firing off a few shots with the IAW towards the oncoming rebels.

As the two fired on the encroaching enemy, Raphael threw a grenade. As he did he spun and grabbed Rubi. "Hold on!" As he spoke he jumped and flew up into air. He struggled and flapped his wings to fly over the wall. As he soon as he was over it he began gliding, which was easier than flying straight up with an extra passenger. He glided till he found the small clearing. He brought them in and landed with a thud. "Oh shit... well... that was something..." He said as he tried to catch his breath.

With the sudden jerk and ascension upwards, Rubi let out a bit of a grunt and flailed as she felt herself leave the ground. It took her a moment to realize that Raph was flying away with her before they hit the ground. "Hey uh... Please try not pick up me often... That was a bit unexpected."

Raphael looked at her from his spot on the ground. "Shit... it worked didn't it?" He asked.

Rubi dusted herself off before standing up. "Yeah, yeah, just... Not a big fan of not having my feet on the ground is all.."

"Yeah... I see your point." He said sitting up as the drop ship landed. "Fenrir 2-2 on the ground. Let's go people!" The pilot called. "Let's go Major." Raph said standing and boarding the shuttle.
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