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SYNC [SCSC] Salvage For Sale

From: Nath Ash [Aashi Nath pseudonym]

It is good to write to you, again. I would like to make a few purchases, totaling in 20,000 KS

Something special! Contact your GM! (Pirating YE 34, TC: 93-99, IC: 9264-25599-181) [5 Luxury Cars]
Large refrigerated container of fish from Hanako's World (NMX War, TC: 7-18, IC: 176-17751-25) x 2
Padded wooden crate full of mangoes, papayas, starfruit, and kiwis (Pirating YE 34, TC: 46-89, IC: 4151-44468-130) x 6
Box of 20 Type 30 Concussion Grenade (White stripe) (NMX War, TC: 85-30, IC: 2522-29487-105)
Box of 20 Type 30 Sleeping Gas Grenade (Pink stripe) (NMX War, TC: 68-34, IC: 2301-29535-94)
Crate of NAM Scalar Pulse Grenades (Pirating Nepleslia, TC: 20-80, IC: 1657-8617-98)
Lo-Moto Motor Bike - Regular Edition (A Basic Motorcycle) (NMX War, TC: 77-56, IC: 4369-33209-124)
Illegal drugs/boosters (!?) (Pirating YE 34, TC: 67-67, IC: 4479-17477-126)
Sex Droid (Pirating YE 34, TC: 97-95, IC: 9272-8702-181)
Box of Various Recreational Substances (Pirating YE 34, TC: 47-52, IC: 2454-25017-94)
Enormous crate of Nepleslian pornography (NMX War, TC: 28-7, IC: 225-4362-32)

Many thanks,
Nath Ash
To: Nath Ash [Aashi Nath pseudonym]
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Candon Suites Nitô Heisho

A while ago I contacted your company to purchase your Type 30 Mental Transfer and Backup Unit (NMX War, TC: 86-89, IC: 7711-72681-165) for a research project, you may remember my pathetically low offer. I am pleased to say that there is now funding for this project!

Your company gave me a huge break and I'd like to repay the favor. You said it would sell 100,000 KS. I would like to offer 120,000 KS for the unit delivered to my hangar by the Uesureyan Fields.
To: Candon Suites Nitô Heisho
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

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