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Halloween SCSC Annual Salvage Giveaway - YE 38

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Second Chance Salvage Company will once again be giving away free items away to the public as part of an inventory-clearing effort and to celebrate the annual candy and costumes festival!

Here's how you can participate:

  • Reply to get 5 random items!
  • Prizes are selected semi-randomly based on what is in stock.
  • Some prizes may be groups of items.
  • Items will be available for pickup on planet Yicuqibu I.
    • To have your items shipped to you instead, please provide the destination and 250 KS for our transportation/freight costs.
  • If we accidentally give you a restricted tech item, please turn it in to the appropriate authority.
OOC: Promotion lasts until the month ends.
To: Second Chance Savage Company
From: Ketsurui Hanako


I heard that you are offering free salvage samples as a giveaway. I would like to request one of these sample packs. Please ship them to the YSS Eucharis, NG-X1-408, at Star Army base at Central Uesureya, Yamatai. Enclosed is a receipt for 250 KS shipping.

Thank you,

To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Nath Ash (Aashi Nath alias)

To whom it may concern,

I would like to take this opportunity to first of all, thank you for your kindness. Secondly, I would like to ask for one of your sample packs.

Again, thank you,

Nash Ath (Aashi Nath alias)
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Reactions: Wes
To: Second Chance Savage Company
From: ISS Dig-It

This is the ISS Dig-It! I heard that you guys are giving away free stuff! The resources are something we can't toss-out, whether it's good or not! Sending the coordinates along now, plus some KS for the shipping! Just make sure you don't throw it into the atmosphere of the world or anything like that! We need it in working condition, after all!

Dhaval Dhawan, out!

Reactions: Wes
To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Alex (USO employee)

If you would be kind enough to send me one of those sample packs, I would appreciate it.

Sincerely, Alex.
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Reactions: Wes
To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: B[REDACTED] Ayla Sozon

I'd like to sample some of your products if you're so willing. If possible, please see to it that shipment is sent to the attached address on Nepleslia. Also enclosed is the 500 DA to cover the shipping costs.

Thank you for your time,

Ayla Sozon
Reactions: Wes
To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Scratchjob Naffie blah-blah-blah

I would like some free stuff! Please deliver it to the ISS Dig-It. The captain has sent the fee, see?

-- Naffie
Reactions: Wes
To: Ketsurui Hanako
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

We have shipped you your random salvage items, which turned out to be:

* Type 30 35mm Machine Gun
* SSCC-XL containing Ytterbium
* 6044 wooden carts (Two wheeled, 300 lb capacity)
* Box of Fine Cigars
* NAM Ship-Based PA Assembler

To: Nath Ash (Aashi Nath alias)
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

The following items are available for pickup on Yiqucibu I:

* Pants that fit
* Ammunition Crate, metal, containing 500 rounds of 10x25mm KZ
* Box of 20 Star Army Type 30 Sleeping Gas Grenades
* 106 x Waterskins
* 20 x Pitons

To: ISS Dig-It / Dhaval Dhawan
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

We have shipped you your random salvage items, which turned out to be:

* SSCC-XL containing tens of thousands of chicken nuggets
* 35x228mm KZ (Type 30 Machine Gun)
* Large crate of various leafy vegetables
* Ship Mass Sensors
* Box of taco shells and taco spice

To: Joseph Aleph (Jason Argo alias)
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

The following items are available for pickup on Yiqucibu I:

* VBCS Vibro Chainblades (Short/Long)
* SSCC-XL containing sorghum
* 3 NMX Type 31 Field Rations
* 5 Shipments of IWI LCP-9 "Vigilant" Sidearms
* Barrel of Peppermint Oil

To: Alex (USO employee)
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

The following items are available for pickup on Yiqucibu I:

* Pillow from starship bunk
* Antimatter Munitions Launcher
* Civilian explosives, for construction
* 430 200-lb steel anvils
* 10 Classy briefcases

To: Ayla Sozon
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

We have shipped you your random salvage items, which turned out to be:

* Crate of Ammunition, 10mm KZ
* QNC Engine parts
* Lorath datapads
* Armor engine parts
* Bartender's Cabinet

To: Scratchjob Naffie blah-blah-blah
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

We have shipped you your random salvage items, which turned out to be:

* Large Crate of Nepleslian "SPEED" Energy/Anti-Sleep Soda!
* Large crate of various leafy vegetables
* Hydrogen/Oxygen Distiller Machine (just add water!)
* Small box of ammunition, .45 Zen Armaments
* Chilled nuclear-materials container containing Hafnium
To: Second Chance Savage Company
From: Yamashiro Natsumi

Hello hello, may I please take part in the givaway?

Thank you,


To: Second Chance Savage Company
From: Ise Momoka

Please be cookies!


P.S. please ship the cookies to Leo Star Fortress!


To: Second Chance Savage Company
From: Yamashiro Sakura

I would love to see what comes in the shiny box? Please ship the items to the YSS Sakura II

Thank you,
To: Yamashiro Natsumi
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

The following items are available for pickup on Yiqucibu I:

* Crate of Telescopic rifle sights
* Heavily Damaged NMX Tivurthinth-class patrol ship
* Recycled metal
* 65 x Wool Cloak (5 sp, 3 lb)
* SSCC-XL containing coffee beans

To: Ise Momoka
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

The following items are available for pickup on Yiqucibu I:

* 6 issues of "BOOM: HEADSHOT!" monthly arms Magazine
* Small crate of NAM pharmecuticals (Sedatives)
* Cougar T5 Tactical Aeroshuttle
* 793 Siege Rams, as in the kind used for medieval castles
* Box of 20 Type 30 Fragmentation Grenades (Black stripe)

To: Yamashiro Sakura
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

The following items are available for pickup on Yiqucibu I:

* New laptop navigational computer with interface cable
* Foam Nekovalkyrja nest pit, round
* Pornographic Magazine by Flash Bang Entertainment (Yummy Yamatai)
* 259 x armchairs
* Backpack of Medical Supplies from the NMX War
To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Ziara Wyld


I heard you were shipping some sample crates. I would be greatful if you would be able to send me one. Shipping destination is the YSS Aeon, and the 250 KS shipping fee is enclosed.

- Ziara Wyld


To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Lara Springstein

Hello, fine fellows.

I have also gotten wind that you were sending out some sample crates. Something car related would be nice.

Cheers, loves.
- Lara
To: Second Chance Savage Company
From: Nicholas Saiga

Maybe you'll give me another shuttle; very useful. Please send this year's treats to the base at Uesureyan Fields care of logistics officer Sanzugawa Mikan. I've wired 250 KS to SCSC's accounts. Thank you.

To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Thoot

Urm, hello! My name is Jessie Ee'ith! Thoot is interested in your free give away of materials, and would like to participate. She said she would much rather you deliver these items to her family in person. We are currently located at {SUPERFLUOUS COORDINATES REDACTED}. Thoot is willing to provide you with up to two hundred and fifty kilograms of ore of your choosing in return for this!

Thank you!

PS. Give us mining equipment. Do not disappoint me, Yamatai. My fleet is with me. ~Thoot
To: Second Chance Savage Company
From: Amanozako

Yes, please. Ship to my hidden lair, thank you.



To: Second Chance Savage Company
From: Oreza Dakkar

I am curious to see what comes of this.

Please ship items to Nepleslia.

Thank you,
Oreza Dakkar
To: Ziara Wyld
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

We have shipped you your random salvage items, which turned out to be:

* Baggy Nepleslian pants
* 10 Pairs of Protective Goggles
* Plasma Compressor
* Shipment of Whisky flasks
* 3 Star Army Type 29 Field Rations IS-Type

To: Lara Springstein
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

The following items are available for pickup on Yiqucibu I:

* 497 x Small Cask of Black Pepper
* Box of bottled cleaning chemicals
* Large refrigerated container of fish from Hanako's World
* 14 x Sickles
* SSCC-XL containing Potassium

To: Nicholas Saiga
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

We have shipped you your random salvage items, which turned out to be:

* Intact NAM dual-plasma turret
* 117 x Strong Wooden Benches
* Small chest of Platinum
* 11 x Clay Tankards
* Starship-grade sensor array

To: Jessie Ee'ith / Thoot
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

We have shipped you your random salvage items, which turned out to be:

* Atromos Particle Beam Rifle
* SSCC-XL containing Technetium
* Fifty Meters of Stonethread Cloth
* SSCC-XL containing Neon Gas
* 6-liter bar-tap bottle of Nepleslian water
To: Amanozako
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

The following items are available for pickup on Yiqucibu I:

* 20 x Bottle of Honey (4lb each)
* SSCC-XL containing Cobalt
* Crate of NAM ESGs
* Large box containing a slab of high quality marble
* Crate of NMX Sleeping Bags

Shipping is available for 250 KS.

To: Oreza Dakkar
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

The following items are available for pickup on Yiqucibu I:

* Airtight crate of Bananas from a Tropical Planet
* 1 crate (30,000) video discs of at least 100 different Flash Bang Entertainment titles
* Shipment of hair products
* 48 x Boxes of Charcoal (20lbs each)
* 85 x Bags of Chalk (1/2 lb each)

Shipping is available for 250 KS.
To: Second Chance Savage Company
From: Ise Nenene

Hello, I would like to take part in this, too.

Thank you
Ise Nenene

P.S. please ship items to Yamatai. Thanks
To: Ise Nenene
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

The following items are available for pickup on Yiqucibu I:

* Nutritional Supply Pack (Functional)
* SSCC-XL (truck sized container) full of cheese
* Interior door from a starship
* 202 x Hardwood Bookcases
* 989 x Sarcophagus
(begin legal text) *note: All my characters asking for shipment, have transmitted shipping costs to SCSC (end legal text)
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